[NSFW] When you start, do you feel an obligation to continue until it's over, no matter what?
In another question, someone mentioned being bored during sex. It sounded like she just lay there and thought of England after that (i.e., just did her duty). It made me wonder whether people feel an obligation to continue even though they are not having a good time. If so, why?
Does it depend on the relationship you have with the person?
Does anyone just stop and tell their partner it’s not happening, so it’s not going to happen?
What do you do when it isn’t any good?
What circumstances would make you stop right then and there?
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14 Answers
Only times ive ever stopped during sex was when its gone on for far faaaaar to long and I just cant finish due to some intoxicant. She has been taken care of and we’re both just getting sore so call it a night. Aside from that, I cant think of any time I havent unless something super super fucking urgent happened, otherwise, it can wait :P
No.It is rare that I would get bored.
A friend of mine told me that she asked him to pass the remote in the middle of lukewarm lovemaking.They are now divorced.XD
We’ve been told for the longest time that a relationship isn’t just about you, they’re all about sacrifice and compromise etc etc. It seems fitting to lay there while your significant other seizures on top of you for 5 minutes to make them feel better lol.
I never get bored…silly talk there. Did have to stop right then and there when room service showed up! XD
If I don’t have a good time or I see the SO not enjoying it I stop.
When I was younger it didn’t matter that much but still it’s sorta lame to start it and not try to enjoy it. Why did you start it then?
I’ve gotten bored, but luckily he never lasted long enough for it to be super awful. I had a nice little rest.
Wild stallions that just had an electrical current sent through their testicles couldn’t drag my arse in the opposite direction once “thrusting” has been engaged. It simply ain’t gonna happen.
I have felt bored with my ex husband but it wasn’t a big deal, it was only every once in a while and yes I felt that I had to continue until he comes, at least.
The sex that’s boring is usually over too fast for you to really say stop, especially if you keep trying to do things that will make it more interesting.
This only ever happened in a few relationships where emotionally I wasn’t in the same place anymore with my partner. When very young then I thought it would be a horrible injustice to myself (and vice versa) to give more for my partner than I was feeling, almost like they’d be asking me to be used as an object.
As I’ve aged then I see it’s not so much compromising myself as taking my ego out, respecting and not embarrassing my partner if they’re on and I’m not at the very same time. This is no longer a threatening thing but a loving thing, sometimes even a comfort thing. Getting older is weird. Good weird.
I wouldn’t say obligation.
No. I haven’t felt obligated to continue with sex. If it wasn’t so exciting, I would do something to liven it up.
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