Are bananas an atheist's worst nightmare?
According to these two sites, as well as a pamphlet I once saw, the banana is an atheist’s worst nightmare, because it proves there is an intelligent designer. What do you think?
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76 Answers
I read somewhere that it’s much easier to peel a banana by opening the peel at the bottom end rather than where the “tab” (i.e. stem) is at the top. Try it – it’s a ton easier.
@Seelix That’s actually how I open my bananas! Of course, I started that in case I needed to place one down like in a cartoon to make someone fall comedically. They’re always pictured with the stem upwards. :P
@Seelix I didn’t think it was easier. Yeah, sometimes the stem doesn’t break so you just have a bendy stem, but if you maneuver it some it’ll break. For the bottom you have to jam your nail in there, or use something to break the bottom, but I digress lol…..I don’t even know why I put that much effort into that haha.
I think it’s a crock, of course. I don’t even know where to start, but it’s just dumb lol. It’s the same as that bacterial flagellum argument.
@Blackberry I think the place to start is laughing your ass off, like I did. Then after you catch your breath, have some more fun with it.
@Seelix I discovered that this year also, only took me half a century… I watched women who come originally from the South Pacific, where bananas grow while grow wild, they all opened their bananas that way.
I’m sorry. I didn’t even get to the second site, because I was laughing too hard at the first one.
I know this is going to sound silly coming from someone who lives in the tropics, but I’m actually allergic to bananas and never eat them. I can eat my weight in pineapples, though. Mmm! Pineapple pancakes.
@hawaii_jake Pineapples are better, but that’s still sad. Is it with all varieties?
His young man friend sitting next to him is getting a boner listening to the presentation.
I think they “know” each other… in the biblical sense.
@incendiary_dan : Sadly, yes.
But I forgot to put in my answer above that the video is completely incorrect in asserting the stem is the top of the banana. It’s the bottom. Here’s a picture of them on the tree.
@Seelix , Monkey’s are smarter than us. That’s how THEY open bananas
The bananas we eat to day have been heavily modified through selective breeding by humans over a couple of hundred years.
They were intelligently designed…by banana growers.
I can’t believe I used to love that weenie’s show in the 80’s, haha.
That’s ridiculous. If it was really designed well, it would have a natural zipper so you could eat part of it and then zip it up to save the rest. As it is, you have to eat the whole thing or it’ll turn brown and mooshy.
@Sunny2 Lol @ a zipper. The same for oranges, too.
I do admit it’s kinda trippy how fruit comes naturally ‘packaged’. Oranges have always fascinated me with how they’re conveniently sectioned into 8 pieces.
That’s completely laughable. If this one fruit is suited to our hands (and monkeys’ hands, note), do all the other fruits prove that there isn’t an intelligent design? Or did our hands evolve so that we could comfortably hold a banana? What if we’d rather hold a watermelon?
For disturbing atheists, I think I’d prefer to offer these stunning photographs of insect eggs, which reaffirm yet again the observation that the closer you look at natural objects, the more complex they become, whereas man-made objects become simpler on closer view.
They also illustrate the principle of basic shapes in nature: polyhedrons made of triangles, pentagons, and hexagons, which are what you get when you squash circles together.
However, as an atheist, I simply admire them without having to think about a designer at all.
@Jeruba That is amazing; I am a believer :D
LOL. I’m going to do a video that presents my alternate theory: That the existence of opioid receptors in our brains and the existence of opium poppies and coca plants proves that the universe was designed by a drug addict. :-)
I love it, it’s not foolproof, but the finger thing is a good idea. But no-one God:( I think if there wasn’t a God it would be fairly f-ing obvious, but that’s ok, you don’t care, whatever.
The banana was cultivated by humans to get to its current form. Wild bananas are next to inedible.
Our worst nightmare? No.
“if there wasn’t a God it would be fairly f-ing obvious”
*looks around
Dub the dialogue and CG a condom in there and the first half of the video could be a safe sex demonstration.
What do you mean what do I think? It’s idiotic.
You’re going to take a web site named Boing-Boing seriously?
@incendiary_dan I am pretty sure I have done things to cower both bananas and believers. In fact I have seen a banana placed..never mind…I had a good 21st b-day in the Red Light District in Amsterdam.
My adoptive grandmother uses that video ALL THE FUCKING TIME to try to win me to Christianity.
This is blasphemy.
I think it’s a good case for a religious discrimination…
My car’s catalytic converter is:
Not suited to the shape of my hand
Sometimes far too hot to touch
Hard to get at if I don’t know what it looks like
The wrong shape for my mouth
Too expensive for most people to own
Filled with toxins.
Therefore, it is a lousy fruit. Clearly there is no reason to believe in intelligent design.
Sure, if men’s nipples are an IDer’s worst nightmare.
No. It’s more like a theist nightmare.
Um, yeah, that’s as a result of like a billion or so years of evolution.
The site neglects to say also that the banana is one of nature’s most perfect foods, nutritionally, and that the banana plant is a very “fruitful” (pardon the pun) plant, producing big crops of the fruit to fulfill human needs. Not only are bananas bountiful and nutritional, but almost all parts of the fruit and plant can be used by humans——to make textile fiber, cooking oil, wine, and paper.
There must be a God, not necessarily in the religious sense, but an unseen Power, that makes many things in nature so remarkable, so “perfect” that there’s just no other way to explain it. I was watching a nature program once, and the narrator said that “honey badgers” are among the most ferocious creatures in Africa——other animals, even predators, rarely mess with such a feisty little creature. The program featured a family of cheetahs, and baby cheetah kittens have a near identical fur color and pattern on their backs as the fearsome adult honey badger. It’s nature’s way of protecting helpless baby cheetahs from hungry lions and predatory birds like hawks and eagles——from the back, they “look” just like adult honey badgers! When predators spot a baby cheetah in the grass, they are fooled into thinking it’s a honey badger and keep away. What a remarkable design I thought. Something else is at work here. Not evolution. Something that can’t be explained by science or logic. Nature is filled with many examples. Even man is not exempt. When two people fall in love and become “soul mates” for life, that is part of the grand design too, I believe.
Kirk Cameron is always good for a laugh. Always. Except when he’s ruining a good show with his newfound moral high ground.
Well, since Bananas are one of a primates favorite foods, and we have evolved from primates, well, perhaps the banana is the missing link. ;-)
I think it’s a crock of bs.If the eye can evolve, the banana would be no problem. I find it humorous that someone thinks the banana proves the existence of gawd or a supreme being. I would think a banana would be a christian’s worst nightmare considering some of the sexual connotations that go with it sometimes.
@Russell_D_SpacePoet I wonder about the sexual connotation every time I see this somewhere. If the shape of that implies an intelligent creator, what does that say about the permissibility of fellatio?
I don’t see how the banana can explain the the existence of any god thus how can it be an atheist worst nightmare. All these interpretations for such small things are cool but they are just cool not actual facts.
Is shaped for human mouth
Wow, are they ever!
I mean…I saw this guy before. I think he forgot that if I’m hungry, I can just kill something and eat it. It all works the same LAWLZ
@Symbeline Shaped for a human mouth. So is a penis. Whatchu think ‘bout that, Kirk Cameron?
I think that the duck-billed platypus is proof that, if God exists, He is either insane or stoned.
@jerv And he has the best sense of humor. EVER.
God’s stoned, Jesus turns water into beer, and some old dude built a big ass boat and got a buncha animals on there and saved the Earthz. Also, some dude living in a whale for six days.
Fuck bananas.
Fuck those bitches. Bananas. Fuck em.
Butterflies have amazing colors… so does that make god real?
Dude, i dont know about ‘god’, but religion is bullshit.
I may have bad dreams tonight, involving Kirk Cameron and bananas doing unspeakable things together…
Re: “that makes many things in nature so remarkable, so “perfect” that there’s just no other way to explain it.”
Things only seem, in general, “so perfect” when you don’t look too deeply into them. Another argument I put forth against this sort of idea is my bit about the catalytic converter up there. It’s because the banana is delicious that we use it as a fruit – it’s not delicious because we use it as a fruit, except in the sense of continued propagation.
Besides, if the banana were so perfect as to demand a Creator, then certainly s’he would not allow the banana to become endangered, eh?
yeah, I´m sure the ´Designer´ is especially proud of the worm the burrows into children´s eyes and blinds them.
I think all that time in front of those bright lights gave Kirk a defacto lobotomy.
That video almost seems like a joke though. Notice the other dude near the end of the video who kinda ’‘backs off’’ at one point lol.
I’m so glad I don’t have to defend religious dogma any more. In high school, when the AP biology teacher asked the class if there was anyone who didn’t believe in evolution, I was the only student to raise a hand. I was then called upon to make my case for creation in front of the class. (Creation wasn’t an ism then.) I blush to think of it. Even then I believe I knew better and was arguing my position so stoutly just because my case was so lame, exactly as a mother would protect the weakest child.
Afterwards some of my fellow students—the brightest kids in the school—expressed their astonishment: “Can you really believe what you were saying? I always thought you were so smart.”
(Interestingly, I knew that two or three of the other students in that class were practicing, Bible-reading Christians—and at least one of them still is, as her annual Christmas greeting reminds me—but they discreetly kept their mouths shut.)
I think the humiliation of trying to assert an irrational position in front of my brainy, skeptical classmates out of what was essentially family loyalty gave me my last big push toward atheism. That was not me caving in to peer pressure. That was me letting go of what I’d been told I ought to believe in favor of what I could believe.
Thanks @FutureMemory, yours isn’t too bad either ;) @Jeruba if you like the photo of the insect eggs you might like this…just skip to the good bits.
I’ve been eating a lot of bananas lately. Does that mean I have to be a creationist now? ~
Fun fact:
When Kent Hovind (“Dr. Dino” who has a fake doctorate and is now in jail for tax evasion) was on the Ali G. show, he regurgitated his contest that would pay anyone who could provide evidence for evolution and that “man came from monkeys” a lot of money.
Ali G. responded with: “Have you ever eaten a Banana?”
Watch it here
@ragingloli That Ali G clip is a classic. I love how at the end he accuses him of leaving a floater in the toilet backstage.
Am I gonna go to hell for freezing my bananas for to make banana bread later?
No, it’s really quite delicious.
BLASPHEMY! Yummy, yummy blasphemy.
And Jesus said, bring me that ass.
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@Hibernate In a progressive society, it is usually better to spread education and equality instead of discrimination and hatred.
WE [all of us] are born equal. Society later makes discrimination in between us. Who’s society? People .. yey… people make it.
@Blackberry no matter how much you try to talk me through this, I know it for a fact that we discriminate every day. One is homeless. I don’t help him 7/365 because I cannot and I expect him to do something for himself. And if I see that person in a store smelling like crap I avoid being around him/talking to him/associate myself with him because he’s repulsive. I don’t hate him but I don’t love him either, I feel pity for him but that’s about all.
[ I used “I” in this example because someone might say that “you” would be name calling… just so we’re clear because in real life I do not act/.think like that].
Indeed it’s better to spend time and effort gaining education. But later it doesn’t really matter. Discrimination occurs at work places too. Two people are suitable for the same job. One doesn’t look that good. Who’s gonna get the job?
Hypothetical situations above.
@Hibernate, written like someone who has never been witness to a truer and more just society. I wish that you could see the benefits of working toward a more progressive society, as @Blackberry refers to, rather than seem so resigned and insular in your contemplations.
I’d like to point something out, @Hibernate.
Point #1: “One is homeless. I don’t help him 7/365 because I cannot and I expect him to do something for himself. And if I see that person in a store smelling like crap I avoid being around him…”
Point #2: “Two people are suitable for the same job. One doesn’t look that good. Who’s gonna get the job?”
I grant that both of these points are very likely true, but can you see how they reinforce each other? A smelly homeless dude probably isn’t going to get the job he needs to “do something for himself,” such as be able to afford rent at a cheap apartment that he can use as a place to wash off and sleep so he can be presentable to get a job that will enable him to do something for himself. For many of these folks, it’s a vicious circle that’s worn a groove so deep, it’s hard to get out of without that first hand up.
But sometimes, @laureth these people HAVE been given a hand up. They stay up just enough to get something, then they go back down and wait for another hand-up, hand-out.
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