What in the world could have just bitten/stung me?
I just stepped out of my back door, I took a couple of steps and felt a sharp pain in the back of my ankle. I jumped and pulled up my pantleg to look, and there was a big, red welt there. Just then, I felt the same sharp pain in my thigh, slapped my leg, and felt something in my pantleg. I panicked and ripped off my pants and ran into the house.
Now I have two, burning welts on my leg each about the size of a nickel. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear I was stung by a wasp… but it’s 1 in the morning and I didn’t hear or see a bee. What could have bitten me?
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21 Answers
Bees and wasps are asleep at 1:00 am usually.
I would have been totally freaked! I have no idea what it might have been. I am interested to see the answers. Maybe it was a spider?
@JLeslie is right. Wasps are, thankfully, asleep at this time of night. A spider maybe, as suggested?
I called my dad, who usually has answers to this sort of thing… and he suggested a spider, too. That’s pretty horrifying. That really hurt. It still hurts, my whole leg is throbbing. :\
If your whole leg is affected maybe you should go to the doctor? I almost never recommend running to a doctor, but you are the second person tonight I have suggested they possibly should.
Keep an eye on it, at the very least. Spider bites (and I’m guessing that’s what it is) can turn ugly. Friend of mine got spider-bitten recently; he’s been in and out of the hospital a couple times already.
Well, I plan to watch it, anyhow. I have seen some really horrific spider bites, and I don’t plan to mess around. The welts haven’t gotten any worse, yet, and it doesn’t hurt anymore. So… I have no idea. I’ll definitely watch it, though.
Could be a spider @ANef_is_Enuf. That was my first thought too. Do you have red backs there? Black Widow spiders? I believe, the pain when you are bitten is very bad. Are you feeling okay otherwise? If you start to feel even a little sick, go to the doctor.
@Bellatrix no, we don’t have them here. I feel fine, I feel great right this second, actually. I’ll be cautious, though.
Must have been a nasty spider. How gross.
I agree. Keep an eye on the bite site too. My husband was bitten by a white tailed spider and has a HUGE dent in his leg now. Took ages for the wound to heal. It was one of those Necrotising arachnidism things Link
I refuse to click that link because I know what “necrotising arachnidism” means.
There are no pictures (I don’t think!). Good you know. Just making sure you are aware. Amazing how such little critters can cause such pain and grief.
@Bellatrix thank you. I do appreciate it. I just also have to sleep tonight. :)
Can you make or do you have a poultice that you can apply to the bites?
It must have been a brown ant. Welts are caused by stinging of that ant.
Ewwww. I’m guessing spider, too. Definitely keep an eye on those bites. I apologize profusely for giggling at the thought of you ditching your pants outside, too.
@augustlan the worst part is that I was going commando. But I think that is what prompted me to take the pants off, I feared where the next bite might be. :D
Laughing even harder. Sorry!
OOh that could have been very nasty! :D
So! How’s the bite looking?
They’re gone. Healed up just fine. Thanks for asking. :) No clue what it was, but at least it wasn’t anything major.
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