NSFW: Do guys find pornstars attractive?
Would you love to sleep with a pornstar?
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81 Answers
It depends. I personally don’t find the overly breast augmented pornstars attractive, but there are some pornstars that I do find attractive. I know people who have the exact opposite taste to me though.
Of course not. They just masturbate to porn stars because they can’t find a suitable substitute. It’s amazing that the porn industry still exists, really. ~
I’m totally copying this from The Hairpin’s Ask A Dude. (So, men, tell me if this Dude is right).
There’s a term that all guys use to describe a certain kind of look. It’s called “porn star hot.” While it’s typically reserved for waitresses and bartenders at Irish pubs with year-round Christmas lights and themed barbeque joints, I mention it for to assuage your fears of porn stars as fantasy girls. ‘Cause when a guy utters this description it’s not really a compliment. He’s basically saying that while he would definitely do her in her room of unframed French spirits posters he would never endeavor to see her again, date the lass, or bring her home to mom. These women aren’t our life fantasies. They’re momentary distractions and cognitive descents into the depths of our own insecurities, and onscreen they’re fleshy avatars symbolizing a sobering desire for unfettered willingness and submissiveness rarely realized in our everyday lives. We also dig on moaning sounds.
Some are. Some have their own little looks that stick out, but for the greater part, I’m just like, meh. I like porn because of the dumb stories they put in them, and the ideas that set a premise for whatever you’re watching. It’s cool to use my imagination and place myself in some settings that intrigue me, and make it more realistic in my head by using familiar elements and people. Even if the pornstars in a particular flick or skit are fugmo.
For looks, I like amateur porn way better.
Yes, would I date or have sex with one? Probably not.
Yeah sure, I wouldn’t have a problem to sleep with one.
No sex, though.
He would rip me apart, Ron J.
@Aethelflaed I think that’s the first time I’ve heard the expression “porn star hot”, so if there was any question of whether that quote was inaccurate hyperbole or not, there you go. But yes, theoretical/fantasy sexual attraction isn’t the same at all as “want a relationship with”, and the type of women in porn tend to be in the first rather than the second category. Similarly, men are (or think they are) generally willing to have sex with a very wide range of women, whom they don’t want relationships with. Often men also aren’t straight, in their own minds and/or with other women or men, about whom they would want to actually have sex with.
Hardcore porn women, no.
Soft-core porn women, yes.
Not porn stars with augmented boobs, but there are a few women in porn that really, really are scorching hot.
If you asked me a few years ago yeah but now not that much.
Nah, bubble breasted, lip explosion caricatures.
Nothing better than the real thing…...& i’m not talking about coke ;¬}
Some porn stars are women naturally pleasing to the eye although once “enhanced” with breasts implants, they often look fake. As objects of fantasy, they arouse sexual interest (pun intended). They are not generally personally attractive to me. Why then would I really want to bed them? Bragging rights are hardly a sufficient motivation for me, at least.
Most porn actresses are not terribly attractive to me. Like @amujinx, silicon boobs don’t do it for me, neither does completely shaved vulva. Women in porn don’t really look like they are enjoying it, for me there is no turn on like having a partner really enjoying the sex and becoming orgasmic.
It depends on who it is. They aren’t created equal.
It seriously depends on who it is.
Some porn stars are icky-looking, dumb caricatures (to borrow ucme’s very appropriate word). Others seem to have really great personalities/intellect and natural beauty.
Depends. I don’t want to “sleep” with a crazy pornstar (Don’t stick your dick in crazy) or one who has STDs.
Great Caesar’s ghost, in every profession there are women that would or could be considered ”boinkable” even insurance saleswomen. Most porn starts with plastered on war paint and fake boobs to me are a non-started. That is to say there are differences, amateur girls who just happened to have done porn is different. When I was younger I could have done them, and done them good. I am older now and see those encounters like getting a sip of cold tea, 7up, or pineapple/orange nectar then having someone snatch the glass away. No matter how good you think it is it will never be as good as it can, in your mind you will always feel you missed something and since you can’t get a second chance, and even if you have more than one bite of the cherry, it seems more borrowed than owned. Just because she is a porn star do not spell automatic hot salacious or sexy.
@Hypocrisy_Central Ya I have encountered some, er…, attractive and friendly insurance saleswomen.
@Zaku Is that code for they were “boinkable”?
@Hypocrisy_Central LOL! Attractive and friendly and well, yes, boinkable too. Could’ve been potential girlfriends too if I hadn’t been attached, and if I didn’t despise the insurance industry.
Oh Gawd NO.
Thad’ be like buying a overly used car with a hundred previous owners who treated it like shit. I only drive new or slightly used.
@Hypocrisy_Central Most porn starts with plastered on war paint and fake boobs to me are a non-started.
I guess it depends on who it is. Some of the more, uh…“fake” ones, though, not so much.
@FutureMemory They are a non-starter, I don’t even pay enough attention to them to ignore them.
@Zaku That makes sense.
I, personally, find that most porn stars aren’t that… pretty, I guess. Like, they have nice bodies, but they’d never win contests for most beautiful or prettiest girl in their high school. It seems more that they’re willing to do it than that they’re pretty. Which is a shame, because for me, the face is a huge decider in if I find you attractive or not.
@Hypocrisy_Central I wish I could get you to proof read your posts before you press the button on them. Can you see how what you wrote makes no sense whatsoever because of your mistakes? I couldn’t even make an educated guess on what you were trying to say, it was so nonsensical. Seriously bro.
I didn’t read the answers. I don’t want to know about it. And @QueenOfNowhere, I think if you ask too many questions about the opposite sex, you won’t be in love, but very very grossed out and just ‘really?!?’ 8 0
@lemming So you’re basically saying you don’t like the question or the topic in general – that’s the point of your post?
@FutureMemory I’m giving the young girl some advice. We learn things on the internet that we would never know in real life.
Such is life. If you want to learn about something you have to take the chance that some details you hear will be ‘unappealing’.
@lemming Knowledge usually leads to empowerment, and love based on ignorance isn’t real love.
Some are, but a lot aren’t. I think working late til all hours of the night, under those intense lights, as well as undergoing constant plastic surgery makes many of them all old and wrinkly, and bizarre looking.
The naturally beautiful and bosomy ones catch my eye, though, even if they are dumb and empty-headed.
This girl is in some of the raunchiest porn you can find and yet I think she is stunningly beautiful. She’s really damn smart to boot.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Nice. Though, she seems more the exception than the rule. Of course, it’s always a case-by-case basis for who’s hot and who’s not.
@Joker94 yep. I have a giant crush on her.
She has so much war paint on if she lit a cigarette something might combust! Brows teased and over done, way to much makeup, I can only guess what has been tip/tucked, sucked, or have been lasered.
No. I don’t like shaved or trimmed bushes. I don’t like tatoos. And I don’t like ridiculously faked plastic boobs. I think real people are far more sexy that these caricatures.
@ETpro What about real people with tattoos? :p
@ETpro Or real people with shaved or trimmed bushes? :p
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard For me, not with porn stars. If they’re bosomy and gorgeous, the dumber the better. That way I can ply them with wine and take advantage of them. ;)
@Aethelflaed & @Symbeline No accounting for tastes. I don’t like those things on anyone. I know I am in a distinct minority today, but hey, I’m used to that.
There are plenty of natural looking amateur porn stars that are very beautiful. As far as the stereotypical bleached hair, extreme eye make up look, I find that VERY unattractive. Add fake tits and a fake than, plus the obligatory tramp stamp tattoo, and I’m ready to vomit.
Man, men are really hard on women. Half can’t stand them unless they’re thin and fit and shaved and tucked, the other half are ready to puke if the women aren’t “real” and “natural” enough.
@Aethelflaed We are talking about a pornstars here though, which is basically talking fantasy. In a fantasy, people tend to over idealize their preferences. In actual life I, and I’m sure most if not all of the men who have answered, are much more accepting than appears here. For porn, I could care less about how smart an ‘actress’ is, but in real life, I’m like @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard , I prefer intelligent women, to the point that I won’t waste my time on the ‘dumb party girl’ stereotypes, no matter how they look. Porn is all looks, no real substance, so the looks department tends to get overworked to an outrageous degree to compensate for that lack.
@Aethelflaed You’re complaining about men preferring a natural looking woman? That’s a first.
There are plenty of women in porn that I wouldn’t personally find attractive, but they still have careers for a reason. I might not be interested in breast augmentation in a woman, but someone with a breast fetish probably is. A lot of the women in porn that might be considered unattractive to the majority make films serving a minority that wants something very specific. No woman can will ever be universally attractive to every straight male (or gay female), but those in porn are almost always there because some subset wants to see them or what they do. Just because you personally don’t find a woman attractive doesn’t mean no one ever could.
@FutureMemory Mmm, not quite. I think that often, when men complain about “fake” women, they do it on the internet, but then still go home with the women who have invested a lot in their appearance. I think men often have an idea about what a “real” woman looks like, and maybe it’s more realistic than what you see in Vogue but it still sidelines all the women who, solely through God’s good graces, don’t fit that picture. Many, many men that complain about “fake” women still want women to look a certain way, they’re just also demanding that those women can’t really do much to change how they look, making it so that either you’re hot or you’re not, and if you’re not, you’re screwed. But really, it’s the hyperbole (I’m assuming) that goes so far – the comments that men would never, ever date a woman who had a boob job, or vomit if she had a fake tan seem to be a largely gendered phenomenon, because what I hear from women is almost always “Eh, not a turn on, probably not for me, but never say never”. It’s this hyperbole that forces women to turn to botox and cosmetic surgery in the first place, so it doesn’t really feel like the words of a Male Ally.
@Aethelflaed I’ve already stated my case. Here it is again:
* You hear about things on the internet that you would never hear in the real world.
*Young girls like her and I, shouldn’t know about these things, because they may leave us feeling disgusted.
~~>She is better off not knowing. (I don’t think it is too wild of a suggestion that we are better off not knowing everything.)
@lemming And I don’t think burying one’s head in the sand helps anything.
Makes sense. She’s entering the mainstream film industry now.
Yeah. It was a few years ago and basically praised her and said she was going further. It’s impressive how she’s meshing the lines between the two film industries, though.
As for the question, though, I figure that porn stars encapsulate an aspect of the “bad girl” image that men like. Rebels are attractive, and the porn industry is scorned by the general upstanding society (at least, as far as appearances go). Fast women have a certain appeal at times, and there isn’t anybody faster than a porn star. Porn itself, though, is a caricature of sex, so why not have porn stars be caricatures of women as well, to use @ucme‘s term. In the world of porn, everybody is more than willing to bone and bone hard. There’s no relationships to worry about, no bosses that can’t be subdued by the sheer power of your sex, no nagging teachers that can’t be, either. True, at its heart, porn is something to merely masturbate, too, but it reflects society as much as anything and the dream people have of getting what the want easily and the Freudian desire to have massive amounts of sex. Porn stars, however, are attractive because they’re willing to show all they have and give it all they’ve got, literally, and because they’re not somebody you’d want to know or have a committed relationship with. They’re just there, ready and willing to show you their nether-regions for the price of a Google search.
Mila Kunis is also making a name for herself in roles that, while not sexually explicit, cast her in the bad girl role. First, __Black Swan__ .And now in __Friends with Benefits__ which to me could be seen as pushing the envelope, ever so slightly, in the direction of sex without commitment being ok for a “good girl” It almost like she is taking the opposite route to Sasha Grey. I think this says that the line is being blurred a bit. A porn star can get credibility and maistream acceptance as well as a certain amount of respect for acting skills and a “respectable” (for lack of a better word) actress can go bad girl and get more of an edge, yet still be seen as a “serious” actress.
@QueenOfNowhere Some gals find porn stars attractive, too. Not all of them, and sometimes I find the women attractive without liking the kind of porn they do (which kind of sucks). Some porn stars look like they had to crawl through a shredder to get to the set, but some of them are really beautiful.
Yes, beautiful. Look at Tia Tanaka, Heather Carolin, the already-mentioned Sasha Grey, Eva Angelina, Aoi Sora, and Jenna Haze (though she might be considered more cute than beautiful).
These women are all quite lovely, even if a pornographic context (or just an association with porn) prevents some people from seeing it.
Those pictures are all SFW, by the way.
I’m sorry but all these women look like they are dead inside…it’s in the eyes:/ Aoi Sora still looks quite hopefull…but give it a few years.
I think you would have said that no matter what pictures I posted. A lot of non-pornographic actresses look like that in publicity photos, too. But I guess there’s no overcoming your bias. Like I said, the mere association with porn prevents some people from seeing some women as beautiful. You’re clearly one of those people. A shame that your world involves so much less beauty than mine.
@Uberwench I’m going to try and not get annoyed but young girls having sex with random men on camera, for money, is not beautiful. Do you think that is what they wanted for themselves? They probably wanted to fall in love and have children, but now they are just disgusting animals…worse than animals because animals don’t do that. Don’t get me wrong, I know porn turns people on, but if you can’t get turned on yourself with your partner then you shouldn’t be having sex.
@lemming They probably wanted to fall in love and have children, but now they are just disgusting animals…worse than animals because animals don’t do that.
Be careful! Your christian love is showing.
@Uberwench 2–6 is not a total wash. Heather Carolin and Aoi Sora I would consider if I were single, the others I would be worried what I would see on the pillow next to me the following morning when all the makeup is off. I think they might be more plain than the two I mentioned at the top of this post.
@lemming hey probably wanted to fall in love and have children, but now they are just disgusting animals…worse than animals because animals don’t do that. And you were worried about the rest of us saying mean, hurtful, scary things that could leave a negative impression on a younger OP? At least none of us were painting them to be some sub-human thing just because of a job and gave them some basic human respect.
@Aethelflaed I love it when people bitch about porn because it is “dehumanizing” and then talk about the actresses like they are poor lost souls at best, or the filthy scum of the earth, at worst. The irony is hilarious and sad at the same time.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard It’s not the porn that’s dehumanizing, it’s the attitudes towards those who participate in it (both producing and consuming).
@Aethelflaed yeah, I know what you mean. I wasn’t referring to you/accusing you of anything, btw.
@lemming Read your own response: you are clearly not paying attention to a word I write. You don’t like porn. You don’t think pornography is beautiful. Fine. But what I said was that I think some of the women in pornography are beautiful. Those are two different things. It’s funny because I even mentioned the sort of prejudice that could prevent someone from reading what I wrote, and you still fell victim to it. That’s how deep your bias runs.
Also, getting turned on by porn and getting turned on by your partner are not mutually exclusive. It’s possible to have both. And some people turn to pornography when they don’t have a partner (or should we all be forcing ourselves on others rather than looking at consensual sex between adults?) or when their partners are away.
As for your disgusting attitudes towards other human beings for having a job you dislike, I think @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard and @Aethelflaed have responded adequately.
@Hypocrisy_Central Not everyone’s going to find the same things attractive. I’ve met Tia Tanaka and seen her without makeup, though. She’s still quite pretty.
@Aethelflaed you are right, I shouldn’t have called them that, it’s hard to be pc all the time. I think they were perfect, but they have become imperfect because what the world turned them into…I don’t even blame them.
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