What are some useless facts that you know?
Asked by
PhiNotPi (
August 6th, 2011
I seem to know my share of strange and completely useless information (such as the fact that the very last column in Microsoft excel is called “XFD”). What are some useless facts that you know?
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44 Answers
I was unaware that during childbirth, sometimes women will shit and piss while pushing…....No one says anything about that, but it totally makes sense. Geezus christ…......
Oral sex can give you mouth cancer.
Cows have more than 1 stomach.
The lead singer of the band Sparklehorse killed himself in my hometown.
I’ve always loved that band, but I never knew he died in my town :-(
You can’t fold a piece of paper more than 7 times.
1 – ⅓ + 1/5 – 1/7 + 1/9… = pi/4
.999… = 1
(Those definitely aren’t completely useless, but for most intents and purposes they are).
Also off the top of my head, pi = approx 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993 which is way more digits than are necessary for any calculation, so it’s essentially useless.
Getting air in your vein from an IV, despite popular belief, is not fatal. It’s not even really bad for you unless you get over something like 80 mL. Coulda saved me a lot of fear if I’d known that earlier.
In 1988, there was a fence in a Spanish town called Son Servera that was comprised of wooden sticks and 5 strands of barbed wire.
Pushing a dildo against the side of your nose will make you sneeze.
If you put a sock on a cats head it will walk backwards.
Marlon Brando stuffed cotton balls in his mouth for his audition for “The Godfather”.
A Venus day lasts longer than a Venus year.
I only know I realise useless information when I’m asked trivial questions. For some reason I can’t just pull them out like a trained monkey.
@poisonedantidote Damn, I just had to try it. It worked on my cat, but now he’s wicked pissed. XD
@Blackberry losing control of our body functions during labor is SERIOUSLY the last thing we’re worried about.
Hm…let’s see….I think my Mom got to see Sea Biscuit race in Seattle.
My Dad broke through the security lines to shake JFK’s hand when he landed at the Boeing plant in Seattle in Airforce 1 during the early 60’s. Dad would probably be shot dead if he tried that today.
The word LASER means Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Obama is half-white.
There are ant colonies out there where the males do nothing but work and have sex.
That @Symbeline might actually be one intelligent zombie.
@Lightlyseared OH F#u*K!
@bob_ That’s not useless! I can use that fact to win bets :D
Malaysian ants wait until their enemies are close, then they internally combust.
Personally, I’d just run and hide instead of detonating myself, but who am I to judge a Malaysian ant?
@jonsblond Maybe they’re suicidal terrorists ants?
Cruiser beats his head on a brick wall quite frequently.
@Mariah Yea lol, they don’t exactly love it.
The hard tips of your shoelaces are called aglets.
In Raiders of the Lost Ark there’s a wall carving of C3-PO & R2-D2 in the background, seek out & ye shall find :¬)
Thanks @ucme!
In the spreadsheet ‘Excel’ Microsoft embedded a maze game. I forget how to access it now…it’s imbedded in one of the cells, and my son showed me many years ago how to get to it. I almost won once, but I kept falling off of a log that goes over a chasm. It’s cool. The first “room” that you’re in had pictures of Bill Gates and all the Microsoft geeks who created it….wow. I went looking for how to get to it and apparently Excel has a ton of games embedded in it! But you have to download them. The maze game I was talking about was pre installed.
In the game minesweeper, the first click will always be mine free
A squirrel can run up a tree faster than it can on level ground.
Just about any young, healthy house cat can run 31 mph, which is faster than the world’s fastest human, who is now Insane Bolt.
I know that there is no such thing as a “useless fact”.
90 percent of the population has an “innie” belly button.
The space between your eyebrows is called the glabella.
A coward was originally a boy who took care of cows
Scooby Doo’s first name is Scoobert.
Coca-cola was originally sold as a brain tonic.
The only royal palace in the United States is in Honolulu.
@dutchess that was supposed to be just between you and me!
lol! Sorry! It just slipped out!
@ragingloli that must have changed because I know that more than once I got a bomb on the first click. This was years and years ago mind you.
The art term ‘chiaroscuro’ which is the interplay of lightness and darkness in a painting comes from the Italian words chiaro, meaning clear (representing light) and oscuro, meaning obscure (representing dark) I had a comic strip for a time named ChiaroOscuro
Also the word absurd comes from Latin ab- from, surdus- the deaf Oooh. Offensive!
An apple will wake you up better in the morning than a cup of coffee.
Women generally blink more times a day than men do.
Armadillo’s can be house-broken.
This is a great thread!
That’s good to know @beckk. I thought my armadillo was a lost cause, but I’ll start again!
If a pregnant kangaroo decides that the conditions are not stable enough to bring a baby into the world, she can pause her pregnancy where it is. When there is more food/water/etc., she continues her pregnancy!
@tom_g sweet, another fan! They are so underrated and they are probably in my top 5 favorite bands right now. I just bought Good Morning Spider on vinyl today, actually :D
@bob_ That’s totally true. I remember someone telling me that one time. I tried and tried, but it just won’t work.
I’m trying it again, and it won’t even go up to six.
Also, nothing rhymes with orange.
It being a French word converted to English, that doesn’t count. :p
Lah-grawnj and not lo-grange. :p
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard – re: Sparklehorse…The first 3 cds are just amazing. Good Morning Spider might be Linkous’ best, but I remember being obsessed with “It’s a Wonderful Life” when it first came out. My friends at the time would tell me shut up about Sparklehorse already. What was your opinion of the Dark Night of the Soul?
Oranges, poranges, WHO SAYS??
Possums are extremely non-violent and pacifistic, in spite of their vicious appearance. You can pick one up and throw it in the lake and I know this because my husband did just that when I almost peed on one who was playing dead in our campsite.
Also, possums have the most teeth of any other animal…50.
Owls don’t have a crop like other birds. Their food goes directly to their digestive system.
Are you not forgetting sharks? I would be willing to bet your soul that a shark has more teeth than an opossum.
Actually, in researching in response to your comment, snails apparently have the most teeth. Some dolphin has 252 teeth. Sharks have a lot of teeth, which they lose frequently. So…IDK! But I stand corrected. : )
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