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incendiary_dan's avatar

Do you have a good zucchini relish recipe?

Asked by incendiary_dan (13411points) August 6th, 2011

I’ve been wanting to learn to make a sweet zucchini relish for a while. My mom used to get some from a friend of hers, but they don’t talk so much anymore. Plus, I plan to grow zucchini next year, so I figured I should have inventive ways to process it for storage.

What’s your recipe?

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3 Answers

creative1's avatar

Don’t have a sweet zucchini relish recipe, but I could get you a sweet green tomato relish, really good stuff I make it with my mother every year and we jar it so we have enough for the entire year. Its also a great way to get rid of all those fall green tomatoes that need to be picked and you know won’t ripen.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

Just a note – my “farm gal” friend told me last year that you can pickle zucchini’s just like cucumbers, so I tried it. I used the same recipe for dill pickles and did them the same. They were great! Tasted just like regular dill pickles but not as acid.

Lua_cara's avatar

12 cups zucchini , chopped fine or grated
4 cups onions , grated
2 cups sweet red peppers , grated
5 tablespoons salt
2 ½ cups cider vinegar
4 cups sugar
1 tablespoon dry mustard
¾ teaspoon nutmeg
¾ tablespoon cornstarch
¾ teaspoon turmeric
1 ¼ teaspoons celery seeds
¼ teaspoon black pepper

Combine the vegetables with the salt in a large non-reactive bowl.Leave to sit overnight.

Day 2: Rinse vegetables in cold water and drain well.Mix the sauce ingredients in a large pot and cook until mixture starts to thicken.Add the vegetables now and boil them real slow for 30 mts.Pack in hot, sterilized jar and seal.

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