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MilkyWay's avatar

(NSFW) Which superhero would be nice to hook up with?

Asked by MilkyWay (14100points) August 7th, 2011

Inspired by a fellow jelly friend and this question.
Even if it’s just for a short period. Even if you’re not the type of person who would ‘hook up’ with a superhero.
Which superhero would be nice to hook up with? Is there a superhero out there that turns you on whenever you look at them? For what reasons?
For me, it’s got to be Batman. He’s hot.

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75 Answers

Paul's avatar

Wonder Woman! Am I right guys?

blueberry_kid's avatar

Super Man. Definetly!

MilkyWay's avatar

Cool guys! But why? Come on, we need details.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Lex Luther is so freaking hot. Admit it, you think he’s hot too, right?!

tinyfaery's avatar

Wonder Woman

Joker94's avatar

I would be Silk Spectre II’s bitch for a day all of eternity. C’mon, she’s pretty crafty, strong, and sexy!

redfeather's avatar

Definitely Batman. Because now I only ever see him as Christian Bale and Christian is dead sexy. And he could do that weird growly voice in my ear. And he’s smart. And he’s dark and mysterious.

Blackberry's avatar

Aquawoman? She’s probably really wet.

rebbel's avatar

Minnie Mouse.
She’s hot!

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Jean Grey.

The Red Head thing and she can make stuff move with her mind.

ucme's avatar

Supergran! Because grannies are awesome!!

Tbag's avatar

Haha, now thats good question. As @Blackberry said, aquawoman would be wet. Blue eyes with fine brown hair and fine body.

ragingloli's avatar

Card Captor Sakura.

amujinx's avatar

Invisible Woman. She could disappear right after I was done.

Mystique. Can become whomever you desire her to be.

Paul's avatar

@amujinx The latter is a very smart idea.
Can I change my choice?

Tbag's avatar

Shit @amujinx ! I forgot about Mystique! PERFECTION.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Paul Course you can ;)

mazingerz88's avatar

Motoko Kusanagi!
But she’s a robot so maybe not when I’m sober. Lol.

zenvelo's avatar

Mrs Incredible (Elastigirl). Super flexxy, will wrap her herself around you, plus she’s the super hot MILF.

amujinx's avatar

@Paul You don’t need to change you choice. You were just stating who Mystique would impersonate first, am I right? :P

@mazingerz88 Yeah, Motoko is great. Hot and super intelligent. Too bad she must weigh at least 600 lbs. Kind of limits what you could do.

ucme's avatar

I was going to pick Elastigirl, but I thought that was stretching things a little.

Tbag's avatar

Guys, seriously. I think Mystique would be more than enough. Transforms into anything? Elasticgirl, cat-woman, movie actors, you name it. Any girl you want any kind any place, haha.

mazingerz88's avatar

@zenvelo I could hook you up with Elastigirl but you have to take this bonus along for the ride… : )

Berserker's avatar

Well, Batman and Conan the Barbarian aren’t technically super heroes, but I’d hook up with them. Batman is totally a gentleman, plus he’s totally a Goth.
Conan because he destroys armies and gods, yet he’s careful to sidestep a little flower so he won’t step on it. He knows the value of life even if his job is to kill everything.
I love heroes (and anti heroes) with no ’‘special abilities’’ but who are total badasses.

zenvelo's avatar

@mazingerz88 She was based on Edith Head for a reason.. She’s short and the top of her head is flat enough to hold a drink…

flutherother's avatar

I would take in a stray cat in the shape of Catwoman as played by Michelle Pfeiffer.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Symbeline Psst! I’m a badass who weeps after decimating a horde of zombies…just so you know…”

@zenvelo Plus she’s got a well modulated voice good for coaching while in the bedroom. Lol.

cazzie's avatar

I think I really have to say Thor…. considering.

cazzie's avatar

I couldn’t work out a way to show you why I had to pick Thor… other than change my avatar to my real life Thor.

Blueroses's avatar

Wow. I don’t know that any of those guys would be worth a damn. Those physiques just scream ‘roid abuse… and you know what that means for the nether regions.

Guess I’d have to hook up with Wonder Woman too.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

MilkyWay in two years.

MilkyWay's avatar


QueenOfNowhere's avatar

I dont know if it’s a super hero but I’d take any of the smurfs. I had a crush on the strong smurf

MilkyWay's avatar

@QueenOfNowhere Hmmm, I know a cute smurf here on Fluther…

sakura's avatar

I’d love to hook up with Tank Girl, just because she looks like she knows how to party! Not really a superhero but comic related! S for hooking up with a superhero ermm no contest spiderman, because I love the idea of being able to spin a hammock wherever you are to create a lovely cosy place to snuggle together in!!

Paul's avatar

@amujinx Exactly, you talk sense!
@MilkyWay, who, who?

Bluefreedom's avatar

Probably Storm from X-Men. (Halle Berry is seriously hot)

Paul's avatar

@Bluefreedom With that wig though? Seriously?

ddude1116's avatar

I would let Silver Sable silver my sable in a heartbeat.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Spiderman. He’s cute and nerdy. :)

redfeather's avatar


King_Pariah's avatar

Spider girl. Bondage! And if I get caught in her web, she can totally suck me dry for all I care.

ddude1116's avatar

@King_Pariah And there’s three of them!

MilkyWay's avatar

@Paul Who’d ya think? :P

Paul's avatar

@MilkyWay ? Wouldn’t be me would it.

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m not a smurf Genius. You want me to say it don’t you?
You @Paul are a cute smurf that I know on Fluther. With a wicked haircut, if I may add.

Bluefreedom's avatar

@Paul. Okay, her without the wig and then I’ll be happy. =)

blueberry_kid's avatar

If anyone is a hot smurf here, it’s me. I mean, come on. I’m a blueberry.

Brian1946's avatar

If I wasn’t married, I’d like to hook up with She Hulk.

King_Pariah's avatar

@Brian1946 clearly someone likes to be dominated by their wife.

AshlynM's avatar


Berserker's avatar

I approve of this answer.

MilkyWay's avatar

* Dons Xena outfit *
Okay, who wants me?

King_Pariah's avatar

@MilkyWay oh that’s just not fair. Lol

Berserker's avatar

@MilkyWay I want you. but then, I always did…

MilkyWay's avatar

@Symbeline I knew it! Get those stolen panties and head for the forest girlfriend.

Berserker's avatar

@MilkyWay I always obey, Xena. :)

King_Pariah's avatar

Don’t mind me, I’m just observing nature… lol

MilkyWay's avatar

@King_Pariah Prepare to be slaughtered by Xena and her lover @Symbeline, peeping tom.

King_Pariah's avatar

My apologies, I just turned 21 so I was a bit “tipsy” when I was on yesterday… But go ahead and slay away, at least this headache will end… Doing multiple 21 shots was a bad idea…

blueberry_kid's avatar

Happy Belated @King_Pariah!!! I also think Captain America would be a lovely man to hook up with. That muscle surgery made him the sexy man of my dreams.

talljasperman's avatar

I’ve had a crush on Lita Kino (Sailor Jupiter) when I was 14… when her character was 2 years older than me. The crush started in the first season when she fought a super villain hand to hand without super powers to defend Sailor Moon from Game-Machine (At the end of the clip she picks up the villain). I had the same reaction when I saw the Xena Warrior Princess credits where Gabrielle picks up a weapon for the first time. I find I like the nice girl who reaches out and fearlessly stands up to bullies no matter how powerful they are. They are a natural 20 in my book. I would add Mrs. Brisby from The Secret of NIMH, If she were human, for saving her son.

cazzie's avatar

OK.. I am just going to say it. Captain Hammer.

flutherother's avatar

I would like to rub vaseline over the invisible woman so that she gleams in the moonlight.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The Black Cat… Felicia Harding.

kritiper's avatar

Rogue from X-MEN.

elbanditoroso's avatar

There are previous few female superheroes, which is a shame. The ones that exist are all probably crusty and used up.

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