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cockswain's avatar

Who do you think is the craziest celebrity?

Asked by cockswain (15289points) August 7th, 2011

I’ve got a three way tie with Mel Gibson, Tom Cruise, and Gary Busey. Honorable mention to Nicolas Cage.

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23 Answers

jonsblond's avatar

Mike Tyson

I agree with Nick

woodcutter's avatar

How about Charlie Sheen

woodcutter's avatar

Is Glen Beck allowed in the club?

cockswain's avatar

Jesus. How did I forget Sheen. Duh, winning!

cockswain's avatar

I had a couple Syd solo albums a long time ago. A shame about him, he was so talented.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Lady Ga Ga…....

YARNLADY's avatar

Gene Simmons

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

There are many stories about Barrett’s bizarre and intermittently psychotic behaviour, some known to be true. According to Roger Waters, Barrett came into what was to be their last practice session with a new song he had dubbed “Have You Got It, Yet?”. The song seemed simple enough when he first presented it to his bandmates, but it soon became impossibly difficult to learn and they eventually realised that while they were practising it, Barrett kept changing the arrangement. He would then play it again, with the arbitrary changes, and sing “Have you got it yet?”.

cockswain's avatar

I saw a documentary about him a couple years ago. A real shame what the drugs did to him. He went from awesome to invalid.

woodcutter's avatar

Alec Baldwin

jonsblond's avatar

noooo, not Alec. He has the best balls this side of the Mississippi

Schwetty Balls

KateTheGreat's avatar

Another vote for Gary Busey.

Charlie Sheen just cracks me up.

Brian1946's avatar

The Torpedo of Truth says it’s Chucky Estevez and Joaquin Phoenix.

tom_g's avatar

Kirk Cameron? Does he count as a celebrity?

Plucky's avatar

Charlie Sheen
Mariah Carey
Michael Richards
Mel Gibson
Gary Busey
Courtney Love
Kirk Cameron
Britney Spears
Lindsay Lohan
Russell Crowe
Ozzy Osbourne
Lady Ga Ga
Paris Hilton
Perez Hilton

….There just has to be more…

jeremyh's avatar

Lindsay Lohan.

downtide's avatar

David Icke

(OK you have to be British and over a certain age to remember him before he went nuts).

ucme's avatar

Tie between Phil Spector & O.J…man, dey crazier dan a coconut!!
I remember David Icke, sports presenter turned Jesus/ufo freak.

sophiesword's avatar

@cockswain I think listing the normal ones will be much easier :)

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

this post was ripe for picking celebrity mugshots for linking

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