General Question

john65pennington's avatar

Is selling banned articles in a yard sale a law violation?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) August 8th, 2011

I passed a huge yard sale the other day. Most of the items for sale appeared to be banned items for babies. There were baby beds and one I recognized as a banned item. There were baby car seats and other items for sale for infants. Question: if these banned items cannot be sold to the public in stores, then what is to prevent these items from being sold at yard sales?

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10 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Depends on state, some banned items include “lead painted toys”. But it not enforced in my state.

seekingwolf's avatar

I don’t believe it’s enforced here. It’s a typical “buyer beware” scenario. I think it’s understood that it’s all secondhand stuff and the seller can’t be held liable if someone get hurt using it.

cazzie's avatar

I think most consumer laws cover business to public sales, but actually specifically excludes private person to private person sales.

john65pennington's avatar

What is your opinion of a person that would sell these items in a yard sale?

cazzie's avatar

Unethical. They should be telling people that it is NOT an approved baby thing and say that, in the case of the baby bed, they could use it for a doll house or to store items in.

If parents of young children donĀ“t know about checking the make and model of second hand things for safety reasons, that is a bit sad too.

snowberry's avatar

@cazzie Many people don’t have any idea how to access information on what’s banned (most of that information is available on the Internet which they don’t have access to, they don’t know how to use it, or it’s hidden away in some government pamphlet somewhere). Sometimes it’s just a case of not being informed. You can’t accurately paint people like this with such a broad brush.

cazzie's avatar

@snowberry If they can’t access the information, they shouldn’t take chances and buy potentially substandard shit. and trying to use my own argument in this way is very silly. grow up.

SpatzieLover's avatar

They’re sold on ebay, too @john65pennington. Some people just don’t care.
@cazzie telling a grown woman to “grow up” is a bit ridiculous. Somedays I think you just post to pick fights.

Response moderated (Off-Topic)
augustlan's avatar

[mod says] Flame off, folks. No need to make this personal.

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