Meta Question

FutureMemory's avatar

Is loading slowly for anyone else, or is it just me?

Asked by FutureMemory (24763points) August 8th, 2011

For a few days now I’ve noticed the site is loading very slowly on both of my computers. Has there been excessive traffic lately? Servers overloaded?

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10 Answers

Paul's avatar

Nope, not noticed anything. Run a speed test to see if it’s you.

rebbel's avatar

I noticed the same, also the last couple of days.
Some times it gave me the message that it was unable to connect to the server.

FutureMemory's avatar

@Paul My speeds are fine for other websites. It’s only this one that’s consistently slower.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’ve not had any trouble…

Cruiser's avatar

This morning 6 am CST at home on my lap top it was excruciatingly slow. Here at work blazing fast.

bobbinhood's avatar

I’ve gotten the “Fluther is currently under maintenance or over capacity” page several times in the last few days. Whenever I get that, it seems to be running slow for a while before and after, as well. Otherwise, it’s been fine. Maybe people have been looking up a lot of the older and longer threads again. That’s been known to cause issues before.

tom_g's avatar

It’s been a bit slow for me lately. Also, I run the full version on my iPad and it is the only website that seems to cause some minor freezing.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Yes, painfully slow at times. Other websites are fast as usual.

augustlan's avatar

When I first got on today, it was slow. It’s been fine at all other times for me, though. I’ll let the guys know, and see if something’s going on.

Your_Majesty's avatar

I thought it was because of my current modem! I will change it anyway. Compare to other sites, fluther is one of the fastest to load site, if you go to AB it’ll take you 4 times longer to load a page than fluther.

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