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Blackberry's avatar

Is it ever OK to be biased? If so, when?

Asked by Blackberry (34367points) August 8th, 2011

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24 Answers

OpryLeigh's avatar

If you love your own kids more than anyone elses, I’d say that’s ok.

ninjacolin's avatar

Whenever you’re right

Lightlyseared's avatar

It’s almost impossible not to be biased, that’s just the way the human brain works. However it’s important to understand that you may be biased and be willing to examine how you came to a desiscion. Just becasue your biased doesn’t mean you’re wrong though.

john65pennington's avatar

Everything should be equal. Everybody should be equal.

rOs's avatar

My girlfriend’s brother kept bringing this white trash K-Fed wannabe around. I didn’t like him from the beginning – I’ve dealt with his kind before. I basically intimidated him away; calling his BS out loudly and criticizing his bleak outlook every time he spoke. Big surprise that things aren’t going missing around the house anymore…

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Sure. I’m biased to want the closest people around me to be trustworthy, capable of humor and of moderate intelligence.

flutherother's avatar

It has to be OK because we always are biased. As long as we know and love our biases. There is not much humanity in being objective.

josie's avatar

Sure. I always cheer for the home team.

Blackberry's avatar

Ok, maybe I should have added better details lol. I was referring to controversial topics like politics, religion, bias in the media etc.

Hibernate's avatar

Favoritism will always be an issue no matter how open are you. You’ll favor some people in certain situations because their responses or the way they act suit you more than others.
It’s not like you can see all as equals. We should see them equal but we don’t and it’s shown in the way we interact either we like it or not.

Cruiser's avatar

When I KNOW my answer was better than any of the others above dammit! Now show me the Lurve! ;))

Your_Majesty's avatar

I think it’s better for people to freely speak their mind, no matter how biased it is, rather than equality.

Aethelflaed's avatar

Without different biases, we all have the same point of view, like robots. Without different points of view, there’s no progress, only stagnation. Out biases help us create new and original thought that best helps our individual lives just as much as it hinders our ability to see others’ points of view.

marinelife's avatar

We are all biased to some extent.

As long as our bias does not cross the line of fairness or legality, it is just our perceptions.

_zen_'s avatar

I like @Leanne1986 ‘s post.

Blueroses's avatar

It’s only “biased” when it applies to somebody else’s opinion. Mine are all based on simple common sense, thank you very much. ~

everephebe's avatar

I have a bias towards intelligent discussion over malicious gossip. Is that ok with you guys?~
Yes it’s ok to be biased… Especially when it is benevolent rather than malignant in nature.
Women and children first, women and children first, women and children.

Judi's avatar

When I am renting an apartment, I am biased against people who don’t pay their bills, have a history of eviction and have a history of crimes against people or property.

efritz's avatar

I think it’s important to be able to get past all bias and have an open mind. Even practical biases can prevent you from being able to see an important viewpoint.

For instance, a bias against racist people. Well, racist people are obviously biased, so you’re only returning hate with hate and nobody gets nowhere.

Generally speaking of course.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Whenever you’re right, or when it involves someone’s health or well being. Physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Coloma's avatar

I prefer to exchange the word ‘bias’ with discerning.

You bet’cha I am biased against mentally fucked up people that cause harm and suffering to innocent people.

Hope you get the help you need, and I truly wish you well, but, if you’re a liar, cheater, manipulator, controlling, well….don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!

I call it the ‘psycho/spiritual appraoch’..Namaste, fuck off! lol


All the time, as long as I’m the one being biased. :D

martianspringtime's avatar

Sometimes it seems ‘bias’ is just another word for ‘perspective’; I think it’s okay to be biased, as long as you’re aware that you are, and can also detach yourself from your bias and see things objectively.
I’m biased in a lot of things, but I usually know that I’m viewing it from a limited perspective, and know that I would think of whatever it is differently if I didn’t have certain experiences or beliefs.

ucme's avatar

When you’re a judge on the panel at a Gorgeous glamorous gal pageant & the wife happens to be a contestant. It’s a stark choice between biased or dead meat…...I like to live!

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