Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Honestly, if you are your country's president, would you be tempted to hook up with an intern?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) August 8th, 2011

I just read an article today about this writer whose erotic book entitled, “VOX”, was the book Monica Lewinsky gifted Bill Clinton around that time during the Oval office blow by blow intern orientation session. For some reason, I just thought of asking this question. Thanks!

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28 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

It would depend on how busy I was, and if I still loved my wife. But I could see it happening, a man can only turn down so many advances.

Jeruba's avatar

It’s easy to say “Of course not.” And I think for me that would be the truth.

But I also think that what motivates a person to seek his country’s highest office (and take all the exposure and stress and abuse and everything else that goes with it) can be an extremely complex and perhaps even in some ways perverse network of factors that most of us don’t begin to understand. And that might well include a different way of looking at privileges and opportunities.

lillycoyote's avatar

I very much hope that, if I were President of the United States, and that’s the only country I could be president of, that I would sure as hell take the job seriously enough to keep my dick in my pants long enough to do one of the most important jobs in the world.

I’m female so that “keep my dick in my pants” comment; I meant that metaphorically. I mean I would very much hope that I could put my own personal sexual desires aside long enough to do the job I was elected to do. Plus, I just can’t see a woman President having herself serviced in the Oval Office by an intern, with a cigar. Maybe I’m being sexist but woman are just smarter, less sleazy and more dignified than that.

Blackberry's avatar

@lillycoyote Nope, just sexism lol.

Pandora's avatar

I would have no problem firing interns that came onto me. They are there to do a job not do me. If they can’t concentrate on their work than they are useless to me.
Also I am a bit paranoid. I would think this person is just looking for a way to black mail me. I don’t know how anyone can do that, and do their jobs 100% and then turn to their spouse and lie everyday to their face. The job alone is very hard and time consuming. To have to lie to two people close to you and maybe your kids as well and all the people you work with and then turn around and say trust me to do what is right, is a bit too much for me.

Jellie's avatar

I would be tempted but I wouldn’t do it.

I think there are many more in some sort of political office that are tempted everyday with something or the other but they steer themselves away from it. It’s a matter of building up the will power to resist temptation, not killing it all together.

everephebe's avatar

Honestly, no. I’d be too busy for blowjobs.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Why are we assuming that “hooking up with an intern” means cheating? Many politicians are in open relationships that they cannot reveal to the public because of what it would do to their election chances. Many more have arrangements with their partners to find satisfaction outside of the relationship when they must be apart for long periods of time. This is not infidelity, though the American public seems largely unable to distinguish between non-monogamy and adultery.

Leaders have always had the biggest tent and the longest spear; they’ve always been the beneficiaries of sexual favors. Let’s stop being prudes and say “that’s life at the top” rather than continuing on with all of this false shock and outrage.

Aethelflaed's avatar

Totally. Does one not become President of the United States (or any position of power, really) in order to be in a position where one can hook up with interns? I mean, I don’t really see myself trying to get that power so much as trying to convince people that under no circumstances should they think I’m a good person to have that power, because really, that’s a mess you don’t want to see. But alternate reality me? Totally.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Probably not. I’d be too busy to do something like that. Even then, if it started a huge scandal, it’d be a slight annoyance in my hopes to rule the world.

everephebe's avatar

@KatetheGreat We must play Risk together sometime. ; )

KateTheGreat's avatar

@everephebe Oh yes. I’ve never played, but I will kick some ass at it. ;)

ddude1116's avatar

Holding the office of President is one of the most stressful jobs in existence, so you’ve gotta take off some stress somehow. And honestly, I imagine fucking an intern a bunch of times is much more viable than inebriating myself to relieve that stress.

Kardamom's avatar

Unless it was Charles Shaugnessy or Alan Rickman, I cannot think of anyone else on earth that could tempt me to try something like that, and even in that case, I think I’d say no. I’m not easily tempted to begin with and if I was in a position like that, I’d take it very, very seriously.

So no.

ratboy's avatar

I thought it was just one of the perks. This is (allegedly) Gore Vidal recounting a conversation with Seymour Hersh regarding JFK:

I explained to Sy that the shock of the head being shoved underwater would cause vaginal contractions, thus increasing the pleasure of a man’s own orgasm. “Crazy,” he said. “How do you know all this?” I said I’d been told the story years ago by an actress Jack and I both knew. Sy was exuberant. “Well, I got four retired Secret Service men – serious guys – and one told me how he would bring the President a hooker when he was lying on his back in the tub and then she’d get on top of him and when he was ready the Secret Service guy standing behind her would shove her head underwater. Well, I couldn’t really believe this. But now you tell the same story. You both can’t be making it up.” A bit irritated, I said not only did I have no reason to make the story up, I could never have thought it up.
(Rough House Hockey)

ucme's avatar

Okay, so if I were Prime Minister of my lil ol country i’d decline any advances of that nature until such time when the urge became too great… other words, she lay it on a plate for me!

john65pennington's avatar

If I were this sitting president, I would be tempted to be a runaway, intern or not.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

What kind of President would it take to be able to get it up during these times?

ragingloli's avatar

Depends on the looks. Someone like Lewinsky? Never.

Blackberry's avatar

I didn’t think Lewinski was that bad looking…

ucme's avatar

Other than the fact she resembled Jabba the Hut in a trouser suit & a wig.

wundayatta's avatar

No. Aside from being married, a purely sexual relationship doesn’t do it for me. I’m out for love, not just sex. An intern would be too young to hold any interest for me as a lover.

mazingerz88's avatar

@ucme I agree with @Blackberry about Monica. She’s not that bad looking. Love those lips. And so did Bill.

Which leads me to conclude that “A man’s hot intern is another man’s Jabba the Hut.”

SpatzieLover's avatar

Tempted to flirt, possibly. Tempted to have sex, never.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Sure. I’m tempted all the time. I wouldn’t actually do it though.

6rant6's avatar

I would totally not have any interest in a intern. Unless she was hot, of course.

Only138's avatar

I’d nail one….then go blow someone up directly afterwards. :)

rooeytoo's avatar

I liked the answer Clinton eventually gave when he admitted that he was “involved” with her. He was asked why and he said “Because I could.”

People cheat all the time, it’s not nice and for someone in the public eye, not smart (just ask Tiger) but sometimes that’s hard to remember. And I think that qualified as one of those times.

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