Are there any conservative voices on the mod squad?
With all the recent talk of what the make up or demographic of Fluther is, 80% liberal, 20% conservative, 70% atheist, 20% faith based, 10% something else, etc. I know there are at least four of the mods that are solid liberal non-faith based people. That got me to thinking, are there any mods that have an ounce of conservative views? If the conservatives have no representation in the mod squad does that effect how their questions get modded?
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40 Answers
Questions get modded per guidelines, not based on content.
Libertarian/Classical liberal here.
Does that sort of count?
And @syz is right. We try really, really, really hard to not show any bias in our modding.
I’m a raging liberal atheist. And I will mod the hell out of anything that doesn’t meet our guidelines, no matter what it’s about.
I know that Allie hates onions and loves burritos.
70% atheist—What hole are you pulling that out of?
I’m curious, @Hypocrisy_Central – where did you get those stats? I like stats. I’d like to see them.
I’m liberally apolitical so I guess that puts me in the 10% of ‘other.’
Peace and geese is my mantra. ;-)
Where did these demographic stats come from? Just curious. I’d like to see them for myself as some seem suspect.
He made them up.
Libertarian apatheist.
@atlantis Falsity is not grounds for moderation.
Yes, we just couldn’t afford to keep sending out those $0.00 paychecks. ~
No, we’ve never laid off a moderator. And the reason why falsity is not grounds for moderation is because that would be moderating for content rather than based on the guidelines. As @syz already stated, we don’t do that.
So you quantify bigot-ness among jellies all day long? 1 to 10 with 10 for neo-nazi fascist with cannibalistic tendencies?
@Hypocrisy_Central, had the same question in my head, but I’m impressed with the fairness of the mods here 99.9% of the time. Now the lurve system, that’s another story, definitely weighted to the majority (can’t have a narrow group of follows and build any points).
Interesting, no one has really answered you question directly. Independent of the accuracy of the statistics I would like to see anyone tell me that the majority here is conservative or religious, because it’s just that obvious. The majority are atheist and liberal, which is fine.
@atlantis I have no idea what you are trying to say. Your attempts at snarkiness are getting in the way of you making any actual sense. Would you like to try a direct question?
@choreplay The question is whether or not there are any conservative voices on the mod squad. Two moderators have responded by giving their own (non-liberal) political affiliations. How much more of a direct answer would you like? Do you want us to speak for others? I’m quite sure there are conservative members on the moderation staff, but they get to decide for themselves whether or not to say anything about it here.
@choreplay Interesting, no one has really answered you question directly. Independent of the accuracy of the statistics I would like to see anyone tell me that the majority here is conservative or religious, because it’s just that obvious. Don’t feel too bad, it happens a lot. The stats are a guestimation, any genius worth a salt would know that; and there are a lot of genius or near genius here. Of course, people will try to use the lack of actual stats to get around not actually answering the question. You don’t have to be blind or a Simple Jack, to know most of the vocal or active collective is liberal, or liberal leaning, and a good strong contingent are atheist and or gay. Now you can’t say that an estimated number is atheist, gay, liberals because then they will see it as an attack and attack how you came to that and not that it might be highly plausible. If I had asked ”how many pushy Christians do you believe are in the collective?” the responses would be a mile long; most would have an opinion on that, facts and stats be damned. That is why I guess over the past couple of months I have noticed more questions and comments about if conservatives are shut down, treated this way or that, etc.
I’ve answered the question elsewhere (...not all of our mods are liberal.), but it’s not up to me to speak for the individual mods. If they’d like to reveal their political leanings here, they may, but I would never presume to do it for them.
@choreplay As do I, but I wouldn’t use that as an excuse not to answer a direct question.
@Hypocrisy_Central If you asked how many pushy Christians I believed there were here, I’d count up the people I believed to be pushy Christians and give you the number. I wouldn’t play around with percentages.
P.S. Seven.
@SavoirFaire alright, I’ll play, I must have missed them, could you point to the specific locations of the “Two moderators have responded by giving their own (non-liberal) political affiliations. ”?
@SavoirFaire I meant do you look at a three-step moderating chart before you decide to moderate something?
@atlantis All mods are thoroughly trained before they start acting as a mod. We have guidelines to reference, but we rarely need to refer to them before moderating things. We do, however, discuss as a group any borderline situations.
I wouldn’t say I’m liberal or conservative. I live in a very liberal place, but I would consider myself a moderate.
Heh, a moderate moderator…
And yes, @johnpowell is right about me. I say ban all the onions & one burrito love. :) But I don’t let my anti-onion stance get in the way of letting pro-onion posts stay.
I’d say that anyone who hates onions opposes the rights of workers to form onions, and is therefore conservative. ;-)
<<happily munching Burmudas and Vidalias>>
Somebody kiss me.
<hovers over ban button> ~
Labels, labels, labels…when I joined this site I had no idea people were going to be labeled one way or another. It doesn’t say that anywhere, the promise of this site is Fluther connects you with helpful people, ask questions and get answers, share your experience and knowledge, etc. When did all this labelling as liberals, conservatives, etc. begin? Is this what the creators had in mind? Was Fluther always like that?
@SavoirFaire @Hypocrisy_Central If you asked how many pushy Christians I believed there were here, I’d count up the people I believed to be pushy Christians and give you the number. I wouldn’t play around with percentages. I cannot get into the heads of those in other threads as to what they believe are liberals, conservatives etc, so as many here do on many issues, I took what I had and made a guess. I would have polled every member but that might not have produced any more accuracy than a guess anyhow.
@Allie Heh, a moderate moderator… Would you say that you are the very model of a modern moderate moderator? Sorry, I just had to do it, you left that door WIDE OPEN. :-)
@SavoirFaire. but wasn’t his question, “Are there any conservative voices on the mod squad”. I think we are arguing semantics at this point because each mod stepping up to the plate and stating a negative as apposed to an affirmative, regarding the presence of any “conservatives”, would eventually answer the question by process of elimination. My post, here, that we are debating the credibility of was stated regarding the post occurring prior, so lets stick to other post before my initial post, so Allies isn’t part of what I was talking about.
So, in my opinion, it wasn’t and being directly answered, at that point. And if you want to come back and tell me my opinion is wrong on such a subjective statement/perspective, go for it, but I thinking your stepping far out on a branch to argue with another person that their opinion/perspective is wrong/flawed.
Let me try to argue your side, in hopes to stop this one ups man, tail chasing argument, we’re having, each mod stepping up and giving an affirmative or negative would eventually answer the question and maybe I was a little quick to make that statement. Can we stop now?
@Hypocrisy_Central Fair enough. You’ll notice that I’m not one of the people attacking you on the percentages. I was just telling you how I would have answered the “pushy Christians” question.
@choreplay Yes, that was his question. But unless you wish for us to speak for others, all that @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard and I can do is answer for ourselves. And you’ll note that @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard gave his response and then asked “does that count?”
So yes, I’m going to tell you that your opinion was wrong. Opinions can be wrong, and we get ourselves into a dangerous place when we think we can hide everything behind “hey, it’s just my opinion.” Not all opinions are about subjective matters, and this is one that wasn’t. I’m not trying to one-up you or play games, I’m just trying to have a civilized conversation. Not every disagreement is a competition. But yes, we can stop now if you’d like.
@Hypocrisy_Central I am the very model of a modern moderate moderator to the max, most certainly. ;)
@choreplay, conservatives come in many different flavors. Are you asking about neo-conservatives, paleo-conservatives, capital-C Conservatives?
To some people, a classical liberal/libertarian like me could be defined as a “conservative” because of my capitalistic sensibilities. It’s all very convoluted unless you specifically define what you are looking for.
I’m assuming you aren’t asking about Pete, Linc, and Julie. If that’s the case then the answer would certainly be “NO!”
@AstroChuck Bahahaha! Bahahah! Haaaaaaahahahahahaha! That gave me a chuckle. I am sure many Jelllies have no idea what you are talking about. One has to be ancient to know those referances. :-D
Was kind of wondering if anyone would have brought that up?
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