[NSFW] When you're being physically intimate with your S.O. do you notice their physical flaws?
Asked by
tedibear (
August 9th, 2011
By “notice” I mean see or touch.
Jiggly thighs, flabby stomach or backside, double chin or whatever it may be, are you aware of any of that in the midst of sex with your S.O.? I’m particularly interested in the male P.O.V., but obviously anyone is welcome to answer.
I’ve read things where men say that they’re only looking at the things they like, but what if you love someone who doesn’t have much physically that you do like? What gets you through that? Fantasizing? Just closing your eyes?
This comes a little bit from another question where it was asked if you would be embarrassed to introduce your overweight spouse.
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48 Answers
Interesting question. I get so into pleasing her I don’t pay attention to anything else.
If it happens that I am distracted I always ask her to wear this.
But no, I don’t, simply because there are no flaws in my view (opinion that is…).
She is lovely.
Sure. But, I don’t care. They don’t bother me. I love them very much and am very attracted to them.
During those times, she is flawless.
__and she’s pretty hot in general…__
No, I am too absorbed in her physical perfection.
Now that you mention it, she does sound like an asthmatic roadrunner when on the cusp of orgasm. Not a flaw though, more like an added bonus.
I’m with @6rant6. There are no flaws during that time. I also think that “flaws” typically become just another feature of someone’s body over the course of a relationship—one more familiar aspect of a beloved landscape. Maybe not all the time, but at least most of the time.
Are you crazy? My wife has no flaws!
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
I don’t believe he has any physical flaws.
No, we’re talking about sex, it’s all about what pleasures your sharing not physical flaws.
But, another approach to the question would be: Your hornieness (wish there was another word to use there) is proportional to the desirability of your lover. In other words a person with a less attractive partner might need to be really horny while one with an attractive partner might be interested in sex anytime. All said tongue and cheek Soooo, once your horny, whatever level of horny you are or what ever the physical attractiveness of your partner is, it just doesn’t matter anymore. again all said tongue and cheek.
No, I’m too engrossed in how I’m feeling and how I’m making him feel.
Not really.
Everyone should take these answers to heart – if we don’t notice their flaws, chances are that they don’t notice ours either. So we all ought to lighten up.
I can’t say that I take notice of much other than how things are feeling and how she is responding to what is happening.
I guess that I am the only one.
What is a physical flaw anyway? Something we don’t like? Something they don’t like? I feel like the word “flaw” as it relates to our bodies implies there’s a perfect body we are all trying to attain, which is a ridiculous concept. I’m not saying that trying to keep our bodies in good shape and health is ridiculous, just the notion that any flab, blemish, etc. is a flaw instead it simply being the way a person’s body is.
@Facade – I would define it in this question as something that your partner doesn’t like about your body. And I like your attitude in that last sentence. I have it for others, just not for me.
It’s something we all have to work on I think…
I see my own body flaws…not his. Really, I prefer to be thinking in the present though.
@choreplay Possible alternative words: arousal, carnality, prurience, lasciviousness, amorousness, lustiness, concupiscence.
@choreplay We used to say ‘you don’t look at the mantelpiece when you’re stoking the fire’
@flutherother – That sounds a lot like a college saying, “That’s why there’s doggy-style.”
Hard to do that when I’m blindfolded, bound and gagged.
No im too busy noticing just how ridiculously beautiful she is
Not now because I like my partner’s body. Once though, in a new relationship then I did have a strange start at intimacy with a man I didn’t find physically attractive at all but our mental chemistry was amazing. To get through it I fantasized about a previous lover but it was only that one time and afterwards everything was great, no fantasizing about others necessary. It’s like he magickally rolled himself in crack dust.
@savoirFaire said
“Possible alternative words: arousal, carnality, prurience, lasciviousness, amorousness, lustiness, concupiscence.”
Do you mind if I try them out?
Hey honey I’m aroused, want to see? (Not bad)
Hey babe, I’m feeling carnal, grrrr (She would scream and run, aaaa)
Hey honey, I’m prurient! (her response would be, I better not smell it)
Hey baby, I’m lascivious (Reference in dictionary sites dirty old men, this one’s out for me)
Sweetie, I’m amorous. (Not aggressive enough)
Babe, I’m lustful! (I’d get smacked and told not to look at other women)
Baby I’m feeling concupiscent tonight! (Meaning is definitely there but her having to stop and look it up would probably kill the mood.)
crap, I’m off topic.
@choreplay – Off topic is usually okay in Social. And that was kind of funny.
No and if I did it wouldn’t bother me because I love her beyond these flaws.
@SpatzieLover – Answering what I’m about to ask you is completely optional. I won’t be offended if you tell me to mind my own business. When you notice your body’s flaws and you’re in that moment, does it ever… slow you down? Or are you able to get past it and just enjoy?
@choreplay I’m talking about words that would have worked in that sentence, not in other contexts.
Usually I’m able to remind myself to get back to what I should be focused on ;) It may take a few moments to get my mind back to the right place. Closing my eyes for a moment can help squash the thoughts.
ohhhhh, sorry, got it now. lol
As the wife of choreplay….I will take any of the foresaid “comeons!” in the future and thank you for expanding my husbands vocabulary. The Sexy Wife
All I see is his beauty and all I feel is his love.
All I hold on is his hands and all I think of is his eyes.
All I read is his lips and all I drink is his spell.
He seems to be flawless when he tells gives me what I am.
When I do things about my partner, it usually makes me laugh a little inside because I know I’m just as “flawed” as he is. I’m pretty sure you know that just being around someone so intimately like that is pretty exciting because everyone has these flaws, and in the moment, all kinds of things are going through my mind about him and and how he’s probably nervous as shit about how he looks with the lights on and if he’s doing what I like (and I know this because I hear about it later). Ultimately, flaws help bring me back to a humbled reality that my intimate affairs are unique to me, unlike airbrushed porn or however else the media portrays ultimate beauty and the “perfect” relationship.
Here I go, bringing the reality again. I notice everything, bulges, flab, jiggly parts”, if she missed shaving, haven’t shaved, scars, all the smell, good and bad, everything. I am not going to say ”I was so into the moment, I didn’t notice anything off balanced, etc”. I don’t care how well the stereo system is in your car you will notice the large scratch in the driver’s side fender that extends to the door, no matter how much you try to overlook it. Maybe when I was a horndog in my teens and early 20s I would have been so happy to go rooting in pink that I would have not looked as close. I am older now, and I know better. Maybe other people can say they were so into it they didn’t notice the anthill they were sitting in, but that isn’t me. I just think of a time where it wasn’t present or some future time when she will have the trouble areas under better control or imagine she will. Boinking is not going to make me more blind than if I were going to the show with her or out to eat. If her hair needed refinement, or her top wasn’t fitting right, or the colors clashed I would notice and gently bring it to her attention.
@Hypocrisy_Central Hmm… maybe our wives are just better looking than your lady. Then again, you can notice a scar and not consider it a flaw if it’s just part of someone who you have accepted completely.
@SavoirFaire @ @Hypocrisy_Central Hmm… maybe our wives are just better looking than your lady. Most people believe, or convince themselves, that the woman or man they are with is the most gorgeous; we are conditioned to think that since the time we started dating. Truth be told, if they were that gorgeous Chanel, Cover Girl, Ford Modeling etc, would be beating a path to their door begging them to hawk their wares, and toss insane amounts of cash at them to do so. Maybe I am just seeing it ore clearer and not through _rose-colored glasses. ;-)
@Hypocrisy_Central It was a joke… Though my wife has been asked to do modeling. And even porn, once.
You know what’s funny? After reading all of the answers up to and including Carly’s, I was thinking, “Geez, these people must have amazing looking spouses. Or at least great looking to them.”
@Hypocrisy_Central – If your girlfriend/wife/whomever had the aforementioned jiggles, etc., would you gently mention those to her like you would her blouse or hair? (Please note that I’m not saying you shouldn’t. Unless you want to have sex with her some other time.) I know that I just made a smart-ass remark, but I am curious to how you would handle this.
@tedibear Yes, I would, I have, and I will again in the future I am sure. Especially if she ask, I told her if you really don’t care to know, then don’t ask, because you will get an honest assessment. The pass 13 to 15 months she has become somewhat a gym rat. I told her that while parts of her got better because she shed pounds, I told her other parts have lessened either because it became too muscular, or it was better with more padding on the bones. I honestly tell her too little weight is about as bad as carrying too much.
@SavoirFaire, porn, hmmm, was that you asking her to let you video tape yourselfs?
@choreplay Do those videos count? Good thing I didn’t say she had refused all offers, then! But no, someone actually walked up to her once and offered her a job in porn. Gave her a card with a number to call and everything.
I do notice things that would be considered “flaws” but I accept them because they are part and parcel of the person that I love. I love them for their self first and I am attracted to their body secondly. I love that body because it is inseparable from who they are. So I appreciate the good things and accept the not so good things like weight gain, and whatever else wouldn’t win them any beauty contests. I would be lying if I said I just don’t notice. I think people should take care of themselves and try to look as good as possible without becoming obsessed by it.
I certainly am not perfect myself. Loving someone else and accepting their body as it is is similar to accepting your own body. When making love to someone I notice the “flaws” but I don’t focus on them. I am more concerned with giving and receiving pleasure, showing my love to them in any way I can.
He really doesn’t have any. But I’m scared he’ll notice mine.
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