General Question

QueenOfNowhere's avatar

Is it okay to remove the band-aid where an injection was made?

Asked by QueenOfNowhere (1871points) August 9th, 2011

Hey! My sister had an injection made inside her body. Doctor put a band-aid after she did the injection. My sister removed it after 8 hours. Did she do it wrong? Was the band-aid just covering the blood that the needle caused? will the injection be unaffected now?

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8 Answers

Seelix's avatar

The bandaid is only there to absorb any blood that might result from the puncture. No problem.

FutureMemory's avatar

Was the band-aid just covering the blood that the needle caused?


JLeslie's avatar

No problem, unless she is still bleeding. If she still is, that is a big problem, because this many hours later the skin should be all healed up.

I usually take of bandaids after getting my blood taken or a shot within an hour.

Aethelflaed's avatar

The bandaid is just there to help the blood clot. Once it’s clotted and no longer an open wound, there’s no need for a bandaid.

QueenOfNowhere's avatar

You guys rock and roll.

Lightlyseared's avatar

To be honest the band aid is only there because people expect it.

JilltheTooth's avatar

The band aid is there to keep blood from getting on your clothes and stuff. Once it’s scabbed, usually within mere minutes, the band aid can come off.

gailcalled's avatar

I just had a tetanus shot; the nurse said to remove the band-aid after ten minutes.

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