Do you love all your relatives?
I know that most people say they do, but I don’t. I love my mother, my grandmother (and my grandfather, who died years ago). I also love my father (but not that much). Mostly my mother. I don’t know about the others. I even hate some of them.
Don’t tell me that it’s wrong, or bad. Please answer the question.
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36 Answers
I hate everyone of the racists homophobes on my dads side. On my moms side I like all of them except my evil bitch grandma. My sister is alright too.
I guess I love them all, but I don’t like them all.
I love them all. If my one brother wasn’t family, would I want him in my life (as a friend)? No.
No. I have an aunt who displayed her “true colours”, shall we say, in my grandmother’s last days. I plan to never see her again.
I love the ones on my mom’s side. Except one, when he disowned and treated the family badly for no reason. And a few on my dad’s side. An aunt and a couple cousins.
I do love them….even Aunt Bitchy. :)
Another vote for @FutureMemory‘s comment. There are two nieces that need to do some growing up, despite being young adults. I have faith that they will come around.
No. I love and like most of them though.
No, but I love way more of them then I really should.
No. I don’t really know most of my relatives beyond having been introduced a few times and some face time at gatherings. For me they’re more like acquaintances than friends. I’ve never felt it’s necessary to say you love people “just because”.
Family is family no matter what. I can despise them for who they are but I still love them. Family comes first.
I feel a bond of kinship to all of them, both close and distant, and I love most of them. But there are some for whom “love” would not be the right word at all. A few are virtual strangers, but there is one uncle who has literally known me longest of anyone in my life: he’s a doctor, and he delivered me. He saw and held me before my mother did. The most I have ever been able to muster toward him is a kind of vague, cautious warmth.
No. A lot of them I hardly know at all and most have moved away anyways. I have one cousin an hour away and the next nearest is 900 miles. I wonder if they are all trying to tell me something!?!
I had to stop and ponder this question since I come from a very large family. Since I can’t think of any I dislike/hate (or don’t get along with), I’ll say yes I love them all.
I am estranged from the majority of my dad’s family because they’re assholes. Unfortunately, the majority of my mum’s immediate family passed away before I could develop love for them. The rest live far away and don’t write. It’s kind of hard to muster up feelings of affection for people you don’t see.
The rest, I love (more or less.)
Some relatives are amazing and I always love them. Some of them I can’t stand and love them on days that don’t end in “day”.
It’s not bad or wrong. I have some cousins that I don’t hate, but I really don’t enjoy being around them. They have always been judgemental towards my mother and some of her decisions (not like they were bad, but things like where we lived, how she raised me, etc.) and were constant nags. Now, they were helpful when my mom died and I will be forever grateful, but still….
I love them all, but most of them it is easier to love because they live half a continent away from me.
No, I feel lots of affection for some of them, love for others, and a sense of obligation for all. They are my family. I don’t really think I’m obligated to love them. Just care for them, and provide Christmas and birthday gifts. ;-)
Some more than others. But there is a certain obligation to blood, unless they are totally worthless.
I don’t know all my relatives… Some are probably dead or don’t know I exist. But I love the ones I know!
only love a few one I hate but that’s another long, depressing story.
Not including my immediate family, I have my favorites (my broncle- uncle who is 6 years older and is more like a brother) and my very eccentric grandmother. The rest of them, I respect as family, but I don’t know them beyond their names and a few adjectives. My broncle, my son and I are probably the only ones who get along, to some degree, with everyone in the family—the rest of them are estranged from at least one other branch.
It’s hard being Joe Stable, and trying to be a loving and forgiving Christian, when you have to deal with some of the hateful and bitchy people in my extended family. Fuck these assholes.
I love my dad, even though he’s dead, and I love my grandmother. My mom and I never got along, and I can’t say I feel anything for her.
I remember my grandfather, but last time I saw him I was six. He scared the crap outta me by telling me these African mask things he had up on his wall would bite my fingers if I put them in the mouth. He was pretty cool.
But to answer the question, no, I don’t love all my relatives. Mostly because I don’t really know any of them that much and haven’t spent much time with a lot of them.
Yes I do. There are sometimes minor conflicts/disagreements within our families, but all in all I love everyone.
No I don’t. I finally gave up on the idea that you have to love family no matter what. Love, like respect, has to be earned – and sadly, few of my relatives have earned it from me.
The few that have, are wonderful and I do love them. Also, much of my wife’s family is great too. I even love a few of them.
It’s normal to like some people, even relatives, more than others. Yes, I love all of mine, but then they are all either my children ( 5 of them ) or my grandchildren ( 12 of them ). I love my wife too, but that’s an entirely different category. : )
I’m fortunate enough to, yes. At least my close family, outside of them I can’t say, for I don’t know them all that well.
Nah, I mean cousins….they’re just for throwing things at parties.
Em…obviously there’s people in my family that I resent like my grandma (from my mothers side) and uncle (from my dads side) my nan,,,ugh…there’s definitely something wrong with her brain and uncle I’m just scared of him really he has those snaky, creepy eyes.
I am learning that to be at peace with my relatives is to enjoy better peace myself. Forgiveness is definitely as much about keeping our own hearts free as letting others off the hook!
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