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snowberry's avatar

Would you sign your family up for a reality show?

Asked by snowberry (28022points) August 9th, 2011

As stated. Please flesh it out.

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27 Answers

woodcutter's avatar

No. We have nothing going here. Even a very creative producer couldn’t twist our lives into something people would care to see.

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here; Not my own family, but for a small fee, I would eagerly sign Gail up. It might be good for a few laughs.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Most definitely. My ex husband and I used to joke about this. He and I have remained best friends even though we’ve been divorced some 15+ years, we’ve lived as neighbors when coupled with other people, been social couples when partnered with others, shared friends, kept up family visits to ex in-laws, etc.

Jude's avatar

What, and bore people to tears?

Blackberry's avatar

Depends on if the money is good.

AmWiser's avatar

No way, even though there some strange and interesting characters on my mom’s side of the family, I wouldn’t want to be the one to sell them out.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

It took meeting other people’s families to realize that mine is a bit eccentric. Are we worthy of a reality program? Most likely not, but they sure bring about a spice in my life.

creative1's avatar

nope never don’t want all eyes and cameras on me and my family. I like my private life too much

Donald_Trump's avatar

laughs No effing way. Now if you had asked about the Jerry Springer Show…

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Not a chance.They would never do that anyway.LOL

laureth's avatar

Nah. We’re not that good of an acting troupe.

You know they’re about as real as pro wrestling, right?

BeccaBoo's avatar

Ha watching my family would be like chewing gum for the eyes, you’d never know who or what is going to be said next. We would probably entertain the hell out of the British public and make them all feel very normal. So for that reason I would, why not!

AstroChuck's avatar

No. Besides they wouldn’t sign me. I don’t live in reality.

Kardamom's avatar

Only if we got to travel with Guy Fieri on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives or tag along with Suzanne Whang on House Hunters Those are 2 of my favorite shows.

linguaphile's avatar

No, no, no. My extended family probably belongs on a reality show, but no… I like my dys-FUN-ctional family just where they are. :D

Seelix's avatar

Absolutely not. While we might seem worthy of a reality show now and then, I wouldn’t want to deal with the bullshit it would create.

Oh, wait – does Family Feud count? ‘Cause I’d totally sign up for that. We’re a bunch of smart cookies.

linguaphile's avatar

I’ll be happy to take the paycheck, though. Address it to Linguaphile at 305 Oak St… XD

Allie's avatar

Oh fuck yes. My family is hilarious. We’re very sarcastic, and we play a lot of jokes on each other. We tease a ton and call each other things like Butt Nose – as a term of endearment of course.My uncle is a prankster. My mom is a comedian at heart. I’m gullible as hell. And my grandma gets mad like a wet hen. How is that not Hollywood gold?!

I’d also sign up my friends and I in a heartbeat. There isn’t one single dull moment when we hang out. We always make jokes and laugh pretty much constantly. The antics we’ve gotten into because we were bored could fill hundreds of episodes.

Our lives are sitcoms.

Porifera's avatar

Yup, in a hearbeat.

There is always something going on here. My mom alone would make for a great reality, she and I never agree on anything and I’d love for the viewers to be the judge on who’s right and who’s wrong. My 5 dogs and their creative daily ideas would make excellent footage too.

YARNLADY's avatar

If they paid enough, I would love it. There are a lot of boring parts that would have to be edited out, but it would be great to show a nice loving, friendly family for a change. Think Blue Bloods, we have family meals with a lot of love and the normal amount of arguing.

snowberry's avatar

Although we’ve been told numerous times our family would make great reality television, we really like our privacy.

linguaphile's avatar

@YARNLADY Good one. We need shows like that, with today’s shows only highlighting the dirt under the carpet. Wonder if we’ll ever have a Cosby-like show become popular again?

tranquilsea's avatar

My family is a bit nuts. We have drama pop up regularly it seems but most of it stems from the extended family.

I value our privacy, though, so I would never consider signing up.

cheebdragon's avatar

Hell no. I don’t need any more witnessess to the dysfunctional fuckery of my life.

snowberry's avatar

Actually Fluther is looking like a candidate for a reality show. We have all the characters, all the drama, we’re golden!

cheebdragon's avatar

@snowberry It Would probably be similar to The Real World, there would be very little sleep, 24/7 arguments, a stabbing, several bitch slaps, sex, drunk naked people, and a few people would be voted out.

snowberry's avatar

@cheebdragon Depends on the part of the world you’re in. Some of us lead very quiet lives.

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