Care to share a memory from when you were younger, with your best friend?
Asked by
Jude (
August 10th, 2011
Her name was Erin. We were best friends from Pre-K to grade 8 (and then she moved). She was an only child and lived down the road from me. She was tall and blonde with short hair. She was into New Wave (early 80’s) and had hair like Nick Rhodes from Duran Duran. She had a rat tail (lol). I was short and skinny and to me, she was an amazon. We would swim in her pool constantly, watch Evil Dead together, and play in her mini arcade in the basement (her parents had cash).
One memory that really sticks out, is when we were in her basement, wearing our bathing suits. We made up a Flashdance type dance to Freeze Frame by J. Geils band. We danced together. Close together. With our bodies sliding all over each other. She had big tits. Not knowing that I was a lesbian at the time, I was like “hey, this is fun!”.
That’s it. Just something that I’ll never forget.
Her parents played The Beatles constantly, her Mom had a ton of candy machines in the basement (she used to have a store), and Erin’s Uncle Michael was crazy. He listened to ska and danced like no one that I have ever seen. He used to sing to me “Jenny, Jenny, who can I turn to?”. That family was the cat’s ass.
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12 Answers
Sitting on the deck of our pool, drinking beer, and discussing deep thinking and cats with my friend Zack.
I had just moved from Chicago to the North suburbs and was befriended by my friend Mike who was a year older than me. It was 1974 was 14 at the time and I remember how he turned me on to this one Polish radio station that after 8 pm was taken over by this rag tag group of DJ’s that played all this way cool music…I mean cutting edge rock and rolls and blues. Frank Zappa, the Doors, Janis Joplin, Joe Cocker, Alvin Lee, Jethro Tull all these bands I had never heard of before. These really cool trippy DJ’s told all these whacked out rock and roll stories about these bands. It was like listening to forbidden fruit! Sunday Nights they would syndicate the King Bisquit Flower Hour which would be rebroadcasts of a recent live concert of the best bands ever! It was an amazing musical experience!.
Her name was Orangutan. She was my first best friend in high school. She imitated me and tried to be cooler. She talked to the guy I was dating behind my back. Then we didn’t talk for a year, then when I forgave her she started dating the guy I loved for 3 years. Then she sent me messages from his phone. She called me a slut. So now I don’t like girls and I don’t try not ttrust girls.
Four of us playing 13 card brag for money in a friend’s house while he played Sergeant Pepper over and over again. (It had just been released)
When I was young a had a friend. His name was ”..” [it’s for me to know :) ] and he was my best friend. I still remember him sometimes. But I wouldn’t talk about him with others.
My best friend lived across the drive from us in the mountain canyon but she also went to the same school. We kind of took over our classmates- re named them with nicknames they used exclusively during school, determined which trees belonged to which kids and who could give permission to the others for climbing, etc.
We used to compete with our sketchings, how many books in the library we’d gotten though, how many Friday Luncheons (kids cook, teachers as guests) we were picked to participate in, who got to pick the choice characters when we played “Superheroes”. We also had our own language, kind of a pigin english (not pig latin) and we also competed for grades. I wish I still knew her.
She lived in our neighborhood, and I was over there all the time. One time my sisters and I were over there hanging out with her and her sisters and brother. We were in the newly finished basement (with carpet and everything) and her twin brother had recently gotten braces. Somehow he managed to get his new braces stuck on the new carpet, and their oldest sister had to cut him off of it. You couldn’t even tell that it had been cut, but when they told their mom she got so mad at them for cutting the carpet. That was shortly before they moved back to Illinois. We still write letters to each other.
My bestfriends name is Melissa, she and I use to always do dumb stuff so we can get guys attention haha . Like one time I was ’“fainting” and the guy that I had the hugest crush on would always pretetnd to care haha , oh my gosh the things we did .
I have many memories with my childhood best friend.
* watching Grease every Friday night for a year then switching to Eddie Murphy’s Delirious for yet another year.
* swimming or bowling almost every Friday
* standing in front of a picture in our elementary school and laughing uncontrollably for so long we both nearly peed ourselves.
*spending three summers with her and her family on Mayne Island where we swam in every bay and dirt biked through every trail. We also spent many nights talking to the cows who roamed the pasture behind her house.
*competing with her on every school project. Either she was #1 or I was.
I still miss her
In between age 13 to 15, I had a really good friend who I first met in a park, one nice evening. We talked for like two seconds, then her mom called her in. It was like a year later that I saw her again, when we both lived near another park lol.
We did all sorts of shit together, got in fights, had fun, had sleep overs and played games together.
One memorable moment was…we found a chap ass chandelier. It was just a plastic decoration… We brought that to my place, and decked it out with chains, Satanic symbols and stuck candles all over it. We then lighted those, and worshiped the ’‘red dragon’’. We drank cheap ass orange juice out of a bowl, pretending it was blood.
But haha…the heat from all the candles started to melt the plastic…and the fucking thing caught on fire. She took the juice and just splashed the chandelier, while I ran to the bathroom and came back with a cup of water that I threw on there. Lots of the water and juice went all over my bed.
We got so scared, and my dad scolded us. But like two days later, it was hilarious as shit. XD
I have a best friend (or had? I don’t talk to her very often anymore, but we were close from the age of 3 to about 16 and still talk now) who used to virtually live with me, she was over so often. We spent most of our time just hanging out and talking and reading magazines, etc, but usually in really weird places?
For example, my mom used to work for an elderly woman as a sort of home health attendant/helper and she became a good family friend. My best friend used to come with us sometimes to go over and we would sit in the empty bathtub in the guest bathroom and talk for hours. The woman never had air conditioning, and it was always dreadfully hot and that was the most comfortable place to sit because the porcelain or whatever would stay pretty cold. We also used to sit in the back of my mom’s old minivan for half the night talking and reading magazines, like a makeshift tree house or something.
Oh and when I was really young, hanging out with pretty much anyone would usually result in “playing Spice Girls”.
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