Social Question

blueberry_kid's avatar

Do you love your ethnicity?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) August 10th, 2011

I am Puerto Rican, Irish, and African American. Sometimes I hate the fact that I am those two ethnicities because people call me “afrorican” and assume that Puerto Rican girls are really good in bed, and it’s really annoying. And, since my hair isn’t red, no one ever assume I’m Irish. But, I love the fact that my family speaks Spanish, and that I’m fluent in it, and I love the culture, and the food of course.

How about you?

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82 Answers

redfeather's avatar

I’m Mexican, Native American, English, Italian, and French Canadian. I’m pretty proud of it. I eat enchiladas, maize, crumpets, pasta, and Canadian bacon. Woohoo! Hahaha

rebbel's avatar

I am Dutch. That’s all.
Not proud of it, but also not not proud.
It doesn’t do much to me.

Jude's avatar

French Acadian, Scottish, and Welsh.

Sure, I am proud.

(fair skin, a few freckles and dark brown hair. I’m cool with it).

tom_g's avatar

I’m Irish, English, and French Canadien and Greek. (plus a ton of other stuff I’m not aware of)

The lack of melanin causes me and my kids to burn up pretty fast in the sun. Not cool. I can’t hold my liquor, so I don’t get to enjoy the Irish stereotypes. I don’t know how to speak French, and I couldn’t look less Greek, whatever that means. I don’t feel like my ethnicity plays a role in my identity at all.

Blackberry's avatar

I love being a human. Pride in ethnicity is ignorant in my opinion.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My mother was French/Italian,my father,French/German.I am indifferent most of the time.:)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m a Heinz 57 mutt, so I don’t have an ethnicity to be proud of, but I’ve always enjoyed what other people bring to the table in terms of culture, foods, and traditions.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I’ll bring a fork to the table.How ‘bout that? ;)

tom_g's avatar

@tom_g: “I don’t feel like my ethnicity plays a role in my identity at all”

I just want to make it clear that my statement above could be taken the wrong way. All I am saying is that I don’t consider it to be important to me at all. I’m not saying that it hasn’t affected my life in any way. I’m well aware that I have been the recipient of certain advantages having grown up in the US with pale skin.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Bring your fork and your sense of humor and we’ll have a heck of a party.

Judi's avatar

I’ve always been sad that I am just an all American mutt, with no idea what my ethnicity really is.

Hibernate's avatar

Yes. I’m not to proud of it since most people here have a lot of problems and a lot of them choose bad ways to solve them. And because of them most of us are looked upon with bad eyes.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I don’t consider ethnicity, nationality or race anything to love, feel proud of, etc.

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

Actually, no. i think that emphasis on ethnicity partially fuels the racial problems in the world. I prefer to think of my ethnicity as human.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Technically speaking, I am Scottish, English, Danish, Austrian, German and we think maybe a wee bit of Irish and Spanish. However, my family has been in the US since before it was the US so it’s actually pretty safe to call my ethnicity “American” although I know many people don’t consider the US to have it’s own ethnicity.

As to pride, I’ve actually got quite a bit of pride in the Scottish parts of me. My clan is Wallace and I am distantly related to William Wallace to be fair, so are thousands of other Scottish folks, but I still think it’s cool. Here is my clan tartan and here is my clan crest and motto. For the non-Latin-speaking crowd, our motto means “For liberty.”

MilkyWay's avatar

I don’t really feel my ethnicity at all. I’m a mix of Indian, English, African and something else ( people who live in the mountains near India, Pakistan and China, not really sure what they’re called). To be honest, I’ve only ever felt or known the Indian and English cultures. My ethnicity doesn’t really mean much to me.

Rarebear's avatar

Actually, yes. I love the fact that I’m Jewish.

Londongirl's avatar

l don’t think much about it, I think I am who I am and I only stick with those accept and happy with me.

Judi's avatar

@Russell_D_SpacePoet ; when ever a form asks me my race, I always write in “Human.”

Judi's avatar

@Londongirl , and yet your name is @Londongirl ? Curious.

Kardamom's avatar

My last name is French, but I’ve never considered myself as anything other than an American. My ancestors on both of my parents sides came to the US so long ago, that no one in our family considers ourselves to be anything but American. I don’t feel proud or lacking in pride, it’s just the luck of the draw that I ended up being born here.

That being said, I tend not to fit the typical American stereotype either. I don’t eat hamburgers and hot dogs (or meat at all, because I’m a vegetarian) and I don’t have any interest in baseball, football or basketball. And I’m quite an Anglophile (interested in British history and culture) and I’m very inspired by Eastern spirituality, although I am not religious in any way. I’m definitely not a Christian, as are most Americans, but I absolutely love everything that has to do with Christmas. Christmas for me and my family is a tradition not a religious thing. And I would take a big steaming bowl of Aloo Ghopi over a big juicy steak, any day of the year!

Aster's avatar

I’m German and Welsh and any idea of loving it has never occurred to me. Maybe a little Indian.

cockswain's avatar

I’m half Lithuanian, ¼ German, 1/8 Irish, and 1/16 each of British and French. Guess what color I am?

Am I proud of it? Not really. Not ashamed of it at all either, except maybe the French bit a little. I guess I would like to visit Vilnius one day.

YoBob's avatar

I’m quite happy to be the mixed breed mutt that I am.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I’m a mutt, with over seven different “ethnicities” in my makeup. Mutts rule! : D

Prosb's avatar

@CaptainHarley is right, mutts are the best!
I’m German, Italian, French, Irish, British and Native American.
There could be more in there from my father, but I didn’t know him, so haven’t a clue as to what I received from him. Even though I don’t put real value in any of my nationalities, it’s cool to know what peoples bumped uglies to get to the you of today. (That came out oddly)

tom_g's avatar

I’m a mutt, but I have to admit that sometimes I wish I had some identity that was not just a being a member of some bland disney-fied homogeneous, corporate, consumerist, vapid, wasteful, gluttonous culture. I have neighbors that are from other countries, or are 2nd-generation, and they seem to have such an intimate and comfortable relationship with their culture. They have a sense of identity that doesn’t feel manufactured in some board room. Sometimes I wish I had that.

redfeather's avatar

I don’t understand how having pride in one’s ethnicity leads to racism. Maybe a few extreme cases, but not all.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I have no idea actually, and too busy to care. I just care there are enough zeros behind my name when I check out of this crackerbarrel.

JLeslie's avatar

I am proud of my family, the hardships they have survived through, and as I get older I more and more feel my ethnicity, it becomes more obvious to me how my Russian/Lativian Jewish roots are part of what make me what I am.

I am jealous of my husband’s darker skin and fabulous wavy thick black hair. He is definitely a product of his family being from the area of Mediterranean, and my coloring is typical for eastern European. Culturally, what I consider to be ethnically, we are different, but at the same time very similar. He grew up in Mexico as a Catholic, and I in the Northeast in America and Jewish. It just makes me realize that we all, especially in America, are part of the subculture of our families, and also part of the big melting pot. We can adopt any culture and ethnicity we feel fits us.

I speak Spanish, but my family doesn’t. I have taken on some of my husband’s culture, and he mine. I don’t think culture and ethnicity is perfectly static or destined from birth.

CaptainHarley's avatar

LMAO! @Prosb Yes, that did indeed come out oddly! LOL!


Look at it this way: you can choose from a veritable smorgasboard of ethnicities to be who and what you want to be. God doesn’t make junk. : ))

CaptainHarley's avatar


I like that. A LOT! : ))

Blackberry's avatar


a high or inordinate opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
2. the state or feeling of being proud.
3. a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one’s position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.
4. pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself or believed to reflect credit upon oneself: civic pride.
5. something that causes a person or persons to be proud: His art collection was the pride of the family.

I can understand being proud of an achievement, or an actual culture, but there’s no pride to be taken in the fact that some people procreated.

redfeather's avatar

I’m proud of my culture/ family/ the things they’ve done. I don’t think I’m better than anyone or more important than anyone. I didn’t try to be related to my family, but I’m happy that I am.

Blondesjon's avatar

I’m white. I don’t really have a lot to bitch about.

CaptainHarley's avatar


Humility is the quality of being modest, and respectful. Humility, in various interpretations, is widely seen as a virtue in many religious and philosophical traditions, and seems to be sorely lacking in most modern behavior.

Cruiser's avatar

I do…it’s fun for me as I am of 4 nationalities German, Italian, Polish and Swedish. This opens up many opportunities to explore the varied foods and traditions. All very similar yet very different in many ways.

Kardamom's avatar

@JLeslie What do you think about my Queen, Fran Drescher? I love that on The Nanny, they presented a lot of Jewish ideas, traditions, foods and words that the average white American didn’t know anything about. One of my new favorite words is Shmegeggy! I had quite a few Jewish friends growing up, but until I started watching The Nanny, I really didn’t think about the Jewish heritage of my friends one way or the other (I guess because my friends were not really practicing Jews and they grew up in California and I have never been religious at all) Now I can’t get enough of Jewish culture! Please tell me that you love Fran. But don’t worry, I won’t be mad if you don’t. Just more of her to love for me, swooooooon.

cockswain's avatar

I think I wish I wasn’t so white. I either look like a glass of milk or a glass of tomato juice, depending on the season.

iphigeneia's avatar

My family is half Chinese and half English. I wouldn’t say it’s something I take special pride in, but I certainly appreciate the benefits of growing up against two cultural backgrounds. Unfortunately, when I say Chinese, I mean Singaporean-born Chinese, so no easy second language for me.

laineybug's avatar

I am a lot of things, some of which are Irish, I think Polish, and some kind of Native American. I think also German. It’s been a while since I asked my mom. The point is I’m a mutt, and I’m extremely white. I got that from my mom, my Bubbe on my dad’s side usually looks black. I’m not proud of it, but I’m not not proud of it either.

TexasDude's avatar

There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism.

-Theodore Roosevelt

That said, I’m an American. Since “American” isn’t exactly an ethnicity, though, and this question is about ethnicity, I am Italian-English-Cajun-Cherokee-American. Am I proud of this? Yeah, I know its silly and whatever, but I am. Italian-English-Cajun-Cherokee-Americans are notoriously badass.

filmfann's avatar

I am Scottish, Irish, Bohemian, Canadian, and German. But I don’t think about that.
I am an American, and I live and breathe that.

JLeslie's avatar

@Kardamom Love Fran. I always say I grew up Like Seinfeld and the Nanny. I lived in Boca Raton, FL for many years as an adult, my grandma’s friends cracked up that her grandaughter had moved to FL (you may remember Fran always talking about Boca, and I lived in Delray also, which I think is where Seinfeld’s parents were. There really are condo comandos down there making sure you don’t do anything you are not supposed to in the community. My mom obsesses a little too much about things that can harm you. My parents sort of complain about each other in that Jewish way. The Jews really do obsess about food (there is a conversation where you would really fit in with all your recipes) remember Fran’s mom always eating, and them complaining about the food at a party. I can’t get over the lack of ethnic food of and decent bread where I live now, I blame it on the area lacking Jews and Italians. Actually, someone once asked on fluther why there was not a lot of theatre and other arts in Phoenix, and Pdworkin’s answer was, because there are not enough Jews hahaha. Many times when you see someone fighting to keep a music program in a school, or start a local theatre, they are Jews. Also, Jews typically have a great a sense of humor, even laughing at themselves. Look at the Jewish comedians and sit-coms, they are making fun of what their families really do.

Growing up I went to the Catskills in New York, just like Dirty Dancing. My grandparents took my sister and I for three weeks in the summer. The teens who worked as waiters hung out together, and we took dance classes, played tennis, it really was like the movie more or less.

The New Yorkers I know who are not Jewish still know the commonly used Yiddish. My favorite phrase is mishbookah mishigas which means family craziness. 50% of the white people in NYC are Jewish. About 25% of the total NYC popuation. Yiddish is a funny sounding language, which makes it very entertaining. Every so often Janbb or Zen or one of the many Jeiwsh people on here will throw in a little Yiddish, and a lot of the words have been added to the English language, and especially the Urban dictionary.

My husband’s father’s family is Jewish, he actually speaks Hebrew, it was his first language, but would not understand a stitch of Yiddish, because they are Sephardic Jews, totally different culture in many ways.

Berserker's avatar

Love? Eh. I yam what I yam. French, that is. I don’t feel any particular pride though. However, like an eighth of my blood is Norwegian, so that’s always awesome, since Vikings kick ass.

But nah, no ethnicity love. I’m a human, that’s it.


My mother is Japanese, and my father is Chinese, and I grew up learning both cultures and speaking a little of each language. People who are not Japanese or Chinese usually cannot tell the difference between the two (but many Japanese and Chinese people can). So when I tell a white or black person that I’m half Chinese and half Japanese, they look at me like “Oh, really? I can’t tell.” Lol.

But my Mom always says I look slightly more Japanese than Chinese, and so do many of my Asian friends. I don’t know, do I? I don’t really care. I know “mentally” I am more Chinese in my thinking, meaning that I’m not as “rigid” and “formal” as with the way many Japanese think. I’m more easygoing and relaxed, that is, less principled. But I think that has a lot to do with my American upbringing, as I was born and raised here. And raised on the American diet primarily, I am also somewhat bigger and meatier than the average overseas Asian.

I think I identify myself first and foremost as an American, and Asian second. But I am nevertheless faithful to my “mixed East Asian roots.”

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Nah, it has had little to no impact on my upbringing. When a few young friends found out what their ancestry was, I asked the parents what we were. The answer was Pennsylvania Dutch. It was years later that I learned we were primarily from German descendants. Maybe their evasiveness had something to do with WWII, or maybe it was that they just didn’t care. I suspect it was the latter. The only German ethnic love that seems to have trickled down over the years is our love for sauerkraut.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer I don’t get it. how are you told you are Penn Dutch, and then it takes until years later to know you are German? Dutch, Deutsch, is/means German. Or, were you thinking your family was from Holland? For whatever reason I always knew they were German, and the spelling was altered for America.

woodcutter's avatar

Frenchman/ Abenaki. I don’t know much of the French language, and you won’t see me staying in a wigwam either. I really don’t think much about it.


@woodcutter Curious. What is Abenaki?

martianspringtime's avatar

I don’t put much stock in where my ancestors come from, or even where I come from, because as I can’t choose it I don’t think it dictates an awful lot about me. I do find it really interesting though, and I think I’d be at least partial to any ethnicity I had.

I’m mainly Norweigan (both of grandma’s grandparents), Italian (mom’s dad), German (grandma’s father), Syrian (dad’s father), and English (dad’s mother).

Kardamom's avatar

@JLeslie Thank you so much for your awesome answer and I’m so glad that you like Fran!

My first real boyfriend was Jewish (his grandparents spoke Hebrew too, not Yiddish and I always thought it was so nice that he could actually speak to them. My boyfriend was raised in the US, but he was born in Israel and I thought that was romantically, exotic) He was a hottie! Another fellow who I dated about 10 years ago was also Jewish, and too was extremely handsome. I guess I’ve always had a little thing for the Jewish fellows. This guy was super funny in a very self effacing way and that’s why I loved him so much. The other thing that I loved about him, was that he was also not really a practicing Jew and he loved everything that had to do with Xmas (in a secular way just like me). And he was a vegetarian, so for me, I thought I’d hit the jackpot. Unfortunately, I think he also liked guys too.“Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

It was my current SO who turned me on to The Nanny, and that happned about 5 months ago, so I’m still in the “obssessed honeymoon stage” with Fran Drescher. She is so funny and stunningly gorgeous.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@JLeslie Thank you for asking. It has forced me to think about it. It’s a combination of being raised by parents and older siblings that just never discussed or made a big deal about it, as well as the emphasis on Virginia and later US geography in our local schools. It just didn’t matter.

I also don’t recall any of my friends talking about their family’s ethnic background. The ones that came the closest were a friend that had an Irish last name and the one whose last name was Scottish. They were the ones that generated the question to the parents, despite there being no real sign left over from their ancestry. Maybe it was a case of too many generations of living in the US diluting it.

The majority of us grew up together. When a new kid moved into our small southern town, it was like a breath of fresh air. Everyone embraced Hedi from China, Katrin from Germany, and Lorraine from Australia. They were not only kind and good ambassadors of their native country, but to us, they were exotic. The guy from Polland had to deal with verbal abuse by some of the other guys in our class, but it had to do with his geekiiness instead of his ethnic background, as far as I know. Five years ago, he hosted a post high school reunion part at his house, and people are still talking about how great it was. I guess a few of the people in our class have grown up.

If people take pride in their ancestry, that’s fine. It just isn’t how I was brought up. While a proponent for documenting history, I cannot cling onto a background that never impacted my upbringing.

JLeslie's avatar

@Kardamom Hahahahaha! Not that there is anything wrong with that. Hysterical. I love the xmas decorations too, I was very upset as a kid we could not have a tree. We went to Nutcracker every year, helped friends trim their trees. Love the xmas songs, es
Especially the religious ones ironically.

Are you Italian or Catholic?

JLeslie's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer I think it does influence us, whether we are aware or not. Sounds to me like your mom was a very conservative private person. I bet some of that stems from being PA Dutch. While my loud Jewish eastern European background influences me. Even though we both have been in America a few generations. Well, I have no idea when your family came to America, I think the PA Dutch have been here for several generations. Over 100 years.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@JLeslie “Conservative, private person” describes Dad’s mother. I never met her, but from the descriptions, she sounded like the epitome of the old-fashioned German stereotype. After doing some research over the years, I discovered that Dad’s father’s side came from England, although they came to the US in the mid-1600s.

Mom’s parents were Heinz 57 products. Her mother was uber-liberal for her time. One of Mom’s favorite stories about her mom was that she made a big stink and refused to join the Daughters of The American Revolution (DAR) because they wouldn’t allow qualified Jewish members in.

I think that the parents gave me the Pennsylvania Dutch line because both of them grew up in Pennsylvania and just never gave a hoot about our ancestry. Later, learning that some people in the US wear their ancestors’ nationality like a figurative badge was intriguing.

Kardamom's avatar

@JLeslie I have never been any religion and neither have my parents (and neither were my grandparents on both sides). We didn’t call it agnosticism back in the day, we just were not any religion, but we did and still do celebrate Christmas and Easter, although I had no idea that Easter was a religious holiday at all, until I was in 3rd grade and somebody at school mentioned it. Our family always got together on Easter and we just thought it was a marvelous and fun spring time tradition. We do up Christmas like it’s going out of style, but we don’t go to church and his has nothing to do with religion for us. It’s a family tradition.

I always knew what Christmas was about, and when I was really, really little, I guess I considered myself to be a Christian, only because everyone else around me said they were Christians (except for my immediate family and my grandparents), although nobody that I knew went to church (although plenty of those same people do now, which I think is rather odd).

My father’s ancestors from about 4 generations back came from what is currently France (the Alcace Lorraine area) but was considered part of Germany when my ancestors lived there. My mother’s ancestors came to the US even longer ago than that. They came from somewhere in England, don’t even know where, but they ultimately came to California by way of Oaklahoma during the dustbowl era. But as far as I know, those people didn’t follow any particular religion either, but they may have been Baptists, only because the few cousins and relatives that I have that claim a religion are Baptists.

One of my good girlfriends in junior and senior high school was Jewish and she introduced me to a few of the foods, like kugle and we liked to have lunch at one of the few Jewish delis in our town. But she absolutely loved Christmas music and she would put up blue tinsel garland and Star of David in the back of her car for Hannukah. It used to crack me up. She really loved all of the accoutements of Xmas, but she didn’t want to piss her mom off, who grew up in a Kosher household (from Philadephia). My friend came over to our house one year and helped us decorate our Xmas tree and she had so much fun. She especially loved it when I told her that we had to replace one of the wise men in our Nativity Scene because my dog had eaten Melchior (or was it Gaspar?). She subsequently invited me over for the lighting of the menorrah on Hannukah, but I laughed (inside) when I realized that their whole tradition only lasted about 5 minutes. They lit the candles, mumbled a prayer under their breath and blew out the candles. Then it was over. They didn’t go to Temple or anything like that, so they were kind of like our family in that we were really aganostic. They were Jewish, but not really practicing.

My friend’s mom absolutely loved me, which is surprising, because I’m a blonde haired shicksa looking person. She used to always get her metaphors mixed up and one of my favorites was when she said, “I’ve got more intelligence in my little finger than than all the tea in China.” said whilst waving her pinky finger at us (said in a thick Philly accent).

JLeslie's avatar

@Kardamom Love it. Love the garland in the car. That is too much. My parents are atheists two, chanukah was 2 minutes also lighting the candles, but we don’t blow out the candles! I doubt your friends family did either. Unless they were leaving the house and had to. I grew up in a very diverse community and we all did various different religious traditional things together, none of it mattered. It was just what each of our families did.

I also was very very surprised to find out Easter was a religious holiday. Easter is the holiest day in the Christian reigion? Really? My mom did not allow a xmas tree in the house, but we dyed eggs on easter and received chocolate easter bunnies. When I asked as an adult, why the easter stuff was ok, but not the xmas, she said, “because the eggs and bunnies are about spring and new life.” Um ok. LOL. In a wierd twist, I basically think similarly. Hahahaha.

My mom never made typical Jewish food. I grew up on Italian, American, and Chinese for the most part. Passover we did the required foods (Passover is my all time favorite holiday) but my grandma made many different things for the entree, not typical Jewish many times. Sometimes Chicken Captain, sometimes a pot roast, etc. The first time I had gefite fish, God have you tried that? I was dating a Jewish guy, the one and only, I was in my 20’s. Blech. Well, my husband was raised Catholic, but his father had been raised Jewish, but he spent very little time with the Jewish side of the family and they are Sephardic, different food.

Kardamom's avatar

@JLeslie I have never had gefilte fish, it always looked too icky floating around in that jar.

The fellow that I house sit for, is also a non-practicing Jew (yet he has not been able to do away with his tremendous sense of guilt). Anyway, right after I discovered The Nanny, I started asking him all sorts of questions. I think he thought that I had gone mad (I didn’t admit that I had been watching the show and was now extremely interested in is heritage, which is ironic. He isn’t particularly interested in his own heritage, but he is an expert and scholar on American Indian culture and art) anyway, I asked him if gefilte fish was an actual type of fish or what exactly it was. He was a little flustered and said that it was a mixture of a bunch of different things and then it’s served in brine, but he really had no idea what kind of fish it was and then he said, “Why are you asking me that!?”

I was asking because I knew he was being guilted into going to his sister’s home for Passover, where he did not want to go, but I knew he would be eating it. He said he likes it.

The other ironic thing about my friend, is that he is not allowed to eat in the home of his sister’s son and daughter in law, because his nephew recently became Orthodox and they keep a Kosher home, so my friend (this kid’s Uncle) is not allowed to touch their dishes. He said that when his nephew came to his sister’s home, the nephew and his wife had to cart all of their own Kosher food and dishes to the house, because they are not allowed to eat non-Kosher food or eat off of non Kosher dishes. That’s why my friend didn’t want to go over there and “put up with that nonsense” as he put it. But his sister got all upset and made a big ugly scene and guilted him into coming. When he finally came home and was depressed and agonizing and wringing his hands, I didn’t have the nerve to ask, “So what do you think about Fran Drescher? Isn’t she gorgeous? Please tell me all about your Jewish culture!”

He said that his brother in law was being an A hole during the whole meal, so then I asked, “Was he being a schmegeggy?” You should have seen the look on his face.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’d be more embarrassed to count “Puerto Rican, Irish and African-American” as “two ethnicities”.

But if you’re good in the sack, then you can get away with that kind of math.

JLeslie's avatar

@Kardamom I’m confused. The people who had a kosher home did not let non kosher people eat off their dinnerwear? Is that what you are saying? Or, the Kosher people brought their own plates and forks to a non kosher home?

Also, how did you know he would be havng gefilte fish at passover. Did he tell you that? We never did, and either would my husband’s family I would bet.

Kardamom's avatar

@JLeslie Both, actually. My friend’s nephew will only eat at someone else’s home if he and his wife bring their own food and dishes. But no one, except Orthodox Jews (which my friend and his sister, the nephew’s own mom, are not Orothodox. They are not practicing Jews, but they still celebrate the Jewish holidays just like my family celebrates Xmas, as a tradition) are allowed to eat in their home. I don’t know any of the details about why this is the case, but that’s just how it is in their case. My friend also said that when he was a kid, his own parents, who were Orthodox Jews (and my friend was too, simply by default at the time, because he was a minor) never allowed non-Jews to eat in their home, especially on Jewish holidays. That fact, was one of the reasons that my friend decided, when he became an adult to abandon his faith.

I assumed that my friend was going to eat gefilte fish, because he had a jar of it sitting on the counter, so I asked him about it. He likes it and they did eat it at their Passover dinner.

I realize that The Nanny is only a TV show, but I thought it was nice that the Fine family absolutely invited the Sheffields, a non Jewishh family, for Passover and Hannukah. But they are not portrayed as Orthodox Jews on the show. Does that make a difference, whether they are Orthodox, Conservative or Hassidic? Maybe you can tell me more.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’m Russian and damn proud.

Berserker's avatar

Jesus H Christ. That thing for real??

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Fiddle That is how I want to die.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Sure makes an A1 Abram tank look pretty impotent. Черт их. Вы никогда не могут рассчитывать те Экс-Советов.

Berserker's avatar

I can’t stop looking at those big, mighty canons…please, don’t let it be a photoshop job…

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m pretty sure it’s not a tank, @Symbeline. I’m nearly positive that it’s a rocket launcher. Any one of those outer barrels firing as “a gun” would knock the whole turret out of alignment. Also, since the driver is clearly visible in a window at the front, it’s obviously not armored like a tank would be. This thing is not meant as a “leading” offensive weapon as a tank is. It hangs behind the lines and fires rockets at longer range than tank artillery would be effective (or even possible, I think). But maybe @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard will fill us in, since it’s his image.

Berserker's avatar

Holy crap, you’re right, there is some dude in there. I never saw him lol. Thanks for the info. I don’t know nuthin bout tanks or rocket launchers much. :/

KateTheGreat's avatar

The most popular ones in Russia look like this.

The Katyusha multiple rocket launcher is still used in Russia today. Fashioned by the Soviet Union, they were built to seriously fuck things up. However, they do have their downfalls.

TexasDude's avatar

I dunno what it is.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard The one you posted looked like it was made for a movie or something. I haven’t seen that variant before. It looks 10x scarier than a Katyusha.

Berserker's avatar

My roomate highly suspects the way the canons are coloured and shaded, and is convinced this picture is fake. :/

Goddamn it.

Edit- she adds; the left shoulder doesn’t align properly with the angle this thing is positioned in.

Damnit again lol.

JLeslie's avatar

@Kardamom I have never heard of non orthodox or gentiles not being allowed to eat in someones house because the household was orthodox or kosher. It of course is very common for orthodox Jews to bring their own food, plates and flatware when they eat outside of their home in a non kosher place. Many Passovers I have been to have someone who is not Jewish at the table, although non have been orthodox from what I can remember. I still find even that odd. Orthodox weddings have nonJewish people as guests. They eat the food, dance, etc.

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