Social Question

bob_'s avatar

(Potentially NSFW) How would you describe an experience (or state) of the utmost pleasure/joy?

Asked by bob_ (21942points) August 10th, 2011

For instance, some say “I feel like a million bucks”. Got any expressions you’d like to share with the class? You can fill in the blank: “It feels like _______”.

Extra lurve for creativity and humor.

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27 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

“chicken tonight”?

nikipedia's avatar

Like making @bob_ a sandwich.

Out of me and Monica Bellucci.

rebbel's avatar

…... compared to me, Superman is a joke..

Jude's avatar

“like a woman”.. (you want your Shania?)

Hibernate's avatar

It feels like when you take a dump. No offense but nothing can compare to that feeling.

linguaphile's avatar

Joy to me, means too many different emotions but one of them is… Working for 4 years on something with many obstacles and frustrations, then winning a championship. The biggest triumphs are not the easily won ones. It’s a burst of emotion and a quiet feeling all at once!

bob_'s avatar

@nikipedia Rawr! And here I thought pastrami was good.

mazingerz88's avatar

@bob_ and @nikipedia Get a room already. Lol.

Cruiser's avatar

a Slip ‘N Slide! ;)

Sunny2's avatar

It feels like being at one with the universe and everything is in tune. Physically it feels like being lifted up out of yourself. Then I usually fall asleep.
Oh. You mean just everyday joy? That’s a feeling of your chest and head expanding and happiness that you’re sharing whatever is giving you the joy. It can be hearing a bird sing its heart out, seeing a pattern of leaves against the sky, tasting a creamy chocolate custard, smelling the turkey in the oven, running your hand across a silken fabric for a wedding gown. You never know when joy will happen.

ucme's avatar

The dogs bollocks.

wundayatta's avatar

Do you really want the truth?

You can’t handle the truth.

bob_'s avatar


Mine would be “It feels like coming in a woman’s mouth.”

bob_'s avatar

@Jude Like you haven’t done it ;)

Blueroses's avatar

It feels like… an orgasm on your birthday!

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

It feels like Cheerleader boobs on Prom Night.

MilkyWay's avatar

It feels like squirting.
Or eating dark chocolate.

redfeather's avatar

…like riding an elephant named Judy.

I did this once. I was high up in her big elephant saddle and she was sweet. I had fun. I wonder where Judy is now.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@redfeather Thanks, next time I’m thinking sexual thoughts the damn elephant is going to pop in there.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

When one of my children says, “Dad, why is the…”?

It was great and more frequent when they were young. Now they are older and ask me “Why?” about the world less frequently. But when they do ask today, it’s even more rewarding than ever before when they were young. The “Why?” questions are much more important now. And that gives me the feeling of growing importance to them as well.

Don’t ask me why. I do not know.

Berserker's avatar

I feel like I could kick a train’s ass.


Incoherency_'s avatar

It feels like coherency! :-D

Pol_is_aware's avatar

Boy! this is better than the last episode of Gilligan’s island! (theres irony there)

Response moderated (Writing Standards)
bob_'s avatar

Could the person who got modded try again? :)

zensky's avatar

It feels like… the second time all over again.

The first; not so great.

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