Did you ever have a horrible date? Tell us about it.
Asked by
Aster (
August 10th, 2011
In the 1800’s when I was in college someone fixed this guy up with me because he had JUST broken up with his girlfriend and was in need of cheering up. I remember a convertible pulling up and I got in. He didn’t say a word. Then all throughout this football game, which I had zero interest in at best, he never spoke. This is sounding sort of funny now that I think of it. So there were hours he never said a word. The other couple and this baffoon dropped me off and I don’t think he said a word then either. Can you top that as a horrible date and waste of time?
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23 Answers
Her dad was a cop. Upon picking her up he decides to run my license plates and do a background check. His buddies were waiting for me outside. What he found was not suitable for his daughter to associate with. Within minutes I was cuffed and off to jail.
She still gave me a goodnight kiss though.
^ Bahahahahhahahaha!!!!
Mine was also with someone who didn’t talk. When he did manage to say something it was usually some horrible attempt at a joke that he had to explain for 5 minutes before I even know what he was talking about.
Went to eat and had some drinks, everything was going ok. Went to her place and started making out, got on the bed, and she stopped me to tell me she had herpes…...I was pissed, but so glad she told me. I never called her again after that.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies You mean she kissed you when you were handcuffed?? That sounds crazy to me or super sweet of her? lol
@Blackberry wow, at least she had the decency to be honest. Kudos to her… but that would suck!
@ANef_is_Enuf Yeah, it was very mature. I still feel bad for walking out (I didn’t right away, but I did not stay there), but it freaked me out lol.
Gracious! Several.
A co-worker fixed me up with his roommate. When the guy showed up to pick me up, the first thing he asked is if he could use the bathroom. A few minutes later, I walked past it to get my coat, the the room reeked. All throughout the movie, he kept squirming, passing gas, and excusing himself. I can’t watch the movie Brazil without thinking back on Fartin’ Martin.
Lawnboy, who was 33 and 11 years my junior and looked like Dudley Do-Right asked me out to dinner. The evening turned into a sob story about the woman he met at a gas station, moved in with him a week later, and then moved out while he was at work, only leaving a note that she was moving back in with her ex-husband.
Another co-worker fixed me up with one of our vendors. This guy proceeded to tell me how Marriage #1 failed because she was not good in the bedroom, and #2 failed because she hated his daughter. Throughout these enlightening stories, he kept caressing my leg. Yuck.
The last was the only guy I met through a dating site. He seemed quite normal, so we met for coffee. This guy confessed that his ex-wife had an affair with her sister’s husband, which produced their second son who had no clue that this was the case. While I understand that this type of scenario happens, it was just too much information for a first date.
Hopes Nikipedia doesn’t answer this. Technically it was not a date, just friends having dinner together.
Yes. The owner of a restuarant I once worked in talked me into going on a date with one of our young customers she really liked. He was only a few years older than I but it was terrifying for me because I’d never been on a “date”, the kind where you are picked up in a car and go out in public together. The guy took me to a comedy club where we met up with his sister and another woman. It was terribly awkward, I felt they were talking about me the whole time and as each few minutes passed, the many morphed into a big weirdo in my eyes, can’t say why exactly but the feeling was enough for me to avoid a sweaty kiss when he dropped me home.
I went to the Junior Prom with my sort of boyfriend. He was very good looking but way way more experienced than I was. He even drank beer. My dress was amazing. The top was white and covered with sequins; the entire bottom part, straight, was layers of white chiffon. And it had spaghetti straps. So I was a little nervous with Mr Worldly as usual. We began dancing and he right away mentioned a girl he knew who , he said with a smile, “really fills out a dress. ” I was flat chested and extremely ashamed about it. I had never known an emotion like the one his remark produced in me. I don’t like to wish bad things on people but….we had just moved to that state, I knew nobody except this idiot.
I didn’t think it was a date. A girl whom I was getting to know, and who had said she was attracted to me, asked if she could sleep at my place because her room mate was going to have a man over for the night. I said ok, and we shared a twin bed without really touching. In the morning, she said I was the nicest person to sleep with that she’d ever slept with, and asked if she could use my shower. I said sure, thinking that she would probably like it if I joined her in the shower, but I didn’t. She came out in a towel and acted playfully upset and said she thought I might be gay (I’m not). Then she picked up a pillow and started hitting me with it (I blocked), again, for not coming on to her. Then she said she wanted to borrow one of my overcoats (a unique one that was conspicuously mine), and said that even though I didn’t do anything to her, that she could go around telling people that I had slept with her. Oh, great.
I have a soft spot for people who get crushes on me, but that was a lesson in the way things can go if I don’t set some boundaries… or maybe she was just nuts.
Meanwhile, another girl whom I told this story to, never believed me that I hadn’t slept with this other girl, and held a grudge towards me about it forever (probably still), even though she and I weren’t an item at the time.
Where do I start? lol
Okay…here’s only one…
I once went out with a man who apparently belonged to some strange sect that didn’t allow him to have sex. But he had left the sect and was “eager” to possibly bed (anyone). Unfortunately, I didn’t know this when this “blind date” was arranged. We went out to dinner and in the car before he drove me home (and let me tell you at that point, it could not have been fast enough….) he sort of smiled enigmatically at me and said, “Here…do you want to see it?” I’m looking at his face, thinking, “What does he want me to see? A pimple?” And he keeps looking at me..with this Heh-heh smile. So, I keep looking at him and then he says, “No…look here…at this…” And it was his shortcoming. Exposed. In the car. Right under the steering wheel. He continued:
” I want you to see it beforehand because I don’t want you to be disappointed.”
What? Don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart! That was assuming a lot after a Caesar salad and some coffee.
I was so appalled that I could only manage a “No! Ewww….”
“Come on…it’s okay…you can touch it…”
“Ewwwwwww…...no…..it’s time to GO HOME NOW. TAKE ME HOME NOW…and drop me off….please…!”
He (thankfully) did.
Yeah it was when I drove for 2 hours only to be stood up
Kissed a guy once with the tongue of a lizard. It was cold and slimy. I almost vomited in his mouth.
Btw, it was summer in the tropics and we did not have icecream. I must’ve washed my mouth like a dozen times. That happened over 31 years ago and my stomach still gets qeasy at the thought.
When I moved back to the Bay Area after college, I asked out a woman I’d had some dalliances with years before. I knew she liked to drink but didn’t know how much.
When I picked her up she was halfway through a drink. We left for dinner, had one cocktail before dinner and then sat down. She had a sip of wine and seemed to be instantly trashed. She ordered tortellini alfredo, and started to shovel it in the mouth like a truck driver. Her hair kept falling in the alfredo sauce, and I kept pulling it out.
I’d had about three bites of my meal when she was done, and she promptly fell face first into her plate which still had lots of sauce on it. I got the check, paid it, and had to carry her out to the car.
Turns out she’d also popped a quaalude while waiting for me.
First date (also, last date). It started out with no eye contact or hand shake. Then we proceeded to Dave and Busters, a place you always go for the exquisite food, as there is no better local charm about nor would you dare to play the games at Dave and Busters. We were seated at one of those big booths meant for parties of 10, so it was really hard to look at each other, and while I kept turning to look at him, he didn’t return the favor. He never said please or thanks to the waiter, or smiled at either of us. He responded with a raised and judgmental eyebrow and a snide tone when I mentioned how I’d had more than one job, ever, and the told me how he’d quit his job at Kinkos not once, not twice, but three times, in addition to having other jobs in his lifetime. He (at age 27) was living with 2 siblings and his mother in an apartment in a crappy part of town, but was looking to move out and get his own place with his brother. He had pet rats. Let me say this again: He. had. pet. rats. When we got to the movie theater and were waiting in line (it was one of those movies where they make you wait in line for about half an hour before letting you into the theater), instead of seeing it as a prime opportunity for conversation, he decided it was a prime opportunity for playing games on his phone.
My worst date was with a girl who spent the entire time talking about her exboyfriend. Obviously the date didn’t last very long.
It wasn’t a date, but I met a guy in a bar and decided to take him home. He was super super drunk and told me he loved me. He was too drunk to get it up so we didn’t even do it. When I escorted him out in the morning he accidentally punched me in the face.
And to think, I could have had a good night’s sleep instead!
@sliceswiththings How rude of him. I would at least show appreciation to a good host by plowing them. Lol.
This may not be an appropriate answer but after a date with some guy the next day my girlfriend were walking downtown and I heard a loud snapping noise . I turned around and this guy was following us with a friend and was snapping a real horse whip. Exactly like they use with horses. I started walking faster and so did he. Next day , he had his friend call me and tell me he was sorry and he wanted to continue to date me!! Oh , right. THIS WAS IN COLLEGE. I never considered this suave or smooth behavior to get a girlfriend. Thank God he never called back.
Back in the 80’s I went on a blind double-date with a fellow I worked with, one of the most mellow nicest guys I’ve known. My friend’s date was someone he had only met once at a place several of us went on Friday nights for dancing and possibly meeting people, so he didn’t know his date well and neither of us had met my date.
At the restaurant his date, a small woman, ordered the biggest most-expensive thing on the menu (some lobster dish) and ate just only a bit of it. She ordered a really fancy drink and had just a sip or two before complaining about it and ordering another fancy drink and drinking only some of that. She made a point of not taking a doggie bag for the most of her meal she had left. Everything she said was some kind of criticism of my friend, or me, or the place or the meal – or she was encouraging my date to order something more costly (whether she was happy with what she had or not).
All the while my friend and my date and I are all getting anxious with the negativity and on the ride back to drop the ladies off my date started to ask a few questions that tipped us off that she had been primed by her pal to think my friend and I were well-off eccentric (I was driving a very used volvo sedan) silicon-valley engineers who should be taken for a ride, while in fact we were run-of-the-mill silicon-valley startup hopefuls whose ships had very definitely not come in, you know, regular guys. My date had some class, though, and realized that her pal had mislead her into dismissing us as rich chumps and by the time we dropped them off she was apologetic to my friend and me and was pissed off at her pal.
That was the most awkward date I ever had but at least I had company in my misery.
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