Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What do we all want?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37841points) August 10th, 2011

It seems innate for humans to desire things whether those be tangible or intangible. Maslow outlined his famous hierarchy in 1943, placing our needs in a pyramid. (Take a look.) Is that what we really want? Is it that easy?

Is the highest desire self-actualization, or does it have more to do with getting out of self and giving to others and the community?

What are humanity’s universal desires?

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34 Answers

Neizvestnaya's avatar


Seelix's avatar

Acceptance. Love. Freedom.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Liberty because if you don’t have that,you don’t have much of anything.
All else is trivial.

Blackberry's avatar

Hmmm, I was going to say “It depends”, but I guess it really could be love and acceptance.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Top of the list at this moment? Being able to find an appropriate page for that link. It’s making me nuts, there Jake, am I the only one having a prob?

Blackberry's avatar

@JilltheTooth Spell it “Maslow” instead of “Mazlow”.

augustlan's avatar

Safety, followed closely by love.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Found it, thanks @Blackberry. Gotta think for a moment on that. He doesn’t have M&Ms anywhere on the pyramid.

Your_Majesty's avatar

Money, and pleasure. Who dedicated all of our life for those things.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m really sorry about the link. Here’s the pyramid.

thorninmud's avatar

I see the problem you have with his “self-actualization”, and I agree with you that our most ultimate longing is for self-transcendence. It’s a paradox: The illusion of a separate self creates longing. We then attribute that longing to unmet needs of the self, and go about trying to fill those needs. We think we’ll end up with this complete self that Maslow talks about, but that complete self is only realized by giving up the idea of a separate self altogether.

nikipedia's avatar

Is it too circular to say we all want happiness?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@nikipedia : I don’t think that’s circular at all. It’s not square either, unless you’re into that sort of thing.

Cruiser's avatar

I would be the happiest guy in the world if I never ever heard the word “wot??” (what) ever again!! That deer in headlight response to the simplest of questions. “Wot?” Grrrrrr I get so mad and frustrated by ones inability to think for themselves and come up with even a semi intelligent answer.

“Will you help me with this…“wot?”
“Do you have something that would fix this?.....“Wot?”
“Did you vote last election?....“Wot?”
“Is your heart still beating?.....“Wot?”

JilltheTooth's avatar

Have some of my M&Ms, @Cruiser , they’ll make you happy.

lemming's avatar

I read somewhere that it is very important for a person to feel important. Many of us don’t, but this is what drives alot of very successful people. You could have almost everything in the world, but if you don’t feel fundamentally important, then you won’t be happy. I think it might be true. Makes me wonder about these people rioting in England. Surly their lives aren’t that bad, they have food, warm water, to most in the world they are living in luxury. What’s wrong with them? Maybe they just don’t feel important:/

Cruiser's avatar

@JilltheTooth Can I have just the blue ones?? Those make me real happy!

Donald_Trump's avatar

Enlightenment, I would sincerely hope.

peridot's avatar

Feeling valued. I guess love, respect, a sense of belonging, etc. could be considered flavors of that.

If you have that, you can be dirt-poor and happy. If you don’t, all the money in the world can’t fill that hole.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

Freedom from fear.
Freedom from hunger.
Freedom from want.
Freedom from oppression.
Freedom from enslavement.
Freedom of speech.
Freedom to pursue happiness.
Freedom to choose one’s destiny.
Freedom to choose self-sovereignty.

Berserker's avatar

If you wanna dispute Maslow’s pyramid, you’re gonna have to get in line. Many people disagree with the order.

I think I just answered something here…XD

chyna's avatar

@cruiser It’s the green ones that makes people um… happy.

XD's avatar

Good pooping.

Berserker's avatar

Lol. What the fuck.

Cruiser's avatar

@chyna does that mean I really need the Yellow ones to put a smile on my face??

chyna's avatar

@Cruiser only after the green ones are consumed and acted upon.

Cruiser's avatar

@chyna that only leaves Red and Brown! I’m all in!

Sunny2's avatar

good health, food, clean air and water.
shelter, family, love,
a peaceful life, a good laugh now and then, music,
a civilization that works

martianspringtime's avatar

Oddly enough the Scissor Sisters have a song called ’everybody wants the same thing’, but even they don’t even tell you exactly what the thing is!
Maybe a whole pack of gummies that only has the flavour you like

plethora's avatar

Good health
Lots of Money
No responsibility
And I want LSU football to win the Natl Championship

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Cruiser and @chyna : I guess I’ll have to go out and get more…you guys sure are greedy!

ucme's avatar

Polyester trousers.

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