Meta Question

Blackberry's avatar

Why is it that when I give people Great Answers, sometimes the page has to reload so it can notify me at the top of the page, and other times it just changes without reloading?

Asked by Blackberry (34367points) August 10th, 2011

That’s my question.

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6 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

Yet another lurve issue. Yep, we’ve been talking about lurve a lot lately.

Some of the older archived discussions make you “see” the lurve you’ve given. This happens on some new discussions, to me, too. I have no idea why.

Other times, I click GA and later when I go back to the thread, my GA hasn’t stuck. :/

Seaofclouds's avatar

I believe it has something to do with needing to clear your cache sometimes. I’m not 100% sure though. Every time it’s happened to me, clearing my cache gets it to stop happening.

jrpowell's avatar

Some of the Javascript isn’t loading. This can happen if the page is really long since Javascript is loaded at the end of the page downloading. There are a few other reasons why Javascript might not be loading.

Your best bet is to hold shift while reloading the page. This will force it to download the CSS, images, and Javascript from scratch instead of loading it from the cache.

Brian1946's avatar

It seems that I only get the blue notification bar if I give a GA to a quip that’s in a closed or archived thread.

Hibernate's avatar

I never saw a page reloading while I gave great answers or questions.

Seelix's avatar

@Brian1946 – That seems to be the case with me, too.

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