Meta Question

Incoherency_'s avatar

Why can't I change the settings for my Notifications?

Asked by Incoherency_ (2930points) August 10th, 2011

When I remove the check marks from the New Activity, Messages, and Questions sent from users options; and then click on Save Settings, I get a response that says “broadcast” near the top of the page.

When I exit and reenter Notifications, those options are check marked again.

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8 Answers

FutureMemory's avatar

Hmmm…that doesn’t sound very logical.

Bill_Lumbergh's avatar

I am having the same problem! I asked this question a couple of weeks ago, and I am somewhat disappointed to see it has still not been resolved.

SpatzieLover's avatar

This has been ongoing. I tried one day when someone else posted the same question. I also see “braodcast”.

augustlan's avatar

Hm, I had no idea this was occurring. I’ll add it to our ‘to do’ list right away!

Bill_Lumbergh's avatar

@augustlan – Why do I feel like I have heard that before… idea

augustlan's avatar

@Bill_Lumbergh Holy crap. I have the worst freaking memory on the planet. I feel very sheepish, now. Well, at least the guys have been notified twice. ;)

SpatzieLover's avatar

I just tested it again on mine @augustlan. It is still an issue.

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