Meta Question

Jude's avatar

Have you ever realized after the fact that you gave bad advice on Fluther? Did you pm the person to let them know?

Asked by Jude (32210points) August 11th, 2011

Guilty as charged.

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16 Answers

marinelife's avatar

I have sometimes backed off of a harsh stance if the person provided more information. When i did, I not only PMd them, I tried to acknowledge it within the thread.

wundayatta's avatar

Fortunately or unfortunately, I rarely remember what I have said here. However, if someone makes a comment and shows me I was mistaken, then I’ll usually acknowledge that.

But mostly, the questions I answer aren’t susceptible to a determination of good or bad advice. It’s opinion, and I’m the only one who can decide if I want to change my opinion. But whether I hold onto it or change it, it doesn’t make sense to say it’s a good or bad opinion.

The advice I give is the best I know how to give. I try to make sure it’s based on something more than opinion.

Jude's avatar

“The advice I give is the best I know how to give. I try to make sure it’s based on something more than opinion”


Thanks (the both of you)

YARNLADY's avatar

I have used words that were misunderstood, but I got it straightened out by using PM.

When I make a public mistake that is pointed out to me, I apologize.

jaytkay's avatar

If I admit a mistake I want it public in the thread where I made the error.

tranquilsea's avatar

Not that I’m aware of. I think I have had to clarify myself now and again.

Hibernate's avatar

Only if the answer was misunderstood.

Jude's avatar

So, I asked my g/f: Being opinionated and obnoxious. How can one be opinionated without being an obnoxious ass? (referring to myself)

Her response: Before You Speak, Ask Yourself: Is It Kind, Is It Necessary, Is It True, Does It Improve On The Silence? ~ Sai Baba

For the most part, I try to keep my opinions to myself unless my advice is asked for or I really think something needs to be said. You know what they say about opinions, anyway.

wise woman

Your_Majesty's avatar

I will never give advice that I think is wrong, it’s just sometimes it’s a bit controversial, like a dual-bladed knife. If I made a mistake I’ll gladly apologize.

Cruiser's avatar

I have posted answers on the wrong thread before…would that qualify?

Kardamom's avatar

No, but I have PM’d other Jellies to let them know that the “naughty” or harsh answer they just gave was given to an underaged kid : )

I wish the Fluther avatars for underaged people had some kind of a symbol next to them, like on your drivers license so that everybody could know that there was a kid on the thread.

augustlan's avatar

I honestly can’t remember (stupid swiss cheese brain), but I certainly must have. I’m pretty sure I’d acknowledge my error in the thread, because I’d want everyone who participated to know not to follow my incorrect advice. I might also apologize directly to the OP, via PM, if it was really out of line.

JLeslie's avatar

I PM or say it right there on the Q. I don’t want other people who might have been following to get bad information either.

NightStalker's avatar

Yeah. I totally misunderstood a comment and responded inappropriately. I PM’d and then posted my mistake. Life is short. It is better to honestly own it and make it good.

Mariah's avatar

I don’t give advice often of fluther, but I have treated people way too harshly and have apologized when it was pointed out to me.

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