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mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - How does the age of the opposite sex influences your bedroom fantasies?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29298points) August 11th, 2011

Which has a tendency to stimulate and arouse you sexually, a younger or an older person and why?

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34 Answers

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Either a younger person with an older spirit, or an older person with a younger spirit will suit me just fine.

KateTheGreat's avatar

An older person, but not too old.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

and just how old is too old @KatetheGreat?

Pandora's avatar

About my age or maybe a bit older. Why? I guess because even my subconcious knows an unbelieveable lie when it dreams it. I guess I’m just not that gulliable in my sleep. LOL
Oh, sorry I misunderstood. Yeah! Even awake I can only fool myself so much. But really, I like a little snow on the roof. I think men look more distinguished after a certain age.
Young guys may be cute or handsome but never distinguish looking. I like the whole package.

janbb's avatar

Well, in my fantasies about 60 year old men, we are generally lying down, not running naked through the woods.

creative1's avatar

A little older than myself, someone with lots and lots of intellect…. I can’t tell you how hot that is to me.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@real Hmmm, I am 19 so I definitely wouldn’t go over 35 or 40.

Cruiser's avatar

Older women never floated my boat. Dated a lady 4 years older and that did not work out,

Brian1946's avatar

My fantasy features an immortal being, so age is basically not an issue.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Dang @KatetheGreat! You are quite the progressive. I hope you consider all options, including nice young men closer to your age.

chyna's avatar

Younger guys for me.

mazingerz88's avatar

@KatetheGreat Yeah. I’m 19 and ¾.

KateTheGreat's avatar

@real of course I do! I mostly have guys closer to my age. I don’t choose to date younger ones though.

Uberwench's avatar

Younger men usually don’t do it for me, but younger women are fine. Older men and older women are also both okay.

choreplay's avatar

If younger, not by much but mostly around the same age or older women. I’m 45. The older my wife gets the less inhibited she is. I like that type of maturity. Sorry, have to ask, how much younger @chyna ?

chyna's avatar

@choreplay Anywhere from same age to 10 years younger. :-)
You are in there.

zenvelo's avatar

I don’ think age has much to do with my fantasies. I’ve had incredible sex with women in their fifties, I think women in their forties and fifties can be very adventurous and know what they want.

choreplay's avatar

@chyna please tell me you meant ten years yonger than you and not ten years old? lol

chyna's avatar

@choreplay Yes! I was able to edit. Thank you for pointing that out.

Jude's avatar

My partner (who is a few years younger).

blueiiznh's avatar

it really does not have as big an affect as other things. Too many other things come into play before the age card unkess it is completely too young or too old.


A younger person tends to do that to me. Maybe that’s why my wife is 7 years younger than me?!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I don’t put that much thought into it. I guess around my age, perhaps older, sometimes. 50 tops, probably.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Between 10 years – to 5 years + my own age, mostly. I think the oldest man I’ve ever been attracted to was ~50, but he didn’t look it.

athenasgriffin's avatar

My age or older. Maybe a teensy bit younger. I think as I age, the ages I’ll consider appropriate will widen.

Joker94's avatar

Either just older than me, or just a bit younger. Rarely my own age.

linguaphile's avatar

Usually younger than me by 1 to 7 years. Regardless of age, I can’t become attracted to someone who has gotten complacent and boring. I’m very playful and love adventure—my role model is my 76 year old grandma who went on all the rides at ValleyFaire! So someone who has settled into his La-Z-Boy and morphed with his remote: ick.

downtide's avatar

The older I get, the less attracted I am to people older than myself… O.o

megzybrahh123's avatar

They can’t be too young or too old because I don’t want an old, wrinkly body on top of me during sex, yuck!

Londongirl's avatar

I think it is more about the physical attaction and emotional attachment with a guy, age shoudn’t be a big issue as long as within 10 years below and above…

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Hey I’m not complaining here… I’m just interested in how people come up with these arbitrary figures of “10 years” here, and “5 years” there. Or definitely not more than 40 years old

Like, if you met a person that was great on all accounts, but then discovered they were one or two years past your mark… would that really be the deal breaker?

Londongirl's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies I honestly don’t think age should’t be a problem, some people younger but more mature and some older but more immature. A few years past my mark is not an issue at all.. It is more about how we get on.

linguaphile's avatar

An exact number doesn’t matter for the most part. Much more depends on where the other person is in life, their values and habits, and their attitude about life. A deal breaking number? Not so much, but deal breaking details, yes- especially the ones that have to be dealt with on a daily basis.

I have a 25 year old male friend who is an amazing guy in every way and I truly enjoy his company. We probably could date but it never will happen—the deal breaker is that he is stoic and humorless while I’m so animated! His stoicness is a novelty when I do see him, but would get on my nerves after a while. On the opposite end—I was intensely attracted to a 55 year old guy before I got married (when I was 27 years old). The deal breaker was—he was ready to retire and travel while I was just getting settled into my career. Those are not age-related reasons, but situational reasons.

I like being around people who don’t have “old farts” attitudes about life—but are still exploring, discussing, learning, and trying new things. Any relationship I get into would require the same thing.

I think Prince says it well:
Why is age more than a number when it comes 2 love?
Should we ask the ones who speculate
When they don’t know what it’s made of?

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