What can a 14 year old girl do in the middle of the night alone...
I am so bored, I have no idea what to do, its nearly midnight and I want to stay up all night… and morning for those people who get all technical with it (myself). No alcohol, I’m 14, and I can’t leave my house. I really don’t care, just any random stuff to do would help.
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45 Answers
I recommend staying on this site. It kept me up all night when I found it.
Watch movies, play games online, paint your toenails, do crossword puzzles, read books, exercise, listen to music.
And why stay up if your not going to have fun?
Read books or look up stuff online. Learn a new skill. Exercise. Do something creative.
If you truly are 14. Then SAY YOUR PRAYERS AND GO TO BED.
But if you are a cop, sorry dude… there ain’t no pedaphiles on fluther.
Start an awesome Mod-podge project. Like, make a college on a chair or something.
I don’t recommend saying your prayers. You’re too old for imaginary friends.
Killing time before school starts? Learn a hobby, learn about something awesome, read ghost stories.
Enjoy it now- you are at a great time in your life. You do not have to care for anyone but yourself and have your whole life ahead of you.
i think there are a lot of cops who pray @SavoirFaire… don’t deny them that
I’m in your exact position as well. 14 and bored.
:D I like meeting new people!
freaking hilarious @FutureMemory. fucking truth is always hilarious hahahahah
Read all the questions over the past 2 months. That will keep you busy.
Bake us some cookies! yeah Cookies!
Search the couches for spare change, dip your finger in soap and write REDRUM on all the bathroom mirrors…drink all the orange juice….order pay-per-view… open an alias account on Fluther and pretend you are ZEN…
^^^omg e.x.c.e.l.l.e.n.t..s.m.i.t.h.e.r.s tff^^^
Are the cookies done yet? A sandwich would do also.
Those would be really speedy cookies.
I made a sandwich…. FOR MYSELF
@Moldychesee See, we are helpful! Was it a moldy cheese sammi?
Now we can get out a deck of cards and play fluther solitaire.
I made chocolate butterscotch peanut butter marshmellow squares… they look yummy
Well, whenever I can’t sleep, I have sex with myself. And then often, about 30 seconds after I’m done, I suddenly find that I am, in fact, tired. I cannot believe no one said that yet. Where are all the pervs I know are on here?
we don’t talk to 14 year old cops like that around here @Aethelflaed
I’m a fourteen year old cop now!
You’re one or the other. And if you’re one, then go to bed. If you’re the other, get lost.
Why not? What’s wrong with telling a 14 year old that masturbation is natural and healthy and much better than going and having partnered sex? It’s not like I’m asking for details on it for my own pleasure.
Goodnight @Moldychesee. I wouldn’t want to see the look on your parents face when they find out you’re talking to 48 year old man this late at night.
why not @Aethelflaed? Because you are not her parent
aint’ goin nowares on this thread @chewhorse
you go ahead and contact her parents and let me know how your suggestion goes over @Aethelflaed
Soooo, if I’m a cop, I have to go to bed…?
awwww a lurve fest is starting
This is what you can do. Crack open an egg and just use the yolk. Now scramble it up raw with some sugar. Maybe three teaspoons and add a little vanilla extract. Warm up a glass of milk and pore into a the mix. Stir it up really well. Drink it all up. It really is quite delicious. Now go brush your teeth, and go to bed. That milk drink will knock you out like a ton of bricks and you will wake up feeling like you went to a spa.
You are already bored. So I don’t see why going to bed would be a bad idea. Its what I do when I get extremely bored. I’m going off to bed right now. Goodnight.
When I was that young, I loved being home alone so I could have the whole house to myself and act like a total idiot. I would blast music and dance around. I would ballroom dance with my dog. I tried to walk with my hands. I mattress surfed down my stairs. (More fun with friends, that.) I dyed and cut my hair once. Ate huge amounts of food. Made food. (Don’t burn down the house. I had a boyfriend who burnt down his house home alone in middle school with an oil fire.)
@FutureMemory because, I can. And its how I always spell my username.
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