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Are those who rent self-storage de facto hoarders?
In this area there are so many sell-storage places and most are usually always filled up. In conversation people talk about those people on the show ”Hoarders” and how they should get rid of all that junk, and how they would never have all that stuff in their houses. That make me wonder, if they have a lot of stuff in storage, most of which has not been seen for years, aren’t they de facto hoarders? They are hoarding stuff, they are just hoarding it off-site and paying royally to do so. The reason it is in storage because they felt they needed it when they put it in there, for future use, sentimental reason, etc. If they are not going to use it, and haven’t used it, it was buried in storage so how could they, isn’t it de facto hoarding? That fact makes them de facto hoarders, just not in their homes.
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