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mazingerz88's avatar

If given the means, will you fly to Somalia to save some lives from famine?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) August 12th, 2011

Honestly, I just asked this question to vent. I’m kind of heartbroken after reading this news about Somalian parents abandoning one or two of their kids on the way to escape famine due to drought and whatever other hellish reasons there are plaguing their land.

One father had to leave on the dirt path a 5 year old son so weak that he is unable to walk so he could continue on with his other children. Now I can’t get out of my head that boy slowly dying of hunger and thirst out there.

Then I heard news on the radio that a young man from Herndon, Virginia just won 107 million bucks in the lottery. Somehow I got into fantasizing that if I was that guy I might charter a plane and spend for whatever is necessary to get to those children being abandoned to their death. The fantasy does not really help but actually makes me feel worse, but will you fly with me if that was true?

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12 Answers

Supacase's avatar


Oh, that poor family. What an awful fate for that little boy, out there alone dying such a miserable death. His dad’s heart must be breaking even though he did what was best for his other children.

TexasDude's avatar

If I get to kill some of the scumbag warlords and pirates that steal all the aid money that we keep throwing at the good guys over there, then yeah, I’ll go in a heartbeat.

Hibernate's avatar

If we manage to win money we can just arrange for planes with aid to fly there several times. That way we can help out more than just give them a bit of hope. Sad thing is their governments are broke and can’t help out their citizens.

mazingerz88's avatar

I’m just hoping there are still human beings out there with enough resources and sense of humanity that have acted instantly once news of these terrible events came out. I knew there are thousands dying out there but I have ignored it as “what else is new here anyway” news. Stupid I know but what the fuck, with all the millions of compassionate humans out there in the world, why is this happening? Still I hope. Should standing in front of the White House with a sign help? Don’t have much money but if anyone knows of any real, direct and credible effort to get to those kids I’m willing to send some. Thanks.

DrBill's avatar

YES, without question

CaptainHarley's avatar

Of course! I am my brother’s “keeper.”

Seaofclouds's avatar

@Hibernate Sending more things would be great if there weren’t people intercepting the aid we are sending so that the people that need it don’t get it.

If I could, I’d donate the money to someone that could go over and do things, but with things the way they are right now, I wouldn’t fly over by myself and try to face the militia (or whatever it is that is stopping the aid from getting to those that need it). I have a family at home I still have to be here for as well, so dying over there would be devastating for my family.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Hibernate Wish there could be real life heroes as in Hollywood movie heroes where a bunch of millionaires along with some retired military people would finance a rescue fighting expedition and execute it all ready to die if need be just to save those kids. There’s too much money out there in the hands of some people and way too many guns for sale. Combine that with hearts, guts and muscle and this mission is good to go, imo.

There’s also way too much daydreaming here…

woodcutter's avatar

I would pay someone else to go and do it. It’s been tried before and the warlords want a piece of the action, and they will take it in order to further control everyone. Being an American with a big heart doesn’t make you bullet proof.

RareDenver's avatar

No, I’m not a very good person really. I give money to charity but never volunteer for anything or do sponsored activities. I guess I’m just a bit lazy and selfish.

woodcutter's avatar

@RareDenver Don’t be so hard on yourself. It would be impractical for everyone to drop everything and actually go put in the time, in real time. That’s why there are orgs like the Salvation Army and Unicef, etc. Help them and they do what they do.

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