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Ltryptophan's avatar

Are snails beautiful?

Asked by Ltryptophan (12091points) August 12th, 2011

They are slimy. They leave a trail of it. Their bodies are amorphous.

These are some subjective opinions on common snails:

There is something unsettling about them.

They are pests!

Now, considering all those ideas do you find them beautiful?

They are to me. They are sort of one of the things that makes earth feel especially like home to me.

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35 Answers

lillycoyote's avatar







They are slimy though, I’ll give you that.

jeleia's avatar

I do think they’re beautiful, and I know what you mean. They don’t seem beautiful “on paper” (as in, a description of them, which you showed yourself) but there is something about them. For me it might have something to do with me being a kid – I lived in New Zealand back then and there were a lot of snails – we used to follow their trails, when we picked them up they went back into their shells, they were safe and unthreatening. I never thought about it before, that’s a great question.

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

Yes, I think they are gorgeous….I photograph them. I find them quite friendly. And they never seem to be in a hurry.

Ltryptophan's avatar

@lillycoyote I like the green one.

lillycoyote's avatar

@Ltryptophan I think that’s my favorite too.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Yes. They are adorable, I used to keep them as pets.

TexasDude's avatar

I think they are.

Their form is very pleasing to the eye.

8Convulsions's avatar

Of course they are. They are precious.

DominicX's avatar

I hate them, I’m sorry. They gross me out and they eat my plants. Who knows how many snail deaths I’m responsible for…

gondwanalon's avatar

Yes snails can be beautiful but they can also be deadly. Check this out

Your_Majesty's avatar

Snails are very beautiful. The beauty of their shell combined with irregular body shape and decorated with dazzling antenna-like eyes, such a unique and magnificent creature! I love all of them despite their slimy body but marine naked nails are my favorites!

Even if you think they’re not beautiful you know they’re at least beautiful to be eaten.

gondwanalon's avatar

Snails are also delicious!

Seelix's avatar

I like snails. They make me think of the story by Italo Calvino titled “La Spirale” (or “The Spiral”) about a mollusc. It’s a beautiful story.

Vunessuh's avatar

I think snails are adorable. They’re playful and family oriented and curious. Yeah I know, total corndog, but why can’t they have personalities? Why can’t they, DAMMIT! I find snails and rolly pollies to be likeable.

martianspringtime's avatar

I think they’re really cute. When I was a little kid I was obsessed with them.

pezz's avatar

Some snails are very beautiful to other snails, yet some snails are more beautiful than others

CWOTUS's avatar

Excellent link, @8Convulsions. Beautiful. Thanks for that.

@gondwanalon, yours wasn’t quite as adorable, but certainly good to know.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I think they are.
Liguus Tree Snails are my favorite.

8Convulsions's avatar

@CWOTUS You’re welcome. I’m glad you liked it. :)
I recommend you see the whole documentary. Each scene is stunning.

gailcalled's avatar

Yes, but could be enhanced with a little melted butter, chopped parsley and garlic.

mazingerz88's avatar

I eat edible snails but not this one…

Racing snail

Mariah's avatar

I think they’re cute and awesome. I plan on keeping a big aquarium once I’ve got my own place and definitely want it to include an aquatic snail.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’m so glad that I am not the only one that has a soft spot for snails. I think they are lovely creatures and I actually tripped over my own feet trying to avoid stepping on one the other day!

Afos22's avatar

Snails and their counterparts seem to me like one of the more alien creatures on this planet. I feel that they must have come here from some other place in the universe.

gondwanalon's avatar

@CWOTUS The Cone Snail’s poison dart apparatus may not be adorable but is a beautiful mechanism for hunting food and for self defense.

syz's avatar

I like them. I always thought it would be cool to have my eyes on retractable stalks.

incendiary_dan's avatar

They’re also beautiful in butter and garlic.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Yes they are lovely especially baked in the shell with some garlic butter.

They taste pretty good with a little wasabe too.

Coloma's avatar

I wrote a poem about a snail once, when I was about 12. haha
Yep, snails are very cool little critters.

Ltryptophan's avatar

@Coloma, ok, so, you didn’t intend to just mention the poem and then not recite the poem here??? right?

Coloma's avatar


haha, well, I hardly remember it, but, it’s theme was patience. lol

Ltryptophan's avatar

A Snail’s Patience

There’s a patient snail
that waits for you,
It travelled far on foot to you,
In your garden pacing to and fro,
Its irridescent path aglow.

There I’ve got you started…write it anew

It is waiting there

Down near a path

spittingamethyst's avatar

I think they are adorable. They just seem so patient and in tune with the earth. A thought provoking creature.

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