Social Question

Aethelflaed's avatar

The capitol S in my tweetdeck looks misaligned; what the heck, and can you help please?

Asked by Aethelflaed (13760points) August 13th, 2011

My tweetdeck has my capitol Ses (esses? S’s? the letter s, pluralized) looking all misaligned. Which leads me to this crucial point: Tweetdeck is on my computer, not my typewriter (hah. My typewriter. No, I don’t really have one.) I don’t even… How can computers do this? What the…? And why is it in Tweetdeck only, since everything looks correct in Fluther? Any programmers want to shed some light on this?

How do I make it go away and be all computery awesomeness and mandatory conformity again?

The proof

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3 Answers

Bellatrix's avatar

That is a bit odd. Has it always done that? I haven’t noticed it in mine?

Aethelflaed's avatar

@Bellatrix No, it’s a totally new feature. As of, like, maybe 15 minutes before posting the question.

Bellatrix's avatar

Have you closed it down and tried reopening it again? I am sure you have done that though. Restart your computer? That is my fix all thing. Do a restart and see if it fixes it. Bit odd though.

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