How come you get no shout out for hitting 15k as you do for 5, 10, 20k etc?
The announcements or shout outs at the right will say such-and such hit 5k, or 20k etc. I often wondered why the 15k milestone was overlooked or ignored at least not from what I have seen. You get one at a mere 5k, then another 5k later at the 10k level. So why is there not one for 15k it wasn’t seen as significant enough achievement to get a shout out or recognition?
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16 Answers
I asked that same question when I hit 15k and I don’t think anyone answered???
It’s a fluther mystery.
Tradition, tradition..,,,
I think a gift basket should be awarded for hitting 13,632
I would think that the general idea is to celebrate in increments of 10k – with the 5k one being a sort Welcome to the club of regular posters! thing?
What are you talking about? I got a shout-out! I think they don’t like you, @Hypocrisy_Central! Either that, or you forgot to pay your dues.
Oh. You haven’t reached 15k yet. You still have time to pay your dues!
5K is only acknowledged in the Community Feed. There is no party. 15K is not a milestone.
I agree with @FutureMemory.
Plus, how many parties do you want? We can barely keep up now. My 30k lasted for days.
@JLeslie One party was enough for me. I could do without the 20 and 30k ones, personally.
@wundayatta I think they don’t like you, @Hypocrisy_Central! Tell me something I don’t know, the mansion was not in foreclosure when I got there for nothing. However, many, many more people got there before me and I never seen a shout out for them, maybe they are not like either. No one likes me, I will still eat as well and maybe sleep even better. This place will get bored when I am gone because there will be no one fire the cannos at. ;-).
@JLeslie Plus, how many parties do you want? We can barely keep up now. My 30k lasted for days. I didn’t create the parties, it ain’t me. I just thought you had an official mark at 5k, then 10k it just seem logical to me to have a 15k, if for nothing else, to say to those who made it that you are a “made member” of Fluther. Getting to 20k and up is like going from capo to an underboss etc.
Your party was off the hook, shows how much people do love you, I am just happy their hatred for me didn’t taint your party much LOL LOL <hugs>
It’s time for a good old fashioned 7238 lurve party.
Really? There’s a shoutout for 5K? I must have missed that…
@yankeetooter No party but a mention in the Community Feed and people often PM congrats. BTW, Mazel Tov to you!
Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout! Shoutout!
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