Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What is that RIGHT thing you have done lately but you HATED doing and why is this the case?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29284points) August 13th, 2011

Most of the time, in anything we do, there always seems to be a catch, a caveat. In this case, I’m wondering about good deeds done and what possible causes could make someone dislike whatever “righteous” thing they did. And does this make them better compared to somebody who did not do anything good at all? Are you or are you not one of the good guys if you did what is right yet for some reason despised that very act?

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23 Answers

redfeather's avatar

I dislike every time I don’t punch my ex in his damn face when he acts like an ass. Does that count?!

mazingerz88's avatar

@redfeather Guess so. But if you don’t mind my inquiry, why do you even still see him? : )

redfeather's avatar

To see our child.

tranquilsea's avatar

I called Child Protective Services on my sister. I hated being right about it and she doesn’t like me too much now.

mazingerz88's avatar

@tranquilsea Must have been tough.

tranquilsea's avatar

@mazingerz88 It was unbelievably tough but the right thing to do.

Blackberry's avatar

Sometimes I really want to troll christian forums and ask them what the hell is wrong with them….....but then I don’t lol.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Blackberry Hmm, don’t think it’s worth it unless they decide to engage.

SuperMouse's avatar

Not unlike @redfeather, continuing to take the high road with my ex. It is like a stab in my heart every time I hear my kids saw how great their father is when I know what he is up to behind their backs. I also know that not sharing that information with them is the right thing to do.

woodcutter's avatar

I spent all the money I made last week on prescription drugs. Didn’t think that was going to happen but it had to be done. Three little amber colored plastic bottles. That’s what I’m working for?

mazingerz88's avatar

@woodcutter I hear yah.
@SuperMouse You’re one tough, mousie.

philosopher's avatar

Listening to my R Wing family members BS. I could recite the facts and occasionally do. It is like speaking to someone unaware of reality. They live in a world that does not actually exist. Based on their narrow mined self absorbed limited scope. As my life goes on I respect them less and less. I want to say if you actually had real problems you could not survive.
I want to get along but the documentation never supports their reality.
I dislike all extremes and feel they are usually based on a lack of comprehending the facts.

YARNLADY's avatar

We sent money to my unemployed DIL again. She is so helpful taking care of my husbands mother, and always helping the rest of the family with errands, so when her car payment comes due, we pay for it, when it needs maintenance, we pay for it.

I hate that my son and my DIL can’t find work, even thought they are good workers, experienced and highly skilled in their fields. It’s bad enough when two of my adult grandsons can’t find work, because their only experience is retail clerks.

Hibernate's avatar

Stopped someone committing suicide. I do not hate it right now but I hate all the complains I get from the other person because I did not let them die. Sad part is she wanted to be stopped and yet she whines like a crazy person because she “wants” to be dead. I did something good [I do not regret it] but I hate all the hate speech coming my way now.

Nullo's avatar

In retrospect, I can’t think of a single thing (rightly or otherwise) that I hated having to do that I’m still angry about. All that’s registering lately are varying degrees of annoyance with my bosses and clientèle.

@philosopher Your trouble is that you have an alien viewpoint; you and they live in separate realities within the same world. I’m inclined to think that they’re more right, objectively, than you think.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Hibernate Wow. That just sucks!

philosopher's avatar

Unfortunately they are morally wrong.
I do not wish to fill my heart with anger. People who acquire great wealth or are born into it often have No comprehension about how most people live.
I can not ever support Politicians that side with the Minority. Elitist and people who oppose research are the minority. In the US and worldwide.
It is very sad that many people can not learn by seeing how other humans suffer.
Nancy Regan supports research because she suffered greatly.
Human beings should attempt to empathize with each other.

Nullo's avatar

@philosopher Then why don’t you start by trying to empathize with your relatives? You might find that they’re not the monsters that you think that they are. And what’s this business about elitists and research and minorities? I thought that lefties were the champions of the minorities.
And while you’re at it, could you explain how they’re morally wrong? Because it sounds like you just disagree with their politics.
I’d like to point out that there are difference between being right-winged and being Republican.

philosopher's avatar

I agree the problem is the R Wing Extremist took over the Republican party and the L Wing took over the Democratic party. I disagree with both extremes.
unfortunately it would take too much time to list what is immoral about their specific behaviors. I also will not expose their personal stuff.
It is immoral that the American Middle Class was asked to bail out the wealthiest.They still received their bonuses while others lost their homes and more.
It is immoral that the wealthiest have loopholes to avoid paying taxes.
Warren Buffet said, yesterday the wealthiest should pay more.
Unlike the wealthy family my family married into my husband and I worked for ever thing we have.
These people go to the best schools but they are not hard workers. They can not think outside the so called box. They all marry successful intelligent hard working people. They depend on their Trust Funds and their parents when they need money.
At forty something they still ask their parents for money. Despite this they have No empathy for special needs people or the elderly.
They make me sick.

mazingerz88's avatar

@philosopher I do get what you are saying about these people with trust funds. I know one who at least, as it seems to me, able to think outside the box. She teaches her two kids to be compassionate and charitable. She is very kind to the help. I also observed since she never worries about working to earn money, she easily gets upset over the mundane, like buying the expensive dress that turned out did not suit her or not losing enough weight for the week. Ah, the miseries these people had to endure just breaks my heart! Lol.

philosopher's avatar

I just wish that they had a clue what most people experience.
The family member who is successful on his own forgot what life was like before he was a Millionaire. He is my husbands blood.
This family member tries to convince my husband to support the polices of the far right. I tell my husband I truly pray that they all experience the kind of pain we have. It may sound wrong but they do not understand.
I am the mother of an autistic young man. I will always vote against anyone who opposes research. I consider them immoral.
They have the right to practice their religion but not to insist that everyone does. A Democracy should be run by the majority and Scientific fact. Not by the beliefs of a minority. This attitude is very like the way Iran is run. It sounds like Sarha law.
I do not really wish harm to anyone but I do not respect clueless self aborbed people.

mazingerz88's avatar

@philosopher Such is life in reality. Not everyone living inside their bubble could get a real sense of how it is outside. And even less in numbers are those who can even imagine how it’s like.

philosopher's avatar

This is unfortunate.
LOL Bob Dylan wrote a song about it.

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