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mazingerz88's avatar

If forced to do cannibalism in order to survive, how would you prepare your meat and would you still have the senses to pass the ketchup if someone asked?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29343points) August 13th, 2011


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33 Answers

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I like my beef bloody raw. But I’d be the last man to sit at the cannibal table.

jonsblond's avatar

Sweet Baby Ray’s bbq sauce.

redfeather's avatar

I like my meat burnt to a crispy unrecognizable chunk of carbon

Blondesjon's avatar

If I had ketchup I might try seeing how far that would stretch before I started munching on Billy.

rebbel's avatar

Give me the spare ribs, please.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

i don’t eat anything i can’t spell. and i’ve always had a hard time spelling catsup

amujinx's avatar

Given that humans supposedly taste like pork (long pork), I would gladly pass the ketchup. I make no promises on passing the bar-be-que sauce though.

MacBatman31's avatar

Grilled or smoked is always good. Personally I prefer Bar-B-Q sauce over ketchup.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

more horseradish for me then

MacBatman31's avatar

Let’s do it! Who is first on the menu?

amujinx's avatar

@MacBatman31 Given that the flavor of meat changes based on diet, I vote we stay away from people who frequently eat fast food.

MacBatman31's avatar

@amujinx agreed!
@mazingerz88 Pass on me, I’m too fat to be eaten, you all will be let down when you get me on the plate. Sorry.

zenvelo's avatar

Grilled boned and butterflied leg, with some barbeque sauce. Although if you’re at the point of cannibalism, when you get the BBQ sauce at the store, you might as well pick up some t-boness too.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’d coat it with worchestershire sauce and Grill Mate’s Montreal Steak seasoning. It would be grilled to perfection, then dipped in a little A-1. Served with a loaded baked potato and salad with ranch dressing.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

In the boardinghouse where I live,
Everything is growing old.
Long gray hairs are in the butter,
And the bread is turning mold.

When the dog died we had sausage.
When the cat died, catnip tea.
When the landlord died, I left there.
Spareribs were too much for me.

amujinx's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate You forgot the nice red wine.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

The wine and chocolates are for dessert!

SuperMouse's avatar

I typically enjoy a nice rare steak but in this case I’ll go with @redfeather‘s preference. About the ketchup though, if we were resorting to eating one another’s flesh in order to survive, wouldn’t we have already eaten any of the condiments on hand?

KateTheGreat's avatar

With fava beans and a nice chianti. ;)

redfeather's avatar

Now I’m hungry.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Call me a romantic or traditionalist, but for my money there is only one way to cook human flesh, and that is over and open fire, old skool stylie.

flutherother's avatar

Lots of ketchup, lots and lots and lots of ketchup and I don’t even like ketchup.

Cruiser's avatar

I would use this family Long Pig recipe.

Berserker's avatar

In a realistic scenario, I’d try to live off of roots, moss and condiments, were there to be any of the latter hanging around. Before I started eating people, anyways. I may try to hunt or fish, but as of now, these are skills I cannot even fathom mastering.

If I had to eat a person in order to survive, I’d concentrate on flesh and muscles. I’d be wary of organs, although I may consider them. I’d also cook anything thoroughly, if a fire was possible.

Nullo's avatar

I wouldn’t. Burial for the dead, and if I must then dig my grave beside them and lie in it, then I will.

ucme's avatar

I wouldn’t eat meat, i’m a strict vagitarian see.

zenvelo's avatar

@ucme I imagine vegetarians are tasty, kind of a “free range” human.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@zenvelo Ummm, I don’t think he typo’d with vagitarian… lol.

ucme's avatar


zenvelo's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate @ucme My bad, I didn’t realize @ucme was so cunning.

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