A whole multi-million dollar industry was built around the proverbial “Alpha Male” and that is the Mills and Boon (Harlequin) romance book. (link and link)
And Mills and Boon that made a mint out of featuring “Alpha Males” went on to spawn lots of other publishers of the same type of book. Girl meets man, man is aloof and unattainable, they are pushed together into extraordinary circumstances, he never shows that he is falling for her, she decides it’s futile and then love blooms (fireworks) usually on the last page. (I use the word “girl” because part of the formula for the early books was that the protagonist was usually a “single girl” in her early 20’s. The “Alpha Male” was usually at least a decade or two older, usually “above her station”(!) and therefore all that bit more unattainable. It was a formula that was to continue until about the late 1970’s.)
Romance novels, however, were not born in the 20th century. And the Alpha Male predates Mills and Boon. We need only to go back a few more decades to view the most famous of the Alpha Males and that would be Jane Austen’s Mr Darcy. The Alpha Male (of fiction) is assertive, forthright (but not loud and raucous), a man of his word (though it may at times sting), he is usually a self-made man (an Alpha Male would never rely on a woman for money or position), he is a man of integrity, grace and dignity. He is extremely self-assured and does not suffer fools gladly. He never wears his heart on his sleeve. He can be brooding or mysterious…but as always, when he delivers his heart to someone, he then exhibits his feelings which run deep. He does not have to oppress others to find his own strength because it resides within him.
In today’s society, I think that many of the same characteristics still apply. The idea that an Alpha Male is a jerk…and bombastic….is a gross misinterpretation. There is a difference between an “Alpha Male” and an “Alpha Dawg.” lol
When I think of an Alpha Male archetype….in contemporary society, I think of Simon Cowell. He appears gruff and aloof and exudes great confidence. Your opinion of him doesn’t bother him one way or another. However, in person, and one-on-one he is impeccable of manners, very generous and quite kindhearted. That’s well known here.
I wouldn’t mind being (or as you said, “hanging out”) with a true (true) Alpha Male…however, they are few and far between. And as someone mentioned above…if an alpha male says he is one…he usually isn’t.