(NSFW) When's the last time you got some?
Sex, that is, Making love, fucking, wtv you wanna call it. If it’s personal and you don’t wish to answer, that’s cool. Just don’t lecture me on how this is usually personal to people lol.
If you’d like to answer though…when was the last time? A month ago? Yesterday? No matter the length, how do you feel about that? If it’s been a long time, do you miss it? You wanting it? Do you not care, perhaps? Maybe you have so much sex you’re sick of it. So, what’s your answer?
Are you happy with your sex life, or not? One word answers, huge ass paragraphs, all is welcome. Whatever your situation, what do you think makes it either happen, or not happen?
Also, for the virgins on here, don’t think you can’t participate in the thread. Lack of experience (for lack of better word, nothing offending) is valid, if thought and opinion is related to the subject at hand.
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99 Answers
Yes, I’m very happy. I got to be careful though——I don’t want anymore children, for now.
That would be two nights ago in my backyard. Yes I am happy with my sex life and we have to be careful because we need to finish college before we have kids.
This morning. Was great. Both finished up very happy (thank you for asking @Symb). Getting plenty :D
It’s been over a month; I’ve been doing a lot of traveling lately and haven’t really been in the position to have sex, no pun intended. I don’t have a significantly strong sex drive as it is, so going months without it is tolerable in my book. At this point, however, I am sort of craving it…though I have been hornier than usual… o.O
Same answer as @MRSHINYSHOES. My husband has an app on his phone so we will make certain to proceed with caution in the coming week ;) Nerds, gotta love ‘em!
Yeah, nerds are awesome. I don’t know why people think they never get any. :D
@lillycoyote For phases and fertility…Yes! Makes my life easier. My husband loves him some gizmos and gadgets. One day I read an article about a variety of “health apps” that I forwarded to him. Low and behold, I no longer have to worry about a thing ;)
@SpatzieLover That’s going to be the first line of the chorus of the next song I write, if I ever write another song: For phases and fertility…
Why is getting some sleep NSFW? I got some last night.
Just over two weeks ago. Of course my wife has been away 14 days visiting family 2,000 miles from here. She’ll return in another two weeks.
We’re older and We both has days where the aches and pains preclude lovemaking. I can’t sleep in a bed. So I recline in a chair to sleep and she sleeps in the bed.
We still really enjoy our lovemaking but we often wonder why we wait so sometimes wait so long between one time and the next. We’ll have to work on that!
In May as part of a sweet, yet unexpected Spring romance.
Way too long ago. We need to work on it, too.
May 11, 1957 at 9:15 PM EST. I’m starting to get a bit horny.
two weeks ago. I still look all bonne lass but I have lost interest. Its not a bad thing
A week ago. Damn this long distance malarchy!
wHy tHe…..wIFe *%!”£ Is bOuNcInG ___________@? oNmY tHrObBiNg mEmBeR———()+¬ aS i tYpE….................WHOO HOOOOooo!!
The night before last around 4 am. Best alarm clock ever =)
An hour ago. Ooga chucka! But before this morning it had been two weeks!!!!!!! We were in different states.
Tis better to give than to receive…? Do onto others as you would have done onto you? : )
A very long time.
I’d say it was less than 12 hours ago, last night…I came home early by skipping a friend’s wedding reception ‘cause I wanted to be with my love more than anything else…and I told mom to take the kids so that we can have a normal evening and we did, with sex and ice cream and watching Wire in the Blood.
I don’t recall because I do not keep track of it. Though just so I wont’ remember I’ll get some tonight.
A couple weeks ago. Me and the boyfriend are having problems. Depending on our visit tonight, it may be a long time before I get laid tonight. I would just like to point out that it would not be for lack of opportunities, but I find the ethics of liberally deflowering young virgins to be a bit on the shaky side.
This song is stuck in my head now.
Doing it right now, hold…ho olldd…dammit my iPad kee
For the people who have not had it in a long time, do you miss it, or do you forget about it?
I just had ice cream last night. And it was good.
Three weeks ago, when I was still with her in Greece.
End of September I will go fuck back again.
@jca I don’t miss it at all. My sex drive is not that strong in general. I only think about that when I have a partner or someone I like, otherwise, it’s not something that takes my sleep away.
A little over two months ago. I’m going slightly mad. I start randomly fantasizing in the middle of conversations and forget what we were talking about.
Since my last boyfriend a little over a year ago but I do masturbate a few times daily to keep myself happy… I have a high sex drive and would go mad if I didn’t. I do miss the intimacy of being with someone though, I love being in a relationship but its not looking like that is something in the cards for me. So I am now trying to just make my peace with being single now.
Last night but I’m about to go join her in the shower now.
My vagina says “FEED ME!!” (she’s starving!)
I don’t even remember, but it’s been a while.
Getting some right now. ;) No I’m not…
A week ago. We tend to bunch up when we have sex and then our lives get too busy and it doesn’t happen for a while.
Are we talking intercourse, oral, or any of the various forms of masturbation (phone, video, chat, email, porn, imagination)?
@wundayatta “Sex, that is, Making love, fucking, wtv you wanna call it.”
Though I do masturbate every day. I can’t go without that.
About 45 minutes ago. Outside. In the rain.
It’s been maybe two months? I’ve decided to kinda put it on the backburner for now, got better… or worse things to deal with.
@rebbel Well, since you’re including masturbation, then… what time is it? Oh never mind. TMI.
@Uberwench idk whether to say that’s romantic or HAWT!!!!!! (fap fap fap fap fap….) lol
Last week for me. My wife and I try to keep our sex life alive, but is sometimes difficult with our 4 year old in the next room down the hall.
@jca meh, I’ve got more important things to worry about.
Still a virgin, over here..
Your time’ll get around, man. :)
About seven weeks ago :-/ I don’t chase it anymore, I’m more open to charity these days Lol……….
Some people a very frugal with their generosity it would appear :-/ I’m not that needy really…… It’s what my right hand is for…..
My hand has also been such a great pal lately.
I’m a big fan of solitary finger discount, myself. ^^
Long enough that I have to try to think of when it happened and then count back to when it was.
@Uberwench Idk, never viewed romantic as hot… it’s on it’s own level in my book, is it a turn on? yeah sure, but there are so many other things that calling it hot kinda… takes away from it…
I had a dream this morning that was so intensely real that when I woke up I was shocked that I was not tangled up in the limbs of the object of my affection. Does that count?
2 week ago tomorrow unfortunately. My partner won’t do it if he feels unwell! He’s had the flu for a week now! agghhhh!!!!!!!!
Well, think about it though, it’s gonna be totally awesome once he feels better. :D
I can’t remember…...all I know is that it’s long overdue. LOL
Hey, everybody! Sex party at my house!
This morning. Woot! And yes, that was the first time in the month since I posted up there ^^.
At about 3.15 am… then I was wide awake and had to get up. Not that I’m complaining.
one week ago. In the car.
March the11th. On a first date… A first for me. But i needed it. Badly.
After a month long drought….this afternoon :-)
@Symbeline Aww, you were really drunk last night weren’t you? You don’t even remember the fun time we had together ;)
@MilkyWay Oh, so that’s why the bed was messier than usual…
@AshLeigh Ugh, go away child. Can’t you see we’re busy? :P
You’re not the boss of me!
Two nights ago in Geneva, Switzerland. One night stand with a 31 year old law teacher from New Jersey that looked a little like A sexier Nicholas Cage. He woo’d me with a joint and a bottle of wine while walking around the lake under the full moon… Roughest sex I’ve ever had. And yes, it was awesome… And I’ll be sore for several days more,I think.
@SpatzieLover Oh hell yes. Might be the best sex I’ve ever shared. Heading back through Santa Cruz in just a few weeks. I’ll certainly give him a call.
Last night, with a friend I dated online over 3 years ago, and finally met him in person yesterday. That was a looooong wait.
Of all the threads to have a double post in… This one. :D
What does online “dating” look like? Did you go to movies together? Have dinner? How does that work?
@Bellatrix He was a little bigger ‘round the midsection than he looks on webcam, but he was pretty much exactly what I expected.
@wundayatta It looks like talking for hours and hours via webcam, playing online games together, and sometimes watching movies at the same time, and other things that you can do with internet and a webcam.
Thank you @FluffyChicken. Glad it was a positive experience. Do you think meeting in person will lead to a more permanent, conventional relationship?
Nosey aren’t I? :-)
Does this count:
There I was, sitting on the bus, minding my own business, when this girl came up and sat on me. After about 30 seconds I was like “CAN I HELP YOU?”
She then looked at me, said “oh.” and switched seats, as if she hadn’t noticed I was there.
That’s getting some, right?
@Bellatrix No, it wont but it could quite possibly lead to deeper(pardon the pun) friendship. He still lives a few thousand miles away, and is also in a(n open) relationship already. I on the other hand have chosen to stay out of committed relationships for the next 5 years as part of a personal experiment.
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