How biased are you with your lurve giving?
Asked by
Jellie (
August 14th, 2011
I know that there are some people that I really like on here and I will tend to pay more attention to their answers and they are more likely to get a GA from me. However that is not to say I don’t give GA’s or GQ’s to people who are not my favourite or even those I disagree with. In fact I am more generous with lurve to people who I disagree with in principle but who have a good argument.
HOWEVER I would not give lurve to an answer that does not make sense. Or where the argument does not make sense.
I have noticed, though, that there are sometimes answers completely faulty in their argument or lacking in sense and they will have likes. (I don’t mean this to say answers that I would disagree with).
So how guilty are you of automatically “liking” an answer of a buddy? On a scale of 1–10 I think I’d be 5
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48 Answers
I’m not as immune from bias as I’d like to think. There are some people from whom I just expect great answers. It’s kind of like how when I go to see a new Coen brothers movie, I’m primed to enjoy it because I’ve had so many good experiences with them in the past. That priming effect is at work here, too.
But I am aware enough of that propensity to watch out for it. I don’t automatically GA my “crushes”. But I’ll admit that my past experiences with people may predispose me to like their answers.
The only time I automatically give GAs to anyone’s answer is if they are answering a question I asked. I give them a GA as a way of saying thanks for taking the time to answer my question.
Otherwise, I give GAs to answers that I think are good regardless of who posted it.
I confess; I will GA almost anything that @thorninmud posts. But only because his answers are really good. And there was that other guy; what was his name?
Haha, I think it’s an epidemic around these here parts. Frankly I don’t care what criteria folks have for their lurve giving, it’s not at all important to me.
I totally go on the answer. I sometimes err on the side of generosity with new users.
I’m biased as hell, I lurve the hell out of everybody I like, and I’ll even lurve those I don’t if I like their answers. I’m just humble enough to realize that in the grand scheme of things my paltry GA offerings probably won’t achieve whirled peas. Now ‘scuse me, please, I need to go biasly lurve a bunch of cutie-pie Jellies and stick my tongue out at the ones I don’t really like…
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
So I’ll sometimes give a GA to a completely unexpected answer (the thumbscrews might be part of the incentive). But I’m as biased as the British against the Spanish Armada, and I fight it like Drake.
I can’t possibly explain even a single bit of the thought process that led to this answer. You’d have to take my word for it that there really was one.
I am guilty for crushing on one particular jelly… sigh and I think I have probably liked all of his answers (atleast those that I come across) but that is also because I do like them too.
Lol @CWOTUS I imagine that was a very elaborate though process if it went from Jelly lurve to the Spanish Inquisition.
Lurve = Like and the reasons to like something are varied and they include liking the author of the Q/A as well. So, yes I am biased. We all are. The criteria for giving lurve is totally subjective.
That said, some answers are straight to the point and very thought-out, and regardless of who writes them, they deserve lurve. I never give lurve to people I disagree with, even if their answer is well crafted. I go for content more than form or structure in those cases. I also never give lurve to people who are sarcastic or who are mocking the OP even if I don’t know the OP, it’s just too disrespectful. Never give lurve either when people gangup against someone—even if they have a point.
Always give biased lurve to my fave funny guys here (you know who you are) because they give me great laughs time and time, and that’s priceless.
Good point @Porifera I never give lurve either when a witch hunt is going on. It’s sick.
Hahaha Lurve for you for liking my answer ;)
See? There’s Blondesjon crafting away and I’ll give him some lurve just because. Say anything you want, fella, I’ll lurve you for it.
I give it for legitimate great answers, but I also just give it out randomly for fun. I’ve been in very heated arguments on here and started giving the jelly I was arguing with GA’s just to remind myself just how meaningless an Internet Q&A forum argument really is in the big scheme of things.
That doesn’t mean there aren’t a group of jellies on here that I stick by and consider to be very good iFriends. There is and I lurve each and every single one of them as members of my iFamily.
No bias here….if it is a GA or GA I let the lurve fly. That simple.
I actually tend not to give lurve when I am actively involved in a thread unless somebody posts a genuinely excellent answer. I give much more lurve when I am just lurking in a thread or when I only posted once in a thread. It feels more…anonymous and even more special that way, if that makes any sense.
In general, I do not give more or less lurve to people for any reason other than the greatness (or lack thereof) of their questions and answers.
@Fly But again…the concept of quality is subjective too, isn’t it?
@Porifera Yes, as is essentially everything on this site. I don’t think I implied that everyone perceives quality the same way that I do; everyone has a different opinion as to whether or not something deserves a GA or a GQ. That is at the discretion of each user.
I give lurve to anyone with less than 100.
I give lurve to everyone on most of my questions.
I give lurve to answers who say exactly what I was going to say.
I give lurve to answers that made me think, or expanded on an idea I found interesting.
I give lurve to answers replying to mine, in a nice way.
I give lurve to Zen, because he changes his name so often when his lurve gets too high.
@filmfann You are a lurve-giver :)
I like your criteria for spreading the lurve!
I gave @marinelife a GA because I liked her answer and I agree with her 100%, not because I consider her a buddy. She is a nice buddy to have though. =)
I gave @jonsblond a GA because she is a nice buddy to have.
I never auto-lurve. Each GA I give has been earned, dammit.
It is interesting how certain jellies often get lurve-bombed just for showing up.
Well-thought-out answers go unlurved, while ones that don’t address (or completely ignore) the question receive GAs, even if they’re not particularly funny. Not all the time, but to a noticeable degree.
Good thing the lurve system is all “just for fun”-!
I am proving @peridot‘s point as we speak, just backing up a fellow Jelly’s statement.
@peridot Truth.
I usually give GA’s to posts that either make me laugh, or make me think. Doesn’t really matter who it is.
@peridot As I said, they are getting GA not for the answer itself but because that Jelly has a great fanbase.
@Porifera Well, I guess that’s where we can agree to differ. I’ll give a GA to an answer—whether or not I agree with it values-wise—based on its intelligence and relevance (and ideally, humor) rather than just to join the herd. That’s supposedly what sets Fluther apart from the majority of the rest of the Internet.
Guilty of auto-lurving my buddies. A few people I’ll stroke just for walking into the room: “It’s you! Fabulous! Have a hug.”
Otherwise, I distribute evenly, I think. I’ll high-load new users and if there’s a great conflicting viewpoint comment that has no lurve in a thread , among comments that are getting popularity love, I’ll ante up there.
Ooh! It’s the Penguin! I’ll lurve up the Penguin! And the Flower! I lurve the Flower,too!
ninja stealth hugs. You didn’t even notice in the hug blitz.
I think the only time this lurve situation bothers me is when two jellies are going back and forth with each other but people will automatically show support or give lurve to a friend as opposed to a noob even if the latter is making a good point. It often disheartens some baby jellies.
Many of us try to give more lurve to baby Jellies if we can….
I just pushed @sarahhhhh over the 3000 mark. Our baby is growing up! Do your tentacles feel longer, @sarahhhhh ? Besides, it’s fun to lurve folks you haven’t maxed on!
@sarahhhhh I hear ya. Yes and yes to all you said.
We all max out at 100 anyway…..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
If it makes me smile I lurve it.
I don’t even have favorites yet. I love all of you… Except you. You know who you are.
With me it’s straight. If I like your answer, I’ll GA pronto.
If I don’t like your answer, then I won’t.
Fluther crushes excluded. They’ve got a special place in my heart.
Sometimes I’ll give a GA to someone even if I don’t agree with them, simply because I want to encourage them to continue posting their unpopular opinions. The discord they bring can be amusing to watch. what’s up, Hypo!
We all have our favourites and I am sure this results in some people getting many good answers when others don’t but said similar. It is the nature of the beast.
I have my favourites too but I will give GAs where I think the person has made a good point (even if I disagree). Or sometimes because I think the post was funny and made me laugh.
There seems to be an awful lot of emphasis on GAs, lurve, who follows who recently?
just started with @thorninmud and gave every other post a GA
So much lurve going on on this thread. Pretty cool.
I’ll lurve everyone that answer my question. I’ll also lurve everyone that make valuable and inspiring posts no matter how controversial it is or who they are. I also feel a bit guilty sometimes when they made good posts but I don’t have plenty of time to read it or when I’ve unfollow the question so I don’t lurve their beautiful posts.
I don’t think I give GA’s or GQ’s based on my friendships with people but I am biased in the sense that I often give GA’s to comments I agree with regardless of how well they are written. I can think of only one or two occassions where I have GA’d a comment that I didn’t agree with but thought was a good arguement.
So much free lurve was spread around on this thread…
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