What movie deserves a remake with todays SFX and budgets?
Asked by
6rant6 (
August 14th, 2011
Was watching Total Recall this afternoon. It’s an interesting exploration on the nature of man: “You are what you do, not your memories.”
But the special effects are so cheezy (and the performances so lamentable) that it’s hard to sit through it without laughing. Every crowd shot is four people in make up and a dozen other people spread out to look like a crowd. All the action scenes are blasted with smoke machines to appear less redundant.
If they shot it now, I’m sure that Quato and Benny would look fantasic. I’m sure Venusville would be truly titillating, and the final sequence… well who knows? They could even get an actor to play the lead.
I’d like to see the Philip K Dick short story brought to life again.
So anyway, what movie do you think deserves a modern remake?
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40 Answers
Frank Herbert’s DUNE!!! ;)
My dad loved this movie called Forbidden Planet and it is a cool story. Ripe for a remake
@fremen_warrior The Sci-Fi Channel did that in mini-series form not that long ago. It was far better than the one done in the ‘80s.
@josie Forbidden Planet shares a theme with Total Recall – a man’s worst enemy is himself. Good call.
@fremen_warrior Dune would be good, although I think the effects were actually pretty effective. I haven’t seen the movie in 20 years but the scene where Baron Harkonen bathes in blood still comes unwelcomed to my memory every so often.
I will probably hate myself for suggesting this, but Metropolis.
Actually, Total Recall is a good pick. It was awesome nearly 20 years ago when I watched it, but that was the norm back then. For reasons which you’ve listed, the advent of movies today make watching Total Recall a fucking joke. I saw it again a few months back, and it seemed so retarded.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the movie, and I love old movies with funny special effects, but sometimes, a lot of the time, for the wrong reasons. That movie certainly does deserve a remake…then again, special effects and budgets have often failed the classics, when it comes to remakes.
For example I was gonna say Neverending Story…but nevermind. It’s fine as it currently is.
@incendiary_dan : hmm I’ll need to look it up then, thanks for the tip :-)
@6rant6 : Perhaps, but the battle for the palace for instance really needs reworking – I mean the Atreides soldiers are just running away in those shields, there is almost no actual fighting there. I’d like to see that world reshot “LOTR” style (and there are12 or more books in the Dune Universe, imagine the sheer awesomeness of seeing all of that on screen). But I agree, overall it wasn’t THAT bad. I mean Sting playing Feyd and all, lol :-)
Only the bad ones.
The fact is that in most movies, the producers indulge in special effects and pointless action, and the rest of the movie, like the plot, the characters, the dialogue, etc. suffers greatly. Examples include Avatar, the Star Wars Prequels, Transformers and the 2009 star trek movie.
If you want to remake something, get a great director and a small budget.
A small budget forces them to focus on the parts that really matter in a movie: plot, characters, dialogue.
Hmmm,... bad science fiction movie made with better effects?
How about “The Never Ending Story”?
I suspect Frank Herbert rolls in his grave every time someone watches that version. Terrible, just terrible. The special effects in both versions were fine, but David Lynch butchered so much of the story. It kinda made no sense, too.
The Sci-Fi Channel also included Dune Messiah and Children of Dune in another movie.
@ragingloli I was also thinking Close Encounters of a Third Kind would be interesting to see reshot today. It was a good movie. They made spare use of special effects and had decent performances, but I wonder what someone might extract from that story to comment on in today’s world. I suspect it might be a lot darker.
@incendiary_dan Yeah, but David Lynch’s job when he makes something is for it to make no sense at all lol.
@Symbeline Hence why I hated Eraserhead. Such a disappointment.
@incendiary_dan I looooove that movie so much. Makes sense to me, at least in some ways. But being a fan of horror and the macabre, it was prolly default that I like this to begin with lol.
@Symbeline I really wanted to like it, I loved the premise when I heard it. But I just couldn’t. The delivery was just…bleh.
Conan the Barbarian
Flight of the Navigator
The Last Starfighter
The Ten Commandments
@incendiary_dan Yeah, but you’re awesome for having wanting to like it. Props up, yo. :)
“Play with my dick again, Sam!”*
*I know it’s a misquotation
I know I’m probably going to have things thrown at me but I actually liked the theatrical version of Dune. It made a great deal of sense to me and I hadn’t read the book yet. But then, I tend to like David Lynch’s stuff.
@tranquilsea No, the movie Dune is actually good imo. I liked the costumes, the casting, the production design, the special effects, the ships ( which I have a model collection of ) and lots of memorable visual scenes. My favorite is the fight scene where they used body shields and when a knife, or was it a bullet penetrated it and killed Paul’s mentor? That was cool. I read the book and to me it’s obvious the producers did not hire a more suitable director. But then again it could be that the approved script adaptation was also bad. it’s always a big risk when someone gives an experimental filmmaker like Lynch to go commercial and mainstream. If I was the producer, I would have given it to Ridley Scott.
@Hypocrisy_Central That actress in Life Force was enormously gifted! The leading man sucked.
I wish they would make an original digital animation movie starring Bruce Lee.
Why would you feel the need to remake an already good movie… likewise, why would you even consider remaking bad movie?
I’d like to see a Neverending Story movie that’s more true to the book, which is one of my favorites evar. I loved the first movie (the other two should never be spoken of), but it’s only half of the book. Falkor isn’t supposed to look like a dog, he’s supposed to look like a Chinese dragon with pearlescent scales. Bastion is supposed to be fat, too.
But I would really like to see it remade as a high-quality cartoon.
Same goes for Harry Potter. I hated the Harry Potter movies; they were incomprehensible and they looked fake. For “fairy tales” like HP and Neverending Story there’s always a disconnect between the human actors and the magic special effects; this doesn’t exist when everything is animated. Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the best things I’ve ever watched (the show, not the movie, obviously).
Plan 9 From Outer Space
actually, you know what, fuck that. just bring ed wood back from the dead and give him a blank check, today’s casting options, and full use of Dreamworks’ cgi.
@Rarebear You hit it right there! It was even cheesy back when it was first made but the plot, the story line and the believability of it all kept me glued to the screen.. Today it could excell with CGI, uh.. so long as they keep the plot interesting, not like avatar (spacemen and indians?).
@6rant6 it’s normal. Special effects back then were not that good. You should try and see a SF movie from 1960 and see those how pathetic they are. Just look how awful “X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes” was and the remakes today are brilliant.
Anyway I’d go with 12 to the moon.
Becareful what you wish for. Total Recall is being remade (due next year) and given that most hollywood remakes manage to completely rip the soul out of the movie and totally miss the point of the original I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s an absolute dog of a film.
Them! Ants in ya pants.
Mad Max The first one.
Westworld Great idea, piss poorly made.
Aah, Mad Max – the stuff that gave the first two fallouts all the fashion blueprints (ok, minus the power armors) – one was indeed poorly made and barely made sense, two was my favourite of the three…
The Road Warrior was certainly the better movie of the three, one & two being pale imitations in comparison.
@ucme Mad Max 4: Fury Road is currently in production. Sadly, without Mad Mel.
@Brian1946 Hi thanks. I know there’s this Conan remake but the trailer made me dismiss it totally. Lol. I was hoping more like Arnold casted as a very old warrior Conan telling battle tales in flashbacks and he is played by a younger more bankable actor.
The new movie based on the trailer looked cheap. There are great advantages in using modern day sfx but if not utilized well along with great storylines, it makes you wish you hadn’t paid to see it. : )
@filmfann Yeah, I heard rumours suggesting that to be so. Unfortunately a further sequel doesn’t bode well. As I say, a remake of the original movie may hold more potential.
I wouldn’t wish a modern remake on any good movie.
I’m sure theres some real pieces of shit they can remake though. It’s not like they could make them any worse.
I thought The Getaway was good twice. Both versions are still watchable. So, @syzygy2600, I think there might be better reason for redoing a good story than making this summer’s next blockbuster fart-filled movie.
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