General Question

jonsblond's avatar

What makes a person nut material?

Asked by jonsblond (44397points) August 14th, 2011

I often see the term “nut” used to describe Republican candidates or Fox news contributors on this site.

What makes a person nuts?

Shouldn’t we be more understanding of those with mental issues? I often see contributors to this site defending those with mental health issues. Why are Republicans immune to your sympathy?

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26 Answers

poisonedantidote's avatar

Being a nut is not the same as mental health issues. At least not in my book. A nut is someone who is simply beyond help, yet at the same time, still “normal” enough to not be locked up.

linguaphile's avatar

Uhmm.. I agree with Poison. Nuts are also people who are extreme and might not have social skills. Usually, the people we call nuts are people who disagree with us!

Not in a bad way, I sometimes consider myself a nut. I’m kooky. (but harmless, I promise!!)

Here’s something you might enjoy, @jonsblond, using the term “nut” in a good way

Doesn’t really matter what the eye is seeing
Cause I’m in love with the inner being
And it doesn’t really matter what they believe
What matters to me is you’re nutty-nutty-nutty for me!

As for Republicans or people with mental health issues… (I usually like the mental health issues people) I wouldn’t use the term ‘nut’ for them. I have stronger terms people I am not too nuts about :D.

Roby's avatar

By voting Democrat perhaps?

pezz's avatar

You could be someone that’s heavily in to buildings, how they are put together, what type of cement is used, then you’d be a Wall-Nut

Nullo's avatar

“Nut” typically means, “one who doesn’t think like I do.”

jonsblond's avatar

I always thought it meant someone has lost their mind or gone crazy. That is one of the meanings of the expression. I know many people who don’t think like I do, but I don’t call them nuts.

maybe I’m the nutty one? ;)

Hibernate's avatar

Nut started as meaning crazy. Now everyone can find a suitable definition so it can mean a lot of things.

flutherother's avatar

They become a nut when they are a bit too loud in promoting their views while being unwilling to listen.

rooeytoo's avatar

I think most everyone is nuts. It is simply a matter of degree and area of madness.

I always refer to myself as a “nut case!”

So to me, it is not necessarily an insult.

blueiiznh's avatar

Aren’t we all a little nuts at times?

Blackberry's avatar

I would consider it nuts to run for president of a place like the United States on a platform of discriminating against gay people… me nuts…..but I think there’s something fundamentally wrong about that. It’s also nuts to serve deep fried sticks of butter at a state fair (or at all).

Republicans don’t receive sympathy because all of our politicians should be criticised to the highest degree.

Cruiser's avatar

Nutzo’s are folks who for the moment have abandoned any form of common sense and reason. We have all been there so raise your hand and show me your’ nutz!

filmfann's avatar

As @Cruiser says, “Nutzo’s are folks who for the moment have abandoned any form of common sense and reason.”
So, if they embrace the Republican platform, it helps to identify them.

Of course, there are Democratic nuts, like Barney Frank, James Carville, and Marion Berry.

picante's avatar

Great answers above—and I do think we all go a little nuts sometimes. When one’s belief system around anything makes him//her blind and deaf to logic, reason, evidence to the contrary, nuttiness has arrived. Nuttiness is loud; it’s long; it’s not quite as cute as eccentricity.

dappled_leaves's avatar

They are called nuts because it’s nicer than calling them evil.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Is this question tongue-in-cheek? We say nuts in order to not say something worse. But you’re right, it is offensive to those who actually suffer from mental illness to be likened in any way to Republicans.

jonsblond's avatar

Love the answers @everyone. Thank you!

DarlingRhadamanthus's avatar

The definition of a “nut” as I have found it….in this society…is given as a moniker to any view that somehow does not fit into the parameters of the accepted norm or vision of the person or society to which the information is being given. Anything that a person cannot accept in their limited vision is labeled “nutters”.

So, if Ron Paul says, “no more wars, we are spending too much money on the war machine and we need that money spent at home” he is labeled a nut. If someone says we “never went to the moon”, they are a nut. If a man named Galileo says that the earth revolves around the sun, he is a nut. If someone says to “invest in gold while it is $200 an ounce because the economy will take a downturn in 2011” ...well, that’s a nut telling you that, isn’t it? Everyone knows that gold will never…oh wait…it’s expected to hit $2000 an ounce? What?

Sometimes, the “nuts” are just people that the future has not caught up with yet…a nut is often a visionary or perhaps someone who draws the curtain to simply find out that “there is a man behind there, not the magnificent Oz” as we have been told.

It takes some skill to figure out who “really is out to lunch” and who is simply seeing something that the rest of the world has yet to see and/or discover.

(This explanation is not for people who are genuinely mentally ill, though a whole segment of the population would call the above exactly that.)

Blondesjon's avatar

@jonsblond . . .my god woman. how much did you drink last night?

jonsblond's avatar

@Blondesjon You do know this is general and I can flag your ass, right? ;)

Blondesjon's avatar

@jonsblond . . . you do know that i could walk across the room right now, throw you over my shoulder, and take you in to the next room and give you a good sound spanking, right? perhaps that would take care of your sass?

emeraldisles's avatar

well my mom is a nut-literally. She talks to people who aren’t there and she refuses to take any meds. It scares the crap out of me and she and I don’t have much of a relationship because she says she needs to be heard and that she’s just venting for hours a day. I can’t wait until I can leave home- even if I just had a 1 bedroom apartment because I can’t deal with her problems.

emeraldisles's avatar

I’m sorry if it sounded like I went off but I’m not even 18 yet and I have problems of my own she doesn’t even know about because she’s so selfish. Sorry if this upset anyone.

Blackberry's avatar

@emeraldisles “well my mom is a nut-literally”

Is she an almond? A peanut? Just kidding. It’s ok to vent. No one is going to be upset.

emeraldisles's avatar

no she is a nut. I’m serious she has this schizophrenia behavior day in and day out and yet amazingly has never been diagnosed with anything though she goes to a therapist!

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