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XOIIO's avatar

What would I need to know if I was going back to... The 70's?

Asked by XOIIO (18359points) August 15th, 2011

This is going to be a little game with several questions, all you have to do is answer what you think I would need to know if I was going back to the era in the title of the question. Fasion, current trends, popular sayings, anything you can think of that I would need to know/have to blend into society if I was travelling in time to the 70’s?

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16 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

You do not tuck your bell bottoms in your Fry boots.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Polyester is your friend, but you’ll sweat a lot! and look kind of goofy

ucme's avatar

Ladies at the beach, their bikini line resembled Art Garfunkel’s hairstyle, not a good look :¬(

tom_g's avatar

You’ll be dehydrated. Very dehydrated. Oh, and you’re thirsty? Can I offer you a refreshing glass of milk?

Between my experiences and my informal polling, I’ve determined that water was not invented until 1980. I recall maybe consuming a liquid once or twice per day, and my urine was always dark yellow/orange.

aprilsimnel's avatar

You’ll have to get up from your chair and turn the dial on the TV to change the channel, and make sure that the antennae are pointing in the right direction so you can get a signal. There’s only 4 or 5 channels anyway in the US (ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, and some local station putting on whatever cheap programming they can get their hands on. Hello, reruns of Lassie and old Britcoms!).

There’s going to be ashtrays all over the place, even on planes, in cars and at hospital.

Expect a long wait at the gas station with your Chevy Impala if you happen to drop into 1973.

Vinnie Barbarino can say “Up your nose with a rubber hose!” and look cool doing it because he is actually the young John Travolta. You, on the other hand, will look like an ass at the fern bar repeating such nonsense, so don’t say it. And doing that Arnold Horshack “Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!” thing is pathetic; stop.

And don’t bogart all the coke when it’s offered to you in the bathroom at the fern bar. Some things never change.

Ladies, learn to feather your hair properly. Wash first with Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific!. And then buy a case of Aqua Net. And get some of those Candies’ heels for when you’re looking for Mr Goodbar at the disco. They’re so cute ‘n’ sexy!

Mind, I was way too young to hit a disco or a fern bar in those days (I wasn’t of age until the 90s), but I knew stuff like that was going on.

rebbel's avatar

Bring a pair of these.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@rebbel : I had a pair of platform-y flip-flops. I fell off of them a lot.

filmfann's avatar

It was in this dark time that the Government finally was forced to outlaw having both a mustache and sideburns. Pick one people!

Judi's avatar

No one has heard of AiDS yet so look for condom resistance.
Invest in Apple and HP.

wundayatta's avatar

Tie-dying. Make your own t-shirts. Also the Dead. Follow the Dead. The Grateful Dead.

john65pennington's avatar

Be prepared to wear flowers in your hair and wear less clothing.

Have a good insurance policy, so when you attend big outdoor concerts(Woodstock) and drink beer and drugs, you will be covered at the ER, in order to save your life.

Find a VW bus and paint flowers on it. It was a “groovy thing”.

Start now to let your hair grow long and never wash it. You will want to be with the “in crowd”, when attending concerts. Greeeeezy hair is in style.

Wear cool shades all the time. Don’t have any? Go buy some.

Remember “the love generation”. That was the theme for the 70s. Great songs, great music.

Bell bottom pants are groovy. But, never wear them while riding a bicycle. You will bust your a___.

Buy four pair of flip flops. They are in style big-time. Why four pair? You will need replacements as they fall off your feet, while running from the cops. Be pepared.

Buy a store-load of condoms. Have one ready in each pocket, even stash one in your hair.

Free sex is abundant. Catch her name, later.

JilltheTooth's avatar

You’re back just a tad farther, @john65pennington , than the Q indicates….

john65pennington's avatar

jill, I am in a time warpzone. It happens when you become a senior citizen, Oh well, a little past history could not hurt a persons memory banks. Thanks for the reminding me. jp

JilltheTooth's avatar

Hey, I was there, too….

Judi's avatar

Don’t forget pachouli oil.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, and some of these for that painful, yet apparently necessary tendon torture…

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