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cockswain's avatar

Conservatives: would you vote for Michelle Bachmann over Barack Obama?

Asked by cockswain (15289points) August 15th, 2011

I watched her on “Meet the Press” this weekend, and personally I think she’s far less suitable to lead our nation than Obama. While I realize many conservatives are not fans of Obama, if Bachmann won the primary would you vote for her?

Please provide some sort of brief rationale behind your decision if possible.

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50 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

I’m not a conservative, but if I had to vote as such, I would choose Ron or Mitt.

atlantis's avatar

You mean? That wasn’t Batman

ucme's avatar

Okay look, i’m neither conservative or american, but I just read her alleged views on homosexuality stating that it’s a “sexual dysfunction!!” If that view is indeed her own, she’s a crazy lady who should be ignored, from an outsider looking in anyways.

atlantis's avatar

@ucme apparently a US state called Iowa begs to differ.

Another George Bush type Florida election you think? Also from an outsider looking in.

snowberry's avatar

I haven’t seen the news (don’t want to take the time to read up on it now), but if past history has anything to say about the way I’ll vote in the next election, I’ll be voting for the least of the worst, rather than the best of the best. It’s just sad.

atlantis's avatar

@snowberry That’s life. Or the two-party political system. Maybe both.

cletrans2col's avatar

Honestly, if given the choice between Bachmann and Barry, I will not vote for president. Both choices suck.

Cruiser's avatar

I would vote for Michelle given that choice as she is pretty much on target with the “changes” she feels are needed to bail this country out of this mess.

atlantis's avatar

@Cruiser elaborate on “changes”
Come on. I know you wanna be asked.

cockswain's avatar

The thing that stunned me the most during the interview I watched was when David Gregory presented her with economists’ warnings about the devastation of not raising the debt ceiling, and she said she wanted to do what the American people wanted, which was to not raise the debt ceiling. That’s all we need is the average ignorant American citizen making crucial economic decisions having never taken a macroeconomics class.

MrItty's avatar

This is so mind-numbingly unimportant it’s amazing it gets any coverage. Exactly once in the history of the Iowa Straw Poll has the winner of the straw poll actually won the presidential election. Bachman’s “victory” is 100% meaningless.

Blondesjon's avatar

Neither, they’re basically the same person.

No real record of accomplishing anything in congress.
No real credentials for even applying for the job of President.
A lot of talk about “change” but no solid ideas to back it up.
Incredibly gifted at telling their voter base exactly what they need to hear.
A rabid fan base that refuses to hear anything negative about their idol.
And so on and so forth.

cletrans2col's avatar

@cockswain yes, because the “geniuses” that we have sent to DC are doing a great job

cockswain's avatar

@MrItty I’m familiar with the history of the Straw Polls and wasn’t basing my question on that. I’m just curious if Obama haters would rather have Bachmann than him and why.

cockswain's avatar

@Blondesjon I would not agree that despite those assertions that they are remotely close to the same person.

cockswain's avatar

@cletrans2col I would prefer if geniuses were our leaders, and only wise geniuses.

MrItty's avatar

@cockswain sorry to co-opt your question – I was more replying to @atlantis‘s assertion that “Iowa” begs to differ that Bachman should be ignored.

cockswain's avatar

@MrItty Oh, I gotcha. I doubt she’ll win the primary, she’s too far right. Rick Perry is like her but much smoother and has a way better chance IMO. Personally I think Ron Paul would be a pretty solid contender, even though he’s said some crazy stuff. And his role in “Borat” couldn’t help.

Blondesjon's avatar

@cockswain . . . Hence my 5th talking point.

CaptainHarley's avatar

Dude… I would vote for Peewee HERMAN over Obama!

cockswain's avatar

@Blondesjon I think we’re both smart and knowledgeable enough to know that neither of us fall into the category of close-minded, rabid believer. I’m sure with a little discourse we could find sufficient differences between those two to not call them the same.

cockswain's avatar

@CaptainHarley Would you elect a Muslim over Obama?

King_Pariah's avatar

I guess the question is, who is the lesser of the two evils? I hope there comes around some decent Democrat candidate… otherwise this is going to be another crappy 4 years… oh wait, I’ll probably be gone so screw y’all! :P

Cruiser's avatar

@atlantis I don’t want to be asked but since you did….From her website

Michele on the Issues
Job Creation and Growth
JobsThe number one issue in the 2012 election is simple: generating jobs and restoring prosperity. As President, I will reduce the role of government, and place our trust in the real investors and job creators in the private sector – ensuring the freedom and resources they need to reignite the greatest engine of growth the world has ever known. READ MORE
No Debt Ceiling Increase
DebtIt’s time to draw a line in the sand and stop increasing the debt load on our nation, our children and our grandchildren. I will stand firm against an increase in the debt ceiling and as President, fight for a renewed vision of Constitutional government and reforms resulting in deep cuts in federal spending so that we never face this situation again. READ MORE
A Healthier America
HealthObamacare is an unmitigated disaster for America that would kill jobs, result in a shortage of physicians and reduce the quality of care while unconstitutionally strengthening the hand of the federal government. As President, I will not rest until Obamacare is repealed, and will work to unleash the power of medical innovation and personal choice in producing better treatments and more cures that mean better outcomes at lower cost. And I will push for greater competition in the healthcare market – because competition both lowers prices and improves outcomes. READ MORE
A More Secure Nation
SecurityAs a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I’m constantly reminded of the growing threats facing our nation. As Commander-in-Chief, I will devote the needed resources and pursue the right strategies to ensure my Administration fulfills the federal government’s foremost responsibility under the Constitution: keep America safe in an increasingly dangerous world. READ MORE
Affordable Energy
EnergyI know how the rising cost of energy – with gasoline prices more than double their level when Barack Obama was inaugurated – is putting undue pressure on American families that are already under tremendous economic stress. That’s why as President, I will work to lift the restraints the Obama Administration and Democrats in Congress have placed on access to our abundant energy resources – while preserving our environmental heritage – in order to bring down costs and increase supplies. READ MORE

Blackberry's avatar

I couldn’t even watch the full republican debate in Iowa because the cyclical talking points were literally giving me a headache. This is one of my biggest pet peeves about politicians speaking to people. Are we really idiots to them?

”...reforms resulting in deep cuts in federal spending so that we never face this situation again” Oh, really? Ever again? Man, she really knows what she’s doing!

“keep America safe in an increasingly dangerous world” How mind-numbingly vague!

“As President, I will reduce the role of government” I’ve heard BS like this 1000 times. No wonder so many people don’t participate in the political process. It’s pure bullshit!

mazingerz88's avatar

@CaptainHarley I would have voted Pikàchu over Bush. Lol.

Blondesjon's avatar

@Blackberry . . . you and i need to go out for drinks sometime.

Blackberry's avatar

Ok, ok….Only one politician has really fired me up. God bless this man!. Lol.

cockswain's avatar

Have you considered Jimmy McMillan?

King_Pariah's avatar

@cockswain that’s “The Rent is too Damn High!” guy, right?

cockswain's avatar

Yes. He’s amazing.

Blackberry's avatar

@cockswain Lol! I saw him in NYC at a parade, and the guy was just saying that same phrase like a damn parrot while people took pictures with him. Effing hilarious.

King_Pariah's avatar

“If you wanna marry a shoe, I’ll marry you.” LOL He is so frickin funny, and what’s up with the gloves?

plethora's avatar

Easy choice….Bachmann. Not that I hope she wins the nomination. But against Obama. Yeah.

CaptainHarley's avatar


How would I tell the difference? Would the Muslim have a beard?

cockswain's avatar

I’m sorry, I’m not clear what you’re saying. Do you believe Obama is a Muslim?

Jaxk's avatar

Honestly, Bachmann would not be my first choice and she has very little chance of gaining the nomination. I would agree with @CaptainHarley however, that anyone would be better than what we have. At least Peewee Herman is an unknown quantity, Obama we know doesn’t work.

Newt Gingrich was the smartest man on stage, unfortunately he’s not very likable. It will most likely come down to Romney or Perry. Either way, Obama is toast.

Blackberry's avatar

@Jaxk Yeah, that really pissed me off when Newt made a rational comment during an interview and everyone disowned him.

cockswain's avatar

What ever happened to Bobby Jindal? I remember around the time Obama was elected he was the rising star of the GOP. Then he gave a response to the SOTU and he disappeared. Must have been that weird face he was making when he walked on stage or something. Or his speaking style came off as condescending. Another one of those strange political career limiting events like when Howard Dean got too excited and said “BYAAHHH!”

Jaxk's avatar


Tact is not his strong suit and it will (or has) killed his chances. Too bad, I love the recommendations to repeal Dodd-Frank, Sarbanes-Oxley and that stupid ‘super committee’.

Blackberry's avatar

@Jeruba Nope, and it was funny :)

cockswain's avatar


Blackberry's avatar

@cockswain I wish I could have seen the crowds face. Besides the random looks of horror and disbelief, there had to be one person that was eating it up with a look of pure bliss.

cletrans2col's avatar

@cockswain Bobby Jindal, I’d bet, will be someone’s running mate in 2012. He will school Joe the Plagiarizer.

plethora's avatar

@Jeruba “Smarten me up” re the video you mentioned. The guy can’t even speak the English language, for starters. What am I missing?

Jeruba's avatar

@plethora, did you listen to the bizarre speech that @Blackberry linked? This is a response to it. He doesn’t speak standard English, true, but he does have a pretty good grip on a variety of English that speaks clearly to many.

plethora's avatar

@Jeruba Ok…let me check back. I missed the first link. Thanks

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