Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Do you keep trophies to remind you of your achievements?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) August 16th, 2011

Do you need trophies or other forms of mementos to remind you of your accomplishments or it suffices that you keep them forever locked in your head as memories?

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26 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

Yes, I have a few though that it is time I got rid of.

Blackberry's avatar

No. I have various plaques, certificates, medals and ribbons from being in the military, but it doesn’t define who I am, essentially.

marinelife's avatar

I have reminders, but I did not deliberately think of them as trophies that I was keeping.

ucme's avatar

I have a small but treasured collection of blood stained golfballs. I’ve fond memories of those projectiles winging their merry way onto the heads/faces of fellow golfers. My favourite even has a tooth embedded in it, how very quaint.

Hibernate's avatar

No. I forgot some of these trophies but when I find them I usually throw them out because they take too much space.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Nope. I haven’t kept the majority of the ribbons, plaques, certificates or medals that I’ve won over the years.
I have the trophy from what I would consider to be my most significant “achievement” as far as things that you can win trophies for, but I couldn’t even tell you where it is. I know that I kept it… but I’m not sure where. It’s in this house somewhere, put away.
I’m extremely choosy with what I tend to be sentimental about, and I’m pretty sure that it is never “trophies.”

mazingerz88's avatar

@Cruiser I sincerely hope you are not going away on a long trip anytime soon, man. First your great question on death, then you tell us it’s time to get rid of your trophies. Hmmmm. Lol. : )

@Blackberry Yes sir, whatever you say, sir. Seriously, I’m impressed. Can I borrow your Purple Heart? I just need to impress this chick. Lol.

@ucme Hard to beat yours in the category of funny odd trophies.

Blackberry's avatar

@mazingerz88 I don’t have one, but you can borrow my Expert M-16 Medal. How bout them apples? Lol. I have one for the 9mm too.

smilingheart1's avatar

In grade 6 I got a public speaking award. I have that one until this day. Once I hit puberty, that knocked the orator right out of me! So it is a reminder of how brave one can be before the inhibitions start. :)

redfeather's avatar

I have a gold volleyball from volleyball camp which my puppy chewed on, and I have 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and Grand Champion ribbons from my first horse show, and I have a ribbon and certificate from being the Punt, Pass, and Kick regional Champ. hooyeaaah!

thorninmud's avatar

I only have one thing, and that has become a minor curse. It’s a big silver Tiffany cup that has my name and the event engraved on it. It means nothing at all to me, but it’s too valuable to toss. Nobody else would be interested in it with all that engraving on it. I proposed to my wife that we just cash in on the silver, but it seems to hold some mystical power over her. Looks like we’ll be curating it for the rest of our lives.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Yeah, for like a week, and then I forget about them and they go into some box. The only thing on display are my two diplomas from college and grad school.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’ve never kept trophies of my achievements, but I like to keep momentos of fun times in my life. Whenever I’m on vacation I keep a daily calendar and log all the cool stuff that happened. It’s amazing how that keeps the memories alive.

King_Pariah's avatar

Nahhh, I keep trinkets that remind me of mistakes and regrets… can’t afford to forget those, don’t want to repeat them.

laineybug's avatar

My dad likes to keep papers that he thinks are important on the stairs of the basement, such as my Literacy Fair participation paper and honor roll papers. The only things I’ve kept myself are my honor roll pins and a first place ribbon from an elementary school field day. I do have some mementos from fun things I did though.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I have awards from art competitons and shows.If they were all lost tomorrow,it wouldn’t matter.

Judi's avatar

I used to keep a “warm fuzzy file” with achievements, thank you cards etc. Every time I started feeling down on myself I would go through it and remind myself of what I had achieved and how I was appreciated. Now that I’m retired, I get to define myself and don’t really feel the need for as many outside affermations. I wonder where that file went, anyway…?

YARNLADY's avatar

I keep them, but not to remind me, rather more as souvenirs, or collectibles.

wundayatta's avatar

Nope. I never earned a trophy nor did I ever have an accomplishment I cared about honored with a plaque or certificate. I think I have my diplomas from college and grad school, but I haven’t looked at them in decades. I don’t need them to remember those experiences.

I have a bottle of champagne in the fridge that has been there for years, waiting for a time to celebrate some great accomplishment of mine or my wife’s. As I said, it’s been there for years. I’m not the kind of person who has “achievements.” Should I feel bad that I have never been recognized for anything I have done? I try not to think about it.

woodcutter's avatar

I have a couple IDPA ribbons that are small and take up no space so I keep them around.

Berserker's avatar

Well, I like all the trophies I get from the PlayStation Network when achieving some goal in a game…if that counts lol. You can’t delete em, anyways.

Blackberry's avatar

@Symbeline I got the achievement for 3 headshots in a row without dying on MW2. Does that impress you? :D

Berserker's avatar

Yeah well, I got a trophy for 500 head shots in Dead Nation. Of course, it has a bit more more enemies to kill than MW2…which I haven’t even played, but still, yeah, nice. :)

Blackberry's avatar

@Symbeline Well, let me just step aside then.

Berserker's avatar

I’m trying to get my blow up 500 cars and kill 50,000 zombies trophies, but it’s gonna take forever…I don’t know how many cars I have, but I only have 27,000 killed zombies.

…anyways random. I guess I like my trophies a lot, after all. :D

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