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mazingerz88's avatar

Why is it difficult to keep a joyful feeling in?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29329points) August 16th, 2011

You might know this the same way I do. A quick rush, a sudden burst of pure joy inside that instantly eradicates all negativity in the world. You even feel love for the people you normally dislike. So you give someone a call. You feel like saying I love yous. You are happiness.

And then without you being aware, it’s all gone. You are then caught up in a slow build up to being totally anxious about something and immediately behind that, some bit of anger, probably.

So what gives? Is this how it should be and as good as it gets short of acquiring anti-depressants? Are there any natural means to get this blissful feeling back and keep it longer. It feels so good and I want it most of the day! Is that wrong?

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12 Answers

philosopher's avatar

Working out helps me.
I also try to avoid negative people but that is not always possible.

thorninmud's avatar

That’s the nature of emotion. In a healthy brain, negative emotions will also be just temporary states.

Trying to hold the emotional pendulum on the positive side isn’t “wrong”, it’s just futile. The best strategy is to just let it all come and go, not struggling against the negative states, not chasing after the positive ones.

lemming's avatar

Positive thinking leads to positive feelings. No point thinking negative thoughts unless they are helpful… you should read some self help books on positive thinking…but don’t get me wrong, I hardly ever feel as good as that.

smilingheart1's avatar

@mazingerz88, I really like the way you expressed your first paragraph, excellently put. These joy rushes cause us to smile big at even people we aren’t ordinarily that fond of! I see these moments as mountain summits, glimpses from the joy vista that kind of equal the Viagra man jumping over the hydrants :) .... if I could make that comparison. All is luminous and right with the world. Then they either fizzle like air out a of a balloon gradually or make that nasty forced air out sound that sometimes balloons make too. Really, we are to continually seek this joy, so says the Good Book. It puts it this way: “Be being filled” which is real old language for saying keep seeking the joy. The clouds cover the sun sometimes but the sun is always there waiting to be revealed. Loved your question.

Cruiser's avatar

Taking a walk in the woods does it for me or a nice swim in the pool will super charge the endorphins.

Hibernate's avatar

Because people want to share more when they are happy. It’s less likely to start sharing when you are in a bad situation.

Sunny2's avatar

If you had it all the time, I think it wouldn’t be as special when it happens. Just enjoy it while it’s there. And you can enjoy the memory of it and look forward to the next time it happens. Being high ALL the time isn’t realistic.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’ve been learning to feel grateful for everything. That is, rainy, cold, foggy and “miserable” days are just as worthy of being grateful for as the sunny and warm ones that attract you to the beach. Toothaches are as worthy of gratefulness as chewing the best food you can imagine.

This is what I take from the story of Job: be grateful for everything that you experience, because whether you like it or not, that ‘everything’ represents your life.

I’m working my way up to joyous.

unused_bagels's avatar

If you can’t keep a joyful feeling in, your soul has a hole.

gravity's avatar

I feel those little rushes of joy sometime when I hear a great song and I have to get up and dance and twirl around the room. You can do that when you live alone and have no small children or pets to step on.

linguaphile's avatar

I enjoy every millisecond of the burst, then appreciate that it made an appearance… then wait for the next one to come when I least expect it!

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