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mazingerz88's avatar

If one morning we all wake up and there's a whole planet looming over us in the sky, what would explain that?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) August 16th, 2011

Years ago, in the process of coming up with a possible story idea for a sci-fi animation project, I told an animator, what if one day we discover there’s a planet similar to Earth located exactly opposite us behind the Sun? Recently, I read about this new film, “Another Earth”, and its plot involves, indeed, another Earth-like planet just discovered.

So what if a planet just appears in our skies one morning? How would you explain that in your own terms and what would be your immediate thoughts? Concerns?

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18 Answers

XOIIO's avatar

That the Daleks are using us in a planetary engine, and the Doctor has to save us.

Or that the master is bringing Galifrey back

lemming's avatar

I think we would immediately declare war on this planet, kill everything on it, and then move in.

King_Pariah's avatar

It’s amusing that there are more than one films coming out that have that in the story line…

I’d assume that either some other species had been messing around with negative energy a tad too much and had just screwed us over by having the other end of the worm hole they opened up being next to us… or that maybe The Multiverse theory is correct and us and another just merged… or C’tan.

Hibernate's avatar

We’d start interacting but I’m sure we’d declare war soon enough on them. Our nature sucks.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Thats no moon

I would assume that it is some 10 million year old computer program, a computer which can calculate the Question, to the Ultimate Answer. A computer of such infinite and subtle complexity that organic life itself will form part of its operational matrix.

ragingloli's avatar

- Transported here via a giant wormhole, or teleporter.
– The planet is a recent construction, possibly by a giant matter synthesiser.
– The planet is a giant holographic projection.
– The planet has always been there, but its visibility and gravitational effects had been kept hidden so far by a planet-wide cloaking device that has now failed or been deactivated.
– The planet is from an alternate quantum reality and the barrier between the two realities has ruptured.
– Humanity is inside a planet-wide computer simulation.
– Humanity is a victim of a planet-wide, artificially induced hallucination created by some sort of natural or technological telepathy.

zenvelo's avatar

Gaia has a twin….

Maybe they have not messed up there planet as much as we have. Either we can help them or they can help us.

unused_bagels's avatar


King_Pariah's avatar

@unused_bagels I’m in, sounds fun.

XOIIO's avatar

@unused_bagels Well if that’s what your into, but I’d rather have a handfull of women.

TexasDude's avatar

Like, close enough to appear to be large and looming in the sky? Or close enough to look like another moon?

Because if it was the former, there would be a lot of atmospheric and gravitational shenanigans that would probably seriously ruin our day.

flutherother's avatar

I had imagined an undiscovered planet on the far side of the sun before I learned that a film had been made based on the idea. I was intrigued and got the film on DVD though it isn’t particularly good.

I made up a story once about a close encounter with another world that passed so close to Earth it filled the whole sky with upside down mountains and rivers and houses for an entire day. I never explained where it had come from.

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t think there would much time for explanations because the planet would rapidly change orbit and size and shape. There would be all kinds of earthquakes. No doubt much atmosphere would be lost. Air breathing life forms would last about five minutes to an hour or two, depending on whether you are a human or a whale.

If the planet were far enough away that it wouldn’t catastrophically affect the earth, we would see it coming for a long long time.

If it somehow suddenly appeared somewhere in space far enough away as to not hurt us, I think I’d use a multi-universe explanation. Or possibly posit a technology that is capable of moving planets through wormholes or something.

Then again, I might say that it is the Gods playing ping pong, as they are occasionally wont to do. It’s no more absurd than any of the other explanations.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Who told you about Planet X?

woodcutter's avatar

It’s going to impact and we are all screwed.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Would the gravitational pull of the other planet have sucked us all off the surface by then? Or wreaked some sort of havoc over the atmosphere as a whole and we’d all have suffocated?

Beulah's avatar

Thoughts: friend or foe?
Concerns: is it the end of planet earth?
location shoot of 2012 part two?

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