What would you add to the 10K Mansion?
Asked by
Cruiser (
August 16th, 2011
Time for some remodeling at the 10K mansion…what kind of upgrades or additions would you like to see?? Thanks to the Twitter merger money is no object!
Racetrack? High-dive for the pool? Bigger runway?
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71 Answers
A stable and riding ring.
@Jude Just use the water-slides like everyone else! XD
More space for nekked pancake parties.
@Cruiser Sure. Watch out for the yellow-ish water cloud around me.
@erichw1504 How about a whole new west wing complete with a fire hose for faster cleanups!
A large three story tall pendulum.
Just because.
Erhhhne…., how do we call these things again…...?
Ehmmm, an…., an….., shoot, it’s on the tip of my tongue…......
You know what I mean, right?
You know, the big…, well, usually they are big…, a big thingy with a small thing on the back.
A slo…, slou…., jeez, ..... c’mon, help me out here!
Ah, hehheh, there it is….., a pink elephant!
Edit: I promise, by the way, that this was the last time that I use pink and elephant in one sentence on Fluther.
Exploding toilets, then the shit really would hit the fan.
After following this thread, there needs to be a state-of-the-art creative center with private rooms for those that prefer to work alone, but also with a lounge where they can gather to brain-storm. It also needs an art gallery. There is just too much talent going on here that needs proper showcasing.
The kitchen and dining room should go from one main area to several different ones. Not only would it provide a nice chance of pace, but it would allow for those of us who like to cook to spend more time preparing foods that we enjoy making. Imagine a vegan kitchen and an early riser’s breakfast nook.
It’s also time to take that bare plot out back and turn it into an organic garden.
The library is in dire need of an expansion. As the number of members grows, there are more people who are passionate about reading and bringing in their personal book collections. It may be time to put someone on librarian responsibility full time.
It would be really nice to have an events coordinator. The talent needs to be tapped into, not only for educational purposes, but to keep our minds stimulated. Just think of all of the possibilities.
A Geisha chamber just across The Belly Dancer room.
A small stage with lots of high quality musical equipment.
@FutureMemory No can do…too many muscian’s here for a small stage. We need a theater with balconies and an outdoor stage like the one that blew over the other day in Indy.
A replica of the Watkins Glen Road course and an unlimited supply of sportscars. Anyone see that wreck yesterday?
A library that contains everyone’s favorite books, indoor weapon facilities, and puppy sized elephants.
oh my god. Puppy sized elephants…
Or elephant sized puppies….
If only you knew how close to tears of joy I was with these happy thoughts.
haha… Just kidding… I’m not crazy…
Puppy sized elephants would be so cute.
Sniper towers, in case of zombie invasion.
I’m telling you, it could happen…also lol at bidet. XD
An observatory with a super telescope to do spy satellite gazing.
A larger puppy room. A fleet of cars that range from sports cars to luxury cars.
A larger swim up bar in the main pool as there are now so many jellies in the mansion. I think the stables should be a little further from the house as sometimes when the wind blows in the right direction, it gets a little fragrant.
@chyna Now we are talking improvements! We could set up a Choo Choo train to shuttle Jellies out to the back 40 where the barn and riding trails are. On the ride out you could watch the other jellies on the Bungee tower or having it out in bumper cars.
My own room, because I’m probably going to be a permanent resident.
I’m not acquainted with the actual facilities of the mansion but I would think a dancing pole is a must…right across the Geisha Chamber and the Belly Dancer room.
@Adirondackwannabe If we get a replica of Watkins Glen can we have a replica of the Watkins Glen Summer Jam too? I was there and it was an awful lot of fun and a damn good concert.
A dungeon for whippings and such.
A troll ( a real one ) guarding the gate.
And to defend against a horde of zombies, NO GUNS, just Lord of the Rings style weapons. There are no coward jellies who wouldn’t want to engage them zombies face to rotting face.
@mazingerz88 And a giant cage to stick the other trolls in. ;)
I brew pub, a movie theatre/screening room and fully staffed 24 hour spa.
A big room, outfitted like a bar. With a stocked bar for that matter. There is a “stage” in the corner. Professional lighting rack, four or five Fender Twin Reverb amps, a drum set, a Hammond B3 organ, a great PA system, a mixing board, a smoke machine. Every night there is “open stage” where Jellies can get together and jam with like minded players.
@KateTheGreat On second thought, make that trolls with 2 inch dicks. Otherwise you and other Fluther chicks might get ideas. ( wink )
@redfeather Secret tunnels with even more hard to locate secret chambers. But when you find one, there is a magical golden orb inside which you could touch, make a wish and the jelly you desire will appear to give you company. LOL. ( See yah there! )
We also need a big room full of pillows!
@mazingerz88 Oh true. Because I loveeeeeeeee me some troll dick.
@Symbeline Pillows filled with bloody guts, some marshmallows.
I want the mansion to have those moving paintings ala Harry Potter but ones with dark themes, like Elizabeth Bathory bathing in blood or the French Revolution’s guillotine moments.
Ew no, nice regular pillows! Well some can have guts…eeeew imagine sleeping on some dude’s entrails. People use that to crap!
And a war room. I don’t think we need one but I think we should have one, just in case.
Until a war comes up, if anything, it could be another cool room to party in. :)
@lillycoyote Uhm, we would need some ICBM’s and some BB guns.
And a huge hangar so we could park each of our personal air transportation carrier
@Symbeline That’s really why I wanted one anyway, just because it would be cool to have one.
@mazingerz88 You’re absolutely right, a good arsenal starts with some ICBMs and BB guns. Or at the very least some Inter-Continental BB guns.
Q: What would you add to the 10K Mansion?
A: Zen. He belongs there, and obviously would have been there several times if he didn’t change his name.
@filmfann Zen has his own cottage on the grounds. I built it just for him. Whether or not he chooses to use it is entirely up to him.
@filmfann It has whatever he wants it to have, in perpetuity; I have made sure of that.
What about a state of the art Wine Cellar in each mansion room. Or I’ll take one like this close by.;-)
A 24-hour ice cream sundae station staffed by a rotation of my favourite hot men. Chocolate sauce mandatory.
Oh, wait, I’m sorry, I thought the question was, “What did I just get installed on my island mansion?”
Never mind.
Oh, now, @chyna, your island is being readied as we speak. Hush.
Butlers anyone? Take your pick!
Butlers # 1
Butler #2
Butler #3
Butler #4
Butler #5
Butler #6
Butler #7
Butler #8
There needs to be a holler where I can set up my still, a back forty where I can hunt deer, and a forest I can run around in wearing just my breech clout and moccasins.
According to recent reports….of approaching galactic objects…..perhaps we need to take the 10K mansion…and put it…..underground.
A huge animal enclosure when the wildlife of the Boreal forest can live and play in peace and safety from humans.
A huge enclosure when humans can live and play in peace and safety from greedy, selfish, power-hungry, self-righteous individuals pretending to be human.
An air of sanity
A wrecking crew
Scatter cushions
A largest bouncy house known to mankind.
Firm mattresses and a chiropractor.
@erichw1504 At least one in the theater with the jumbo tron with target controllers on each seat.
I’m with @KateTheGreat and was going to suggest it, myself. Totally a dungeon. However, my dungeon would be for fun and not for trolls. For trolls, we should have an oubliette somewhere far outside of earshot. :]
A holodeck as representing in Star Trek TNG.
Dungeon! Fluther dungeon where people get sent if they misbehave!
A storage shed where I can store my multitude of lurve.
And your obscene collection of prank materials, no doubt @erichw1504
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