Change is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. It is human beings that make that value judgment and we have a choice about what judgment to make.
If it’s something you can influence, then it might be worth making a judgment and figuring out what you can do about it. But if you can’t control it, then there’s no point in judging it. It’ll only make you frustrated.
To deal with this, you need to be aware of what you can affect and what you can’t. If another person changes, you can’t affect that. A lot of people try. A lot of people fail.
So how do we handle things that change, where we don’t like the change, but can’t do anything about it? I choose to treat it like any other constraint in my life. I can’t fly so I don’t jump off of high places. I walk down. I only have a certain amount of money, so I live within my means.
We all work with millions of constraints. Our physical environment is something that we mostly can’t change. Our body chemistry is something we mostly can’t change. The structure of our bodies; the availability of gold; the speed of light—all things we can’t change, so we deal with them.
Your friend changed in a way you don’t like. You can’t change that, so you have to work with it the way it is. It’s like your house gets hit by a tornado. You can’t undo the tornado. You move on and figure out what to do next, given that your house was destroyed.
A relationship changed. You can’t do anything about that. So move forward, dealing with the new reality. What else can you do?
Most people find that when they “turn lemons into lemonade,” it is a good thing. So you will move on, and new things will happen that could not have happened had you not moved on. Eventually you will realize that this really good thing could never have happened if you hadn’t had the old relationship change for the worse. If I hadn’t been fired from my old job, then I still would be terribly miserable. Instead I was fired, and now I have a great job.
This always happens. People always move on to something else and they almost always say it is a good thing. You’re better off now; you just don’t know it yet. Thus, change is good because it opens up new opportunities. If you work with the new opportunities, you will find something better than what you had.