When did you feel you were a part of the collective?
Asked by
_zen_ (
August 17th, 2011
Was there a defining moment, or did it just happen?
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52 Answers
There are alot of nice people here but I don’t try to be a part of any collective. :)
Maybe it was when people started using me as their answers to questions e.g.: What would you bring with you on such-and-such survival scenario.
More seriously, it was probably when many of the regulars were clearly remembering things about me enough to comment.
The first time I got hit on.
When Zen finally acknowledged me!
I don’t think there was a defining moment, but I finally felt ‘in’ when I realized the inside jokes finally were making sense and I was comfortable enough to joke with individual jellies.
I didn’t really have a moment, per se, but my first couple discussions and PM’s made me felt like I…belonged. 80’s slow-clap.
Le collective, c’est moi!
When I got some really nice welcoming PMs from some jelly-idols and Zen sent me my avatar picture.
I have no desire to be part of a “collective” that’s not to say there aren’t some fun folk on here who I crack on with. I think of it more like a couple of buddies chillin down the pub.
When I started conversations with some lovely jellies.
I haven’t had my moment yet—though I’ve certainly encountered many nice folks here. Many of you are quite active, and it’s doubtful I’ll ever be quite that jelliful, so I’ll just float along when I can. One day, maybe when Janbb doesn’t think of guns and stupidity when she thinks of Texas, I’ll feel at home ;-)
Always. Something clicked here for me almost immediately.
When some members acknowledged me, by sending a Welcome PM, or referring to me, or PM’ing casual stuff.
But the biggest moment of awareness of it was the 10K party that I was thrown…., that was heart warming, honestly!
It was way back on early threads. It’s hard not to still get teary over the proposal, and nearly impossible not to pee my pants on most if not all of @Blondesjon & @Astrochuck’s earliest crack pot answers.
When I first got a question sent back to me and I successfully changed it to pass the writing standards here. That made me realize that the people here are serious about their rules unlike other sites.
About a month before my 10K party.
When I sat in a Panera (well, virtually) with Mr Entropy and other Jellies last August 6 after worriedguy orchestrated a grand event.
Fairly early on after several nice exchanges with other users in the threads.
When I realized that I Couldn’t. Stay. Away.
@Cruiser Sorry, I didn’t know you were married or I wouldn’t have hit on you the second you landed here.
I don’t remember, probably when JackAdams insulted me a few times. :-)
@chyna Pfft. I know Cruiser’s spoken for… I still hit on him, lol.
When you stopped being a dick to me.
I denno, it kind of just gradually happened.
@woodcutter – are you talking to me? Cause I don’t remember you. Link it?
@woodcutter still have that tingling feeling or is it gone now? ;)
How does one know when they’re part o deh collective, anyways?
When you say so Xena. :-)
@jonsblond Tingling feeling? Only if I sleep on my arm.
Like @Blondesjon, it was pretty much immediately. As soon as I stumbled on the site, I felt like I’d found ‘my people’, and have been at home here ever since. Exchanging porn links in the old campfire chat didn’t hurt, either. :p
We need a birthday campfire complete with porn links.
When @Jude said she had a Fluther crush on me.
Pretty much right away.
@augustlan Mother! Such inappropriateness.
I’m not too sure I know what it means to feel part of the collective and that’s probably because I think there is a mini collective inside the greater collective. As a Fluther member and user, I feel part of the greater collective. However, the mini collective seems to be formed of people who have been here a long time and probably have enough things in common to bind them as a group. They follow unwritten rules and it takes time to get to know those as well as the inside jokes, etc. I think that having the same sense of humor, sharing a good percentage of viewpoints and actually having the desire to belong play a vital part in this mini collective.
Being a part of something depends on what you are looking for and requires that you invest feelings, emotions, and all that affective stuff which I find difficult to do on line. In real life, I do better in one-to-one situations than in groups, and that has proven true here as well. I have exchanged PMs with a couple of people that I find fascinating and that’s a good thing—very rewarding and fun.
@laineybug : You and KatawaGrey need to get together and discuss how your moms embarrass you here… XP
@Blueroses I’m in favour of the porn campfire thing.
@augustlan : They’re everywhere! We can’t hide! There is no safe place…....
@JilltheTooth Does that mean you haven’t told Katawa about our pillow and honey fight?
Hahaha, she said “Mother!” Too funny.
I think when my name started popping up in the “Which jelly would you choose to…. take to a party/have a crush on/win a three legged race with…” whatever type of threads.
When some time back there was some hic up in the system that caused my password not to work and @augustlan went out of her way to correct it.
@ANef_is_Enuf well you are the obvious choice for all those things.
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