What book would you live in?
If you had to leave the real world for a while, and live in a book, what book would you choose? Would you like to be one of the main characters, or keep being who you are in real life? Would you change any parts of the book, or just wait until the end, so you can go back to the real world? If you could stay in the book forever, would you stay?
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25 Answers
Swan Song maybe? Perhaps Sophie’s World, idk. My brother isn’t done with his book yet, but when he is, definitely that one.
The Anne Rice vampire series. I would wonder around like a vagabond, hoping that Lestat would change me.
Twilight. I want to move in with the Cullens for a while.
Please don’t shoot me or throw pies. Unless they’re chocolate.
Any of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series books. They’re hysterical, the world is a riot of fun, and the satire is excellent.
Steinbeck’s East of Eden.
I’d remain myself, and hope to join the friendship between Lee, Adam, and Samuel and participate in their wonderful conversations.
I would visit temporarily -
Winnie the Pooh
Lord of the Rings ( but only if accompanied by an entire US Marine Division )
Robocalypse ( again with an entire US Marine Division )
World War Z ( only if @Symbeline would visit with me )
I started reading The Hobbit and it makes me want to be a hobbit.
Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery.
I always thought Ringword by Larry Niven would be a cool place to live and explore.
Neverending Story.
Which would be weird because the book is about living inside a book and the problems associated with doing so.
Edit: I would also want to live inside Huckleberry Finn… and kill Tom Sawyer when he shows up at the end, and then find a young John Brown to take his place.
I’d jump into a good horse story, like The Black Stallion, galloping along pristine beaches in a tropical paradise. As long as there were Daqueris, I’d have to ferment some fruits. haha
This question just went all meta for me. I’d live in Jasper Fforde’s Thursday Next series so I could work in Literary Ops or Jurisfiction and jump in and out of books at will.
I can’t believe no one has said Harry Potter…that was the first book that popped into my mind. Of course all the turmoil going on in all the books would be troublesome and a bit dangerous, but the magic would be so awesome to experience that it would be worth it to me.
And maybe I’d want to be in Finnegan’s Wake. If such a thing is even possible…
@DominicX I can’t believe you even mentioned Harry Potter! Lol. sorry.
“off the map”
Id be hitch hiking all over the place
The Big Sleep
I want to fight some criminal scum in a 1930’s-40s gritty LA
oohhhh. orr. the time traveler’s wife.
The Notebook. I want a big, sappy, life-long romance because that is what’s on my mind these days. After I get over this, I would no doubt choose a much different book.
I’d like to be an elf in Middle Earth, or a wizard.. Though, Discworld also sounded like a fantastic idea, @hawaii_jake.
I’d like to be Heidi looking out that window up at Alm Uncle’s. It would be great to be charming enough to soften the old guy’s heart the way her presence did.
Bram Stoker’s dracula. That would be hot as hell!!
This is super cliche, but I can’t help but want to live in Harry Potter. I probably wouldn’t do very well as part of Harry’s inner circle, but I wouldn’t complain about detention with Snape…
I’m sure there are others but I really just can’t think of any others right now
@Hawaii_Jake You beat me to it! I would love to live in the Discworld, and be a Nanny Ogg type, and have all the fun that ensues.
No other place will do.
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