What text message would make you drop or throw your celphone away?
All in the spirit of fun, folks! After all it’s almost Friday! ( soooooo? )
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44 Answers
I forgot to tell you the real reason your phone was missing for 2 days is the dog swallowed it and I found it in the yard this morning and cleaned it best I could…
Hey, this is your gyno, your eggo is preggo!
Hey, it’s me…how have you been?
“We would like to inform you that per today, the 17th of August, you have exceeded your monthly 1 Gb data plan by 75 Gb.”
@redfeather Eggo is preggo! Lmfao.
@Cruiser That phone won’t drop even if you release it. Still too sticky you see?
@rebbel HA HA HA HA !
“I am in love with you and have been for years.” – Your sister’s husband.
It happened, just not by text message.
“I just fucked your husband.”
I know who you are and I know where you live mwahhhhahahahaha
Dude, the ex-wife you just dumped won 250 million bucks in the lottery.
“Hi, it’s me… Ok it’s done, it was not easy, but your mobile is now insured for 7.8 million.”
“Hi son, if you are planning to drop by could you pic up some yogghurt? your mother has thrush again.”
Did the plutonium get there yet?
“Rhad, I’ve left my wife. I’ve been following you on the Fluther for months. I think your answers are a bit unhinged at times, but I still find you endearing. Will you go out to dinner with me and put me out of my misery? xx Colin Firth”
“Rheb, I’ve left my wife. I’ve been following you on the Fluther for months. I am not sure 100% if I like your beard, but overall I think you are a manly man. Will you go out with me for a drink and see how we fare from there? xx Colin Firth” ~
^^ I just snorted water out my nose. Thanks a lot.
I found your phone and returned it to you but I wanted to let you know I found it in a big pile of dog poo so I thought I would text it to you to let you know. LOL you are holding a phone that has dog shit on it LOL
@rebbel…........That was great! lol
“Will you be my cougar? I am 19 and male, thanks.”
“You have just won $180,000,000 and a new Smart phone. Come to bla bla and recieve it.” After I get the cash and the new cell, this old one will go flying like a Frisbie.
One more chain text message that I’m supposed to forward to ten other women and phone is gone. I swear.
Fluther was just bought by Facebook…
“Lying bitch! Did you forget I have CellTracker app? Now I know you didn’t really go to Idaho to see your sick grandma. You are at home. Remember when I said you don’t want to make me angry???”
’‘wanna see pix of my poop’’
If the girl from the movie Ring is trying to squeeze her body out of my phone.
Anonymous caller so that I have no clue who that is…
No signal… but an ad gets in.
“The call is coming from inside the house.”
Definitely the “I’m pregnant” text. That will crush any mans soul.
’‘wanna see my ringworm’’
I’m naked and horny. I just got done talking to the guy for the first time ever. Creepy.
” Hey it’s God, just a heads up that the world will end in 6 hours, so make it count!”
@Coloma…Great one!...Love the pix of the new ducky!
This is the barrister for the Nigerian Prince . . . . .
This is your Mama! I’m on the roof of the building across and I see you with my binoculars! Pull out your penis off that young lady right now before you impregnate her or I’ll be coming to get yah!
@mazingerz88 The fact that you’d look at the text says something else about you as well. GA!
Honey, I shrunk the kids!
‘your iPhone has been hacked and I know everything’
“I put a plutonium battery in your phone. Now you’ll die before the battery does. Death to all technology and whoever uses it! Your acquaintance, Ted Krazynski.”
Pics of granny naked, legs akimbo with the tagline “come on over shunny, granma’s waiting for ya!!” Make it go away!!
mom I’m sorry for getting her pregnant.
“Your daughter was switched at birth, and I’m her REAL mother. By the way, your son died last year.”
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