Where do you focus most of your grooming?
Asked by
August 18th, 2011
Do you spend ages brushing, flossing and whitening teeth, hours on your hair doing everything possible to have a healthy shining mane? Are you a leg fanatic, shaving/waxing and moisturizing, do you spend hours on your face cleansing and moisturizing? Manicures and pedicures? Which part of the body do you pamper most?
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22 Answers
I don’t spend hours on any part of me but my face and my hair get the most attention.
Well, I run a razor over my face in the morning. That’s pretty much it other than the regular daily shower.
My apology in advance, but I can’t help myself. Redd Foxx always said you got to wash your ass. There’s a lot more to it but I’ll spare you the details.
I probably spend the most time (and money) on my hair. It is quite long and doesn’t always fall the way I would like it to but when it looks just right my confidence soars.
@Leanne1986 From what I hear, long hair is really pain for women, which sucks because it’s so beautiful.
My ears.
Since I started growing a few stray hairs (not peach fuzz) on my ears a few years ago (once you reach your 30’s, weird shit like that starts to happen =/), I’ve become obsessed with plucking them. It’s not a lot, I mean we’re talking about maybe 8 or 10 hairs total, but I’m so disgusted by it that I easily spend an hour per week (10 minutes per night roughly) meticulously tweezing both ears. They’re as smooth as a baby’s bare bottom now =P
at this age…? unwanted hair removal.
If I was being honest it’d be shaving. My current go to razor is a Thiers-Issard straight razor with a maple wood handle. It can take anything up to 30 minutes just to shave but it leaves baby butt smooth skin
Teeth and face. I used to spend an enormous amount of time (and money) on my hair, but that is a lost cause, and I’ve recently embraced hairpieces (it’s hard for me to say/write “wigs”), and my hair looks fabulous!
Playgrounds and parks. Ohhh, I see “grooming”, I thought…. nvm.
Hair and torso mostly.
@Blackberry I love my long hair and have no desire to cut it short but it does take quite a bit of maintenance.
I am an equal opportunity groomer and don’t play favorites with any particular part of my body though I do make my own body oil the rest of my grooming products are off the shelf.
Truthfully? It has to be my “designer stubble.” I keep a little beard growth almost all the time & it’s crafted into an immaculate look using specially designed clippers & a razor blade for those awkward little bits. I wouldn’t say i’m vain, although i’m sometimes late for an appointment with the mirror ;¬}
I don’t waste time on any of it. I suppose, comparatively speaking, I spend the most time in the shower.
My hair takes up most of my time– hours and hours. After that, it’s my skin.
Hair and face. I always have makeup and styled hair yet wear sweatpants and t-shirts with unpainted nails.
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